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Trump Campaign Changed Ukraine Platform, Lied About It (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 11, 2006
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Top Trump aide Paul Manafort swore that the campaign had nothing to do with a radical change in the official Republican Party position on Ukraine. He was lying.

The Trump campaign went out of its way to dramatically alter the Republican Party’s official position on Ukraine—against the wishes of GOP hawks and despite senior Trump aide Paul Manafort’s insistence that they weren’t involved.

The move, first reported by The Washington Post, alienated Republicans who have made up the party’s foreign policy base for decades, and indicates that the Trump campaign has a particular interest in Ukraine, where Manafort had previously worked for a pro-Putin leader.

Manafort said on NBC’s Meet the Press this past weekend that the change in language on Ukraine “absolutely did not come from the Trump campaign.”

But this account is contradicted by four sources in the room, both for and against the language...."

Trump Campaign Changed Ukraine Platform, Lied About It - The Daily Beast

I figured as much. Apparently, Trump campaign manager, Paul Manafort had the RNC "soften" the language on Russia in the RNC platform....whereas they showed little interest in the rest of the platform. Isn't that intwestink?

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Top Trump aide Paul Manafort swore that the campaign had nothing to do with a radical change in the official Republican Party position on Ukraine. He was lying.

The Trump campaign went out of its way to dramatically alter the Republican Party’s official position on Ukraine—against the wishes of GOP hawks and despite senior Trump aide Paul Manafort’s insistence that they weren’t involved.

The move, first reported by The Washington Post, alienated Republicans who have made up the party’s foreign policy base for decades, and indicates that the Trump campaign has a particular interest in Ukraine, where Manafort had previously worked for a pro-Putin leader.

Manafort said on NBC’s Meet the Press this past weekend that the change in language on Ukraine “absolutely did not come from the Trump campaign.”

But this account is contradicted by four sources in the room, both for and against the language...."

Trump Campaign Changed Ukraine Platform, Lied About It - The Daily Beast

I figured as much. Apparently, Trump campaign manager, Paul Manafort had the RNC "soften" the language on Russia in the RNC platform....whereas they showed little interest in the rest of the platform. Isn't that intwestink?

The Trump Campaign lied? Color me surprised.
Top Trump aide Paul Manafort swore that the campaign had nothing to do with a radical change in the official Republican Party position on Ukraine. He was lying.

The Trump campaign went out of its way to dramatically alter the Republican Party’s official position on Ukraine—against the wishes of GOP hawks and despite senior Trump aide Paul Manafort’s insistence that they weren’t involved.

The move, first reported by The Washington Post, alienated Republicans who have made up the party’s foreign policy base for decades, and indicates that the Trump campaign has a particular interest in Ukraine, where Manafort had previously worked for a pro-Putin leader.

Manafort said on NBC’s Meet the Press this past weekend that the change in language on Ukraine “absolutely did not come from the Trump campaign.”

But this account is contradicted by four sources in the room, both for and against the language...."

Trump Campaign Changed Ukraine Platform, Lied About It - The Daily Beast

I figured as much. Apparently, Trump campaign manager, Paul Manafort had the RNC "soften" the language on Russia in the RNC platform....whereas they showed little interest in the rest of the platform. Isn't that intwestink?

I'd bet few here fully realize just how dirty and in bed with Putin & Putin allies Paul Manafort is.

Check-out Manafort's over a decade long relationship with the Putin crony and deposed and in exile Ukraine former President Viktor Yanukovych.

Even just a cursory glance at Wikipedia for these two, should tell you all you need to know!

I'm surprised Clinton never opened-up avenues of political attack on this relationship, unless she's fearful of her own involvement through her foundation (very possible).

I'm telling you: Neither of these Presidential candidates represent America or it's citizen's best interests!
Trump campaign aide Carter Page traveled to Moscow the week before Manafort softened the GOP stance on US assistance to war-torn Ukraine.

Western-leaning Ukraine was invaded by Putin in 2014.

Page has insider dealings with Gazprom, which is the Russian government-owned energy giant.


Trump aide Carter Page in Moscow on 8 July 2016

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