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Trump ends 'critical race theory' training for federal employees (1 Viewer)


Feb 26, 2020
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Sunny south
Political Leaning
Trump ends '''critical race theory''' training for federal employees, calls it a '''sickness''' | Fox News

(Russ Vought, director of the Office of Management and Budget, wrote a memo informing agencies of Trump's instruction to stop using controversial forms of training on (critical race theory,) (white privilege) and (any other training or propaganda effort that teaches or suggests either...that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or...that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil.)

“It has come to the President's attention that Executive Branch agencies have spent millions of taxpayer dollars to date "training" government workers to believe divisive, anti-American propaganda,” Vought wrote in the memo to heads of federal agencies and offices.)

LOVE MY POTUS! Millions in tax dollars saved !
Trump ends '''critical race theory''' training for federal employees, calls it a '''sickness''' | Fox News

(Russ Vought, director of the Office of Management and Budget, wrote a memo informing agencies of Trump's instruction to stop using controversial forms of training on (critical race theory,) (white privilege) and (any other training or propaganda effort that teaches or suggests either...that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or...that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil.)

“It has come to the President's attention that Executive Branch agencies have spent millions of taxpayer dollars to date "training" government workers to believe divisive, anti-American propaganda,” Vought wrote in the memo to heads of federal agencies and offices.)

LOVE MY POTUS! Millions in tax dollars saved !

If only getting rid of racism was as easy as getting rid of race training :lamo
If only getting rid of racism was as easy as getting rid of race training :lamo

Some people think it is. I read a post earlier that claimed if we stopped talking about racism, racism would go away. It must not have existed before we became aware of it, right? :mrgreen:
For those out of the loop, critical race theory is a theoretical framework predicated on the presumption that all white people are pure evil.

No it isn't. Being racist is not the same thing as being evil.
If only getting rid of racism was as easy as getting rid of race training :lamo

The Navy has ships running into each other while the sailors sit for hours getting a earful of social engineering instead of learning to work the ship.
Diversity type training courses has been going on for years and years in the federal government. I am a bit skeptical of the timing of President Trump's order to stop the training due to the election coming up. In the case of the critical race training I agree with the President.
The Navy has ships running into each other while the sailors sit for hours getting a earful of social engineering instead of learning to work the ship.

For a ship's crew to function properly as a unit, diversity related barriers and obstacles must be overcome. If they are not, then low morale and lack of trust can be as destructive as faulty equipment.
For a ship's crew to function properly as a unit, diversity related barriers and obstacles must be overcome. If they are not, then low morale and lack of trust can be as destructive as faulty equipment.

The rules are well laid out in boot camp.

Nobody cares what color you are standing a watch.
Many people (including me) thank President Trump for doing what he can in order to stop those workshops.

Of course, President Biden will reinstate those workshops and expand them to more employees.

It is the silliest thing to force people to listen to the idea that this is a "racist" nation and that there is something called "White privilege."

This is not 1950 when I was a teenager and this country was openly racist, and when Euro Americans had advantages over all minorities, not just the minority that is in the news 24/7.

This is 2020. Euro Americans are quickly shrinking in numbers. African Americans and Hispanic Americans are growing exponentially. Eventually they will be the majority and will be running the country. Today, any American (and even undocumented immigrants) can go as far as they want if they study hard, work hard, and keep their nose clean.
If only getting rid of racism was as easy as getting rid of race training :lamo

You reveal and embarrass yourself.

Racism is not dead, but it is on life support — kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as “racists."
- Thomas Sowell

You might think it makes you look superior, but most American are now seeing through the Vile Illusion.

You reveal and embarrass yourself.

You might think it makes you look superior, but most American are now seeing through the Vile Illusion.


To me, the greatest and vilest illusion is that if we pretend that race doesn't matter, that it doesn't affect our lives, or define our identities, that it will somehow come true :lol:
To me, the greatest and vilest illusion is that if we pretend that race doesn't matter, that it doesn't affect our lives, or define our identities, that it will somehow come true :lol:

There are about 10% of the America population who are similarly hate-filled, lost and delusional.

Filled with hatred, and focused on the non-productive, they will never amount to anything worth-while.

America could easily survive the loss of them.

There are about 10% of the America population who are similarly hate-filled, lost and delusional.

Filled with hatred, and focused on the non-productive, they will never amount to anything worth-while.

America could easily survive the loss of them.


I have no hatred, not even towards those who oppose my beliefs adamantly. I am filled instead with the joy of having found my purpose, because I know that my goals are justified, and necessary. I will pursue them with vigor, no matter the cost to myself, because it is the right thing to do.
I have no hatred, not even towards those who oppose my beliefs adamantly. I am filled instead with the joy of having found my purpose, because I know that my goals are justified, and necessary. I will pursue them with vigor, no matter the cost to myself, because it is the right thing to do.

And nobody cares.
To me, the greatest and vilest illusion is that if we pretend that race doesn't matter, that it doesn't affect our lives, or define our identities, that it will somehow come true :lol:

Why do you let race affect your life? Why can't you judge people on how they treat you? What does the color of their skin have to do with that?

It seems it is you who may still have a problem with race.
Why do you let race affect your life? Why can't you judge people on how they treat you? What does the color of their skin have to do with that?

It seems it is you who may still have a problem with race.

I am a mixed race child, with two different families, from two different nations, with two very different cultures and ethnicities. As such, race has always been at the forefront of my existence, defining who I am and how I am treated.

So when you ask me; why can't I judge people based on how they treat me: the answer is that I do.
Trump ends '''critical race theory''' training for federal employees, calls it a '''sickness''' | Fox News

(Russ Vought, director of the Office of Management and Budget, wrote a memo informing agencies of Trump's instruction to stop using controversial forms of training on (critical race theory,) (white privilege) and (any other training or propaganda effort that teaches or suggests either...that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or...that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil.)

“It has come to the President's attention that Executive Branch agencies have spent millions of taxpayer dollars to date "training" government workers to believe divisive, anti-American propaganda,” Vought wrote in the memo to heads of federal agencies and offices.)

LOVE MY POTUS! Millions in tax dollars saved !

Good for him. The PC SJW madness has to end.
Is characterizing fighting racism as unAmerican says it all.
I am a mixed race child, with two different families, from two different nations, with two very different cultures and ethnicities. As such, race has always been at the forefront of my existence, defining who I am and how I am treated.

So when you ask me; why can't I judge people based on how they treat me: the answer is that I do.

Being white, and thus. part of the dominate culture, I have never had to think about race if I didn't feel like it. Being white has always been considered to be what is just normal. Anyone who isnt like me just had to emulate us and take on what WEB Dubois called "double consciousness." Yeah, it means denying who you really are, but you better fit in if you want to get ahead.

We don't have to be prejudice to support racism, we can merely ignore race, and that supports it just fine.
Trump ends '''critical race theory''' training for federal employees, calls it a '''sickness''' | Fox News

(Russ Vought, director of the Office of Management and Budget, wrote a memo informing agencies of Trump's instruction to stop using controversial forms of training on (critical race theory,) (white privilege) and (any other training or propaganda effort that teaches or suggests either...that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or...that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil.)

“It has come to the President's attention that Executive Branch agencies have spent millions of taxpayer dollars to date "training" government workers to believe divisive, anti-American propaganda,” Vought wrote in the memo to heads of federal agencies and offices.)

LOVE MY POTUS! Millions in tax dollars saved !

No other president would have don’t that. I personally do not like a lot about his character, but sometimes he just rocks when he does this kind of badassx stuff.
he has to dog whistle to nazis.
No other president would have don’t that. I personally do not like a lot about his character, but sometimes he just rocks when he does this kind of badassx stuff.

Wow. He personifies white power, and this "rocks" for you, which begs the question, what part of him DON'T you like?
Hopefully, in time, we can overcome this this type of mental midgetry.

Our country is wonderfully diverse and integrated. Join us and quit calling us nazis.

i don't recall calling you anything. i called nazis nazis.

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