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Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un[W:193] (1 Viewer)

Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

That was "golden" Dan.

No it wasn't. I believe you were thinking about Trump's golden showers. :mrgreen:
China has put pressure on Kim to make nice with America and SK, so there have been a few public good will gestures and vague, meaningless statements about peace, in order to cool things down.

For some bizarre reason, the WH and the entire conservative establishment assumed that meant NK was ready to denuclearize, and sign on to the same deal they know got Qaddafi and Hussein killed, and Trump jumped at the first offer of a summit without any real indication that what he wanted was actually on the negotiating table.

Of course, some of us suspected the deal sounded too good to be true because it was, but Trump and his base didn't want to hear it, and celebrated a Nobel prize award before the summit even happened.

Kim and NK sensed how important the meeting was to Trump, so they squeezed him for public concessions, seeing how far they could go before he realized they were playing him in bad faith - which turned out to be pretty far.

An absolute disaster for the WH.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

NK vice-Secretary of State urged Trump reconsider pulling out:

The more he says no the more they will try pulling him back. Back and forth... like a fiddle. Trump only hears beautiful music. Kim must be getting a kick out of that.:lol:
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un


That is a base canard!!!!!!!

Mr. Trump does not in the least agree that violence towards women is appropriate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Trump was NOT the "spankER" he was the "spankEE".

That's different!

Sir? I'm a girl! It's Ma'am!
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Just 3 days ago I posted something about how incredibly irresponsible and ignorant it was that Pence was talking about the Libya.

Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Trump is not popular in Europe. Just the opposite. I spend a lot of time there on business. They can't believe a great country like the United States was dumb enough to elect a reality TV game show host who is crude and ignorant of world matters to the highest office in the land.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Trump cancelled the summit for two reasons, IMO.

One is John Bolton never wanted it anyway. That man is itching for a war with Kim. Two is Trump didn't want to be humiliated on the world stage by a deranged little ass like Kim, so he cancelled it before Kim had a chance to humiliate him.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Don't read DP or watch the news much, do you?

Wrong, I read voraciously, but your right about watching the "news"; I almost never do.

If you don't watch the news you're uniformed, if you do you're misinformed

-paraphrasing Denzel Washington

For context, I stand by the FACT, djt doesn't, hasn't and won't, even given a 100 years, do/done dick, diddly, bupkiss.<--period

Unless you want to, justifiably, credit him with causing more chaos than any man in history. Next years text books will have to put an asterisk next to Nero's name because it took him so much more time to achieve this level of discord.

(Commenting on djt's lies) He is the Babe Ruth of bull****

Geoffrey Russk - Washington Post, Fact Check Bureau
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Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Wrong, I read voraciously, but your right about watching the "news"; I almost never do.

For context, I stand by the FACT, djt doesn't, hasn't and won't, even given a 100 years, do/done dick, diddly, bupkiss.<--period

Then when you read DP you only read what you want to.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Then when you read DP you only read what you want to.

I do my best to read a wide variety of subjects and sources. I don't camp one view, like you do for instance, obviously, Brightbart and Faux News.

I don't stand by anything - djt
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Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

I do my best to read a wide variety of subjects and sources. I don't camp one view, like you do for instance, obviously, Brightbart and Faux News.

Hilarious how people like you accuse those who disagree with you of getting their news from Breitbart of Fox. I don't get my news from either of those.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Hilarious how people like you accuse those who disagree with you of getting their news from Breitbart of Fox. I don't get my news from either of those.

What's NOT funny is how "people like you accuse those who disagree with you" of every nasty think under the sun. Never realizing that we too ARE AmeriCANs. You're postings are consistent with partly line doctrine disseminated by Faux and Bart.

Kellyanne Conway, before joining the djt campaign

Q: If, like you say, the GOP is a **** sandwich how do you get people to eat it?

KAC: You dip it in chocolate and tell them it's fat free.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

What's NOT funny is how "people like you accuse those who disagree with you" of every nasty think under the sun. Never realizing that we too ARE AmeriCANs. You're postings are consistent with partly line doctrine disseminated by Faux and Bart.

Your postings are consistent with liberal party line doctrine.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Your postings are consistent with liberal party line doctrine.

Somewhat, not 100%.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

What mixed messages? Trump has pointed out all along that he would be willing to walk put of negotiations if the North Koreans were not serious. Trump cancelling the Singapore summit is part of the negotiations. Now NK is talking to us again. NK is now coming to the realization that Trump will not be played like previous presidents were.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

What mixed messages? Trump has pointed out all along that he would be willing to walk put of negotiations if the North Koreans were not serious.

OR djt's dumb ass National Security Advisor (and part time Faux News Troll) AND kiss ass Vice pResident indicated the US would only settle for a Libya solution. Which didn't work out so well for Kaddafi.

Trump cancelling the Singapore summit is part of the negotiations.

OR djt's "cancel first" attempt to save face, because Kim, if he's got a brain in his head, wasn't going for a Libya "solution"

Now NK is talking to us again. NK is now coming to the realization that Trump will not be played like previous presidents were.

OR, of you're listening, sounds like djt is trying hard to walk back yesterdays temper tantrum.
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

That was in an era when the Southern States were known as the Conservative Democrat states. The Vietnam War and other Civil Rights issues divided the Conservative Democrats into two camps. Many of them crossed over to the Republican party and were a huge factor with the election of Richard Nixon!
Well China also got ZTE too, which is a big deal, so it's not like they walked away empty-handed.
So everyone gets something....except the US.

What a great negotiator!
Well Trump got his $500M for his branded property, so it's not like 'no' American won.

1] Trump won
2] China won
3] NK won
4] U.S. lost

Three out of four ain't so bad, is it?
Re: Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Trump cancelled because he wanted to cancel before Un did. Even though there was no clear indication from that he was going to do so.

Make no mistake. China is is driving the events behind this summit. It was shortly after Un met with Xi that North Korea began adopting a harder line. China doesn't like any of this unification talk and they will never stand for a Western aligned democratic capitalist nation sitting right on their doorstep without them having any say in it first.

Un is playing this game masterfully. His message to Trump that he was "willing" to give the US "time to reconsider" is designed to make him appear to be more the adult in the room. Trump took onus off of Un by cancelling first. If Trump refuses to reinstate the summit now he will look even more like the one who doesn't want to negotiate which will greatly weaken the US's case to the rest of world for maintaining the sanctions. So it would appear that Un is still likely to get his prized photo op with the President of the US. Thus cementing his status as a legitimate leader of a world power. Don't be surprised later if North and South Korea begin to suggest to the US that China ought to be given a seat at the table in the peace process as they were one of the main belligerents involved in the Korean War as well.

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