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Trump Donated Thousand$ To 'Radical Communist' Kamala (1 Viewer)

H. E. Panqui

DP Veteran
Nov 1, 2014
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Political Leaning
...ugh... republicrats of a feather flock together...

Netizens Agog as Donald & Ivanka Trump Appear to Have Donated to Kamala Harris’ California Campaigns - Sputnik International

...it appears Donald Trump and his eldest daughter Ivanka had earlier donated to Harris in her campaigns for California district attorney and attorney general from 2011 until 2014.

Both financially contributed to Harris as private citizens, according to California state records, with the donations amounting to a total of $8,000 - a fact that was eagerly picked up on by netizens.

The first contribution from Donald Trump was for $5,000 in September 2011 and the second amounted to $1,000 and was dated February 2013. Ivanka, a business executive at the time, donated $2,000 to Harris in June 2014.
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(This is the umpteenth time someone brought this up, no one left or right gives a ****.)

(This is the umpteenth time someone brought this up, no one left or right gives a ****.)

Trump donates his salary. You Dems really need to wake up and realize your party has been hijacked by the far left.
Trump donates his salary. You Dems really need to wake up and realize your party has been hijacked by the far left.

Trump donates $400k/year while also forcing the government to spend millions on his almost weekly golf trips (to his own properties, thus making money from the government). What a bargain we are getting!
Trump donates his salary. You Dems really need to wake up and realize your party has been hijacked by the far left.

Trump is the ‘Emoluments’ man.
If anything, it highlights the hypocrisy of Donald Trump.
Trump donates $400k/year while also forcing the government to spend millions on his almost weekly golf trips (to his own properties, thus making money from the government). What a bargain we are getting!

I laugh every time somebody tries to paint Trump's noble gesture of donating his salary. A rough estimate for each golf trip he makes is $600,000. And of course add in how much his properties bring in from his secret service and others who have to pay for their rooms and golf carts. But wow he's tossed that $400,000 aside. What a guy!
....if republicans are to be believed then 'kamala is a wh@re'... if democrats are to be believed then 'trump is a wh@remaster'...

...maybe they are both correct and the money was merely payment for services rendered...
....if republicans are to be believed then 'kamala is a wh@re'... if democrats are to be believed then 'trump is a wh@remaster'...

...maybe they are both correct and the money was merely payment for services rendered...

One thing is certain, you don't have a clue about anything.
One thing is certain, you don't have a clue about anything.

...[ this from a republicrat who cheers and boos the puppet$... never an honest thought about the puppetmaster$... word...] ;)
Trump donates his salary. You Dems really need to wake up and realize your party has been hijacked by the far left.

A feeble gesture considering taxpayers are spending millions of dollars at Trump properties.
Trump donates $400k/year while also forcing the government to spend millions on his almost weekly golf trips (to his own properties, thus making money from the government). What a bargain we are getting!

Don't forget the $1 Billion bailout the Kushner's got by extorting Qatar. Who needs a piddly $400k/year when you're getting billions.

What a bunch of suckers these Trump supporters are.

Trump tells them that he lied to them for their own good and they buy it. What a bunch of suckers.

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