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Trump again goes racist before NRA (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 3, 2010
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Donald Trump got where he is today by demonizing his opponents with names - even if it meant going ugly. Today, before the NRA, Trump got in a racist cheap shot using the far right wing racist nickname of POCAHONTAS for Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

I guess Trump and the far right have already determined who the opponent will be, should be be around in 2020 to run for a second term.
Donald Trump got where he is today by demonizing his opponents with names - even if it meant going ugly. Today, before the NRA, Trump got in a racist cheap shot using the far right wing racist nickname of POCAHONTAS for Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

I guess Trump and the far right have already determined who the opponent will be, should be be around in 2020 to run for a second term.

I ain't racist if she lying about her ancestry
Trump is a pig.

My favorite part of his speech was when he invoked and praised Ronald Reagan...and the crowd didn't know whether to yay or boo. LOL
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I ain't racist if she lying about her ancestry

I disagree. Even if Warren is lying about her ancestry it wouldn't make calling her Pocahontas okay. It would be like if she said she was part black so he called her Mammy.
Donald Trump got where he is today by demonizing his opponents with names - even if it meant going ugly. Today, before the NRA, Trump got in a racist cheap shot using the far right wing racist nickname of POCAHONTAS for Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

I guess Trump and the far right have already determined who the opponent will be, should be be around in 2020 to run for a second term.

Frankly, I don't think he will live that long....he looks like a heart attack waiting to happen.
Donald Trump got where he is today by demonizing his opponents with names - even if it meant going ugly. Today, before the NRA, Trump got in a racist cheap shot using the far right wing racist nickname of POCAHONTAS for Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

I guess Trump and the far right have already determined who the opponent will be, should be be around in 2020 to run for a second term.

Oh please just stop it........... Warren put herself in a position to be called out. Blow your stupid dog whistle because that is all you have!
Donald Trump got where he is today by demonizing his opponents with names - even if it meant going ugly. Today, before the NRA, Trump got in a racist cheap shot using the far right wing racist nickname of POCAHONTAS for Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

I guess Trump and the far right have already determined who the opponent will be, should be be around in 2020 to run for a second term.

pot meet kettle
Donald Trump got where he is today by demonizing his opponents with names - even if it meant going ugly. Today, before the NRA, Trump got in a racist cheap shot using the far right wing racist nickname of POCAHONTAS for Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

I guess Trump and the far right have already determined who the opponent will be, should be be around in 2020 to run for a second term.

Rofl...apparently you missed the joke being that Elizabeth Warren claimed to be Native American when she's not.
Yet, little did Trump realize, the strategy that worked oh so well against 'Crooked Hillary' would be his undoing against the likes of now-President-elect Elizabeth Warren in the resounding rejection by the American working class and political centre of now-former-President Trump in the 2020 election...
Donald Trump got where he is today by demonizing his opponents with names - even if it meant going ugly. Today, before the NRA, Trump got in a racist cheap shot using the far right wing racist nickname of POCAHONTAS for Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

I guess Trump and the far right have already determined who the opponent will be, should be be around in 2020 to run for a second term.

Totally unsurprising. His supporters will love it, and the left will complain which his supporters will love even more.

It's pretty sad that racists are such cowards, but what can you do.
Donald Trump got where he is today by demonizing his opponents with names - even if it meant going ugly. Today, before the NRA, Trump got in a racist cheap shot using the far right wing racist nickname of POCAHONTAS for Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

I guess Trump and the far right have already determined who the opponent will be, should be be around in 2020 to run for a second term.


If Pocahontas runs in 2020 she'll lose. She's exactly the candidate we need. She's called Pocahontas because she lied about being Native American to get a job........and, she's a hysterical snowflake. What could be better?

Rofl...apparently you missed the joke being that Elizabeth Warren claimed to be Native American when she's not.

She still doesn't come close to the other lady who dodged gun fire on a tarmac, all while getting group shots with children. :lamo
Oh please just stop it........... Warren put herself in a position to be called out. Blow your stupid dog whistle because that is all you have!

The issue isn't about Warren specifically. It is about using "Pocahontas" for name calling.
Donald Trump got where he is today by demonizing his opponents with names - even if it meant going ugly. Today, before the NRA, Trump got in a racist cheap shot using the far right wing racist nickname of POCAHONTAS for Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

I guess Trump and the far right have already determined who the opponent will be, should be be around in 2020 to run for a second term.

Warren made the connection between herself and Indians to lie her way into a cushy job. The nickname is common. No different than RWNJ or the hundreds of names that President Trump has been called. A long but not necessarily complete, https://bull****.ist/50-nicknames-for-donald-trump-you-wont-be-hearing-on-fox-news-7b7a5ca1b1b1

Personally I prefer Injun' Liz. I always admired Pocahontas.
I disagree. Even if Warren is lying about her ancestry it wouldn't make calling her Pocahontas okay. It would be like if she said she was part black so he called her Mammy.

Pocahontas was an actual historical figure. A better example might be if he called her "Harriet Tubman". For some reason that doesn't strike me as insensitive as "Pocahontas" and I'm not sure why.
Oh please just stop it........... Warren put herself in a position to be called out. Blow your stupid dog whistle because that is all you have!

Trump talks just like a common thug.
The issue isn't about Warren specifically. It is about using "Pocahontas" for name calling.

and thats an issue, names have been thrown long before this, just the other day chris matthews called trump a monkey, he's referenced him to the world most evil dictator with a funny mustache.

so for this thread to be even created is a joke!

but its haymarket:doh
The issue isn't about Warren specifically. It is about using "Pocahontas" for name calling.

Yes it is about Warren if she had not made up a story about being Native American then this would not have happened.
She started this nonsense. Don't you remember her comments about having high cheek bones " my Pappa, had high cheekbones, like all of the Indians do", ........ Oh my gosh.....
Totally unsurprising. His supporters will love it, and the left will complain which his supporters will love even more.

It's pretty sad that racists are such cowards, but what can you do.

Ahhh, the coward word again, and racist too. Oh my!

Did you and the left complain when Hillary called black men "super predators" ????? I think it is a valid question to ask because it goes a long way in pointing out the level of hypocrisy in your comments.
and thats an issue, names have been thrown long before this, just the other day chris matthews called trump a monkey, he's referenced him to the world most evil dictator with a funny mustache.

so for this thread to be even created is a joke!

but its haymarket:doh

Well, I do think it is more relevant when the person doing the name calling is the President of the United States.
Yes it is about Warren if she had not made up a story about being Native American then this would not have happened.
She started this nonsense. Don't you remember her comments about having high cheek bones " my Pappa, had high cheekbones, like all of the Indians do", ........ Oh my gosh.....

Fine, then call her a liar or fraud. Why keep using a name that, for some reason, is viewed as "racially charged" by so many.
I disagree. Even if Warren is lying about her ancestry it wouldn't make calling her Pocahontas okay. It would be like if she said she was part black so he called her Mammy.

Last time I checked Pocahontas wasn't a slur. something like squaw, for example, would be a slur against Natives.

I call her Fauxcahotus and don't care what others think.
Pocahontas was an actual historical figure. A better example might be if he called her "Harriet Tubman". For some reason that doesn't strike me as insensitive as "Pocahontas" and I'm not sure why.

The way it is used is the same. I don't think Trump is actually comparing her to Pocahontas. I'm pretty sure he is just using it as a quick insult.

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