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Trump Demands Death Penalty for NYC Terror Suspect (1 Viewer)

What an idiotic statement. Everyone is wants to torture this guy to death and everyone mourns for the loss of those poor innocent people. We're pissed at Trump as well, for being a total dick and politicizing this tragedy/playing to his base before the poor folks' bodies are cold.

It's cons, not liberals that can't walk and chew gum at the same time. One shouldn't project their shortcomings on others.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, every time a person gets shot before the body is cold your screaming for more gun laws. So save the speeches.

Obama and Susan Rice called Bergdahl a hero, "he served this country with honor and distinction" yet he is a ****ing deserter, Obama covering up for exchanging a deserter for 5 terrorists, so according to you Obama's deserter Bergdahl will be let free.

Obama said there was not a smidgen of evidence of any wrong doing with the IRS, yet the IRS lost its case and had to pay out damages. Obama covering up for his IRS seeking to kill Republicans tax exempt status. Same here the IRS should not have lost the case against it because of your hero Obama said there was not a smidgen of evidence of wrong doing. But guess what the judged ruled against Obama, he was dealing with the facts.

I wish Obama hadn't done that.

This has nothing to do with Trump playing to his base at the expense of justice. That's the subject of this thread.

You're welcome.
If he can't get a fair trial and the jury is tainted then what, let him go?

No, Dude. I'm saying Trump should shut the **** up, instill confidence, instead of doubt in the U.S. justice system, and not act as judge, jury and executioner.

That's what someone, worthy of the office of the President of the United States should do.

Trump will always be the loudmouthed, ignorant drunk at the end of the bar.
Charles Manson almost got a mistrial after Nixon basically declared him guilty. One would hope a president with a modicum of impulse control would refrain from such commentary. Unfortunately, we do not have such a president.

Tainting the jury pool is not a good thing.

I agree. He has zero impulse control. He needs to have his twitterbox:lamo taken away and go on a time out.;)
I wish Obama hadn't done that.

This has nothing to do with Trump playing to his base at the expense of justice. That's the subject of this thread.

You're welcome.

The subject of this thread is justice, and your beloved Obama interfered in justice, at least twice. And your beloved Obama spoke out without even knowing the facts. What a ****ing idiot.

Here we all know the facts and he admitted to them, more than likely there will not be a trail, he's already confessed.
No, Dude. I'm saying Trump should shut the **** up, instill confidence, instead of doubt in the U.S. justice system, and not act as judge, jury and executioner.

That's what someone, worthy of the office of the President of the United States should do.

Trump will always be the loudmouthed, ignorant drunk at the end of the bar.

First my name is not Dude, second that is not what your saying, you said Trump speaking out, the ISIS enemy combatant can't get a fair trial and the jury is tainted. I asked then what the killer goes free. And you come back with your lips blabbering.

You forget Obama did worse twice and you say I wish he did not do that. Yea he actually interfered with justice.
The subject of this thread is justice, and your beloved Obama interfered in justice, at least twice. And your beloved Obama spoke out without even knowing the facts. What a ****ing idiot.

Here we all know the facts and he admitted to them, more than likely there will not be a trail, he's already confessed.

You mean there's more likely to be a trial. A trail is where I walked today. A trial is a legal process. You're welcome :)

Whether I loved Obama or not, you're letting your hatred of Obama cloud your comprehension of my words. In truth, there are things Obama said an did with which I am unhappy. Can you say the same of Trump?

Also, I'm not a lawyer, but if the prosecutors are going to the death penalty, and I'm pretty sure they are - I'm pretty sure there has to be a trial.

Lawyers on DP, you may correct me now, if necessary!
First my name is not Dude, second that is not what your saying, you said Trump speaking out, the ISIS enemy combatant can't get a fair trial and the jury is tainted. I asked then what the killer goes free. And you come back with your lips blabbering.

You forget Obama did worse twice and you say I wish he did not do that. Yea he actually interfered with justice.

I did not mean, Dude in a demeaning way. I call everyone, Dude. My son, my daughter, my dog, everyone. Since it bothers you I won't do it again.

Sir, if you want to bash Obama, please start your own thread. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Obama and Susan Rice called Bergdahl a hero, "he served this country with honor and distinction" yet he is a ****ing deserter, Obama covering up for exchanging a deserter for 5 terrorists, so according to you Obama's deserter Bergdahl will be let free.

Obama said there was not a smidgen of evidence of any wrong doing with the IRS, yet the IRS lost its case and had to pay out damages. Obama covering up for his IRS seeking to kill Republicans tax exempt status. Same here the IRS should not have lost the case against it because of your hero Obama said there was not a smidgen of evidence of wrong doing. But guess what the judged ruled against Obama, he was dealing with the facts.

Wow, you cited two cases that didn’t involve a jury. Well done.

Nobody said this guy is going to walk. Jesus, debate honestly sometime.
Obama and Susan Rice called Bergdahl a hero....

Oh snap! Now that, is a very good point. One could argue that this was about a press conference and political PR for the trade. But the point is a good one in terms of "tainting" the future jury.

But like then, Trump's recent Twitter outburst won't hurt anything either. I'm more concerned about his inability to control himself in regards to his Twitter idiocy. It's embarrassing.

Sadly, this most recent Muslim attack is again being overshadowed by the apologists of the left.


Who is apologizing?

Is wanting a trial that can't be overturned on appeal a bad thing?

Trump needs to STHU so the perp can get punished to the full extent of the law.
Wow, you cited two cases that didn’t involve a jury. Well done.

Nobody said this guy is going to walk. Jesus, debate honestly sometime.

In all fairness, it was a presidential declaration of character before the trial. It was PR and press conference crap, but it was a head scratcher moment for a lot of us.

But the difference between a calculated press conference and an off-the-cuff Twitter bleh should be obvious. One is professional, one is not.
Who is apologizing?

Is wanting a trial that can't be overturned on appeal a bad thing?

Trump needs to STHU so the perp can get punished to the full extent of the law.

Did you just state shut the "H" up? That's filthy.
You mean there's more likely to be a trial. A trail is where I walked today. A trial is a legal process. You're welcome :)

Whether I loved Obama or not, you're letting your hatred of Obama cloud your comprehension of my words. In truth, there are things Obama said an did with which I am unhappy. Can you say the same of Trump?

Also, I'm not a lawyer, but if the prosecutors are going to the death penalty, and I'm pretty sure they are - I'm pretty sure there has to be a trial.

Lawyers on DP, you may correct me now, if necessary!

No I mean there probably will not be a trial, this ISIS enemy combatant has already confessed to everything he did. You don't need a trail to be sentenced. He has already confessed to his crimes thus no need for a trail. There will be hearings at the time he is sentenced. The attorney will argue he should get the death penalty and the other side will argue not.

As for Trump I'm a policy guy, and all of his policies I'm in full support of. Vs Obama's policies that were all failures. That's a debate for another day.
The guy deserves the death penalty no question.

However, Islamic extremist WANT to die, so I say don't give him what he wants.

Instead, lock him up in a maximum security prison for life with plenty of time in solitary confinement.

Not only will it deny him a sense of completion, it will save the tax payers a lot of money. (Death penalty cases usually cost a lot more than lifetime imprisonment)
No I mean there probably will not be a trial, this ISIS enemy combatant has already confessed to everything he did. You don't need a trail to be sentenced. He has already confessed to his crimes thus no need for a trail.
1) "Trial" not "trail"

2) That's not how it works. Even when the defendant confesses, he will still face proceedings, he can still challenge his own confession (e.g. claiming it was coerced) he can still plead not guilty, he can still negotiate his sentence, and in doing so say "the President tainted the process."

3) Regardless of specific circumstances in one particular case, it's incredibly stupid for a sitting President to talk like the crabby old man at the end of the bar. He's the President, and once he starts mouthing off about a suspect in a public forum, all he's doing is hindering the prosecution.
Charles Manson almost got a mistrial after Nixon basically declared him guilty. One would hope a president with a modicum of impulse control would refrain from such commentary. Unfortunately, we do not have such a president.

Fair. Trump hasn't demonstrated this. I wish he would start.
Quit whining! No matter what President Trump says, you will cry about something. This piece of **** deserves his fast and speedy trial, then a nice stay on death row in Indiana. I know the liberals have to defend him. They are always on the side of lawbreakers, criminals, and illegals.

And Trump opening his stupid f'ing mouth, declaring him guilty, and deserving of the death penalty makes that trial harder.

No one is defending the terrorist - I'd be happy enough if someone kills him in prison and saves the cost of trial - just pointing out we have a reckless moron sitting in the WH.
The guy deserves the death penalty no question.

However, Islamic extremist WANT to die, so I say don't give him what he wants.

Instead, lock him up in a maximum security prison for life with plenty of time in solitary confinement.

Not only will it deny him a sense of completion, it will save the tax payers a lot of money. (Death penalty cases usually cost a lot more than lifetime imprisonment)

Actually, Islamists (not Islamic) "suicide" terrorists want to die. It's considered an assurance to heaven to die in jihad. I'm sure this guy thought he was going to die. Oops. Now, if he dies through death penalty, he will have reconcile that with his perverted belief system.

Most Islamist extremists are not suicide terrorists. Very few are actually. They are just dicks, lost in their broken ideology that holds less and less meaning anymore.
And Trump opening his stupid f'ing mouth, declaring him guilty, and deserving of the death penalty makes that trial harder.

I don't think so. It probably added a step in the process for the Defense to waste time, but mostly this was just Trump embarrassing the position of the Office yet again.
I don't think so. It probably added a step in the process for the Defense to waste time, but mostly this was just Trump embarrassing the position of the Office yet again.

Probably true - what I've read from several former prosecutors is it makes life more difficult for the prosecution, but probably won't change anything.

But as you also said, it's just embarrassing we have this guy sitting in the WH. POTUS is actually supposed to demonstrate some respect for our justice system, and this moron craps on it at every dang opportunity.
Of course no one has the right to immigrate. But banning an entire country for the crime of one of its citizens is ridiculous. If a Canadian goes on a shooting spree in the US, then no Canadian can immigrate, visit, etc. Makes no sense.

You might as well say that the US shouldn't issue travel advisories because of terrorist acts. If there can be a safety issue for going to somewhere, then there can be a safety issue in coming from somewhere.

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