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Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar. (1 Viewer)

Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Funny, we have been trying to end Birthright ciztenship, and your side always refused to help end it...NOW its a problem when Russians do it? Odd timing.

I don't have a problem with ANY of them doing it, and if you'd been around here longer than 5 minutes, you'd be able to tell that from my posts.

My problem is when it's OK for Russian women and not OK for Mexican women.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Uh, no it doesn't. First place if President Trump stated he hates carrot cake and the left is outraged saying he hates all cake and Spencer stated that in fact the president is saying that hates all cake, does that means he's right? No.

You can't deny that the president's comments resonates with racists. If you say something and racists agree with it and feel that you're on their side, clearly you've said something that can be interpreted as racist. What you meant doesn't matter. What matter is how what you say is perceived. And if you feel you were misunderstood you can clarify. But Trump just denies ever saying it.

Do you see the problem? You're claiming that what Trump says wasn't racist. You're implying he did say it. But he denies saying it. And some Republicans claim amnesia.

So, you're defending someone you believe is a liar by claiming his words were not racist.

So, he's not a racist, he's just a liar?

The President should apologize for what he said and do something that demonstrates he's not a racist. He should do something that would upset real racists. Something more than lip service. Bush did a great deal of work helping with AIDS in Africa. Maybe Trump could do the same?

The president has been attacked for being a racist but he continues to do more things that make him seem like his critics are right. He attacks Black NFL players. He gets into Twitter feuds with a Black military widow. Who argues with a widow? He picks these fights.

My mom said Trump was a racist during his campaign. I disagreed. I didn't believe he was a racist. But I do now. He has convinced me through his behavior.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

I don't have a problem with ANY of them doing it, and if you'd been around here longer than 5 minutes, you'd be able to tell that from my posts.

My problem is when it's OK for Russian women and not OK for Mexican women.

Which side has more then 400,000 babies a year doing it?

Which side always uses those anchor babies as an excuse of why we can not send them back home and how we waste billions on welfare for their criminal actions again?

Russians doing it do it for Citizenship, if you are rich enough to fly hear, use a private hospital, and fly back a week later, you are not going on welfare.

Either way, ending this joke would just take a simple bill from Congress.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Your problem is anyone who does not agree with you, or takes stances you do not like on issues has been called every name in the books for like 50 plus years. I do not care anymore and neither does a rapidly growing amount of the American people about being called names anymore.

That also proven to be false.

Why? We have more then enough to do here in America. You want to help Africans fly over and do it yourself.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Trump ****hole comment set the left off for the clearly oblivious reason that it is true.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Um - yes, to amend the Constitution. Good luck doing that.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

You can't deny that the president's comments resonates with racists.
By that logic, cake is racist because it resonates with racists. I don't vare what the comment resonates with. You'll find a lot of comments by the left that resonates with communists. It doesn't make the comnent itself automatically communists.

That is somewhat true. However your talking about a small minority of folks. Most conservatives don't see the comment as racist.

Do you see the problem? You're claiming that what Trump says wasn't racist. You're implying he did say it. But he denies saying it. And some Republicans claim amnesia.

He denies calling the Haitian people that word, not the country itself.

Again, he denied saying anything against the Haitian people, not Haiti itself.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Graham and Durbin both proved Trump is a liar. Which most of us already knew anyway.

A liar and a racist. What a combination.

We can now add spouse abuse supporter to his growing list of accolades.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

We can now add spouse abuse supporter to his growing list of accolades.

And we can add RAPIST to Bill and Cokehead cry baby to old Jug Ears.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.


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