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Trump campaign admits it did not raise $6 million for veterans[W:10] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 23, 2005
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When Donald Trump skipped a GOP debate in January to host a fundraiser for veterans, he touted its success by citing the $6 million raised for veterans groups. One problem -- that figure is inaccurate.Following the rally in Des Moines, Iowa, the Trump campaign said the event raised $5 million and Trump personally contributed an additional $1 million. But campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told CNN Friday the amount raised was actually less than $6 million.

Lewandowski said he did not "know the exact number" off the top of his head and would confirm the number in coming days. He explained the discrepancy by saying at the time of the rally, Trump believed he had raised $6 million but more money had been pledged than was actually donated.
The Washington Post reported Friday that Lewandowski said the fundraiser actually netted about $4.5 million. Lewandowski told CNN that number is incorrect.

Trump campaign admits it did not raise $6 million for veterans - CNNPolitics.com

Re: Trump campaign admits it did not raise $6 million for veterans

Oh look, another surprise! I guess I should go check to see if water is still wet.
Re: Trump campaign admits it did not raise $6 million for veterans

Realistically not that important difference. Pledges of 6 million vs actual donations of 4.5. An easy thing to mix up depending on what he was aware of. And a small issue in general.
Re: Trump campaign admits it did not raise $6 million for veterans

what? this happens all the time for charity fundraisers etc ...

people pledge money but it never comes through. most charities use the pledges as their top of the mark.
I don't see what the big deal is.
The deal is that people who hate Trump will use any excuse imaginable to try and defame him. This is why those who support Trump are so loyal. The amount of made up b.s. only reinforces their resolve.
Re: Trump campaign admits it did not raise $6 million for veterans

The deal is that people who hate Trump will use any excuse imaginable to try and defame him. This is why those who support Trump are so loyal. The amount of made up b.s. only reinforces their resolve.

I neither like nor hate trump in fact I am quite indifferent. against Hillary well I will support the mad hatter if he was running.
my vote for trump will not be as much as voting for trump as it will voting against Hillary.
Re: Trump campaign admits it did not raise $6 million for veterans

honesty is bad if you like trump I guess.
Re: Trump campaign admits it did not raise $6 million for veterans

What a dipwad.

Trumpettes are so funny....:lol:

The other donor had made a much bigger promise: Trump, with his vow to give $1 million.

Did Trump make good on his promise to give from his personal funds?

“The money is fully spent. Mr. Trump’s money is fully spent,” Lewandowski said.

To whom did Trump give, and in what amounts?

“He’s not going to share that information,” Lewandowski said.

Re: Trump campaign admits it did not raise $6 million for veterans

You guys are god damned ridiculous.


4th posting of the same thing. Hey if it doesn't stick the first time, cover it in crap and throw it against the wall again, and again, and again.
Re: Trump campaign admits it did not raise $6 million for veterans

You guys are god damned ridiculous.


4th posting of the same thing. Hey if it doesn't stick the first time, cover it in crap and throw it against the wall again, and again, and again.

Moderator's Warning:
You need to cool it.

Let's please stick to addressing the topic and not each other. Everyone, please.

Re: Trump campaign admits it did not raise $6 million for veterans

Realistically not that important difference. Pledges of 6 million vs actual donations of 4.5. An easy thing to mix up depending on what he was aware of. And a small issue in general.

Jane Sanders made that mistake, too. She's being looked at for bank fraud.

So he came up 1.5 million short. That still means that veterans got a lot of money.

Look, I think Trump is an asshole, who will be bad for the country, but that's no reason to trash him like that.... You should trash him like this......

Trump did a nice job, but why do I believe he did it more for his own self-image than for the vets?

See how easy that was? And it's probably true too. Still, raising money for vets is better than doing nothing, or raising money for some personal venture. So I will give him that.
And that's potentially $4.5 million that a certain segment of Veterans groups would not have previously had at their disposal. Instead of attending one of the 16 GOP debates, Trump did that.

If you are going to criticize the Trump campaign for being bloviating blowhards, at least pick an incident that will actually make him look bad.

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