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Trump administration now says entire Affordable Care Act should be struck down (1 Viewer)


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Sep 3, 2018
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Trump administration now says entire Affordable Care Act should be struck down - CNNPolitics

The Trump administration on Monday said the entire Affordable Care Act should be struck down, in a dramatic reversal.

In a filing with a federal appeals court, the Justice Department said it agreed with the ruling of a federal judge in Texas that invalidated the Obama-era health care law.
In a letter Monday night, the administration said "it is not urging that any portion of the district court's judgment be reversed."

"The Department of Justice has determined that the district court's comprehensive opinion came to the correct conclusion and will support it on appeal," said Kerri Kupec, spokesperson for the Justice Department.
It's a major shift for the Justice Department from when Jeff Sessions was attorney general. At the time, the administration argued that the community rating rule and the guaranteed issue requirement -- protections for people with pre-existing conditions -- could not be defended but the rest of the law could stand.



Trump’s Justice Department notified a federal appeals court in New Orleans late Monday it would asking judges to toss out the entire ACA which is going to put healthcare for millions of Americans in jeopardy. Previous Republican attempts to repeal Obamacare triggered a backlash that propelled Democrats back into the majority of the House in the last election. Months ago, when people were polled about what their main concerns are, health care was their number one concern. Undoing everything Barack Obama did was Trump's first objective. Now that the Mueller investigation is over, he can now focus on repealing Obamacare. What's next, rollbacks in Medicare?
Talk about an unforced political error. Bringing back pre-existing conditions is one of the least politically popular things a politician can do. It's up there with kicking a baby.
Not even a week since his 'exoneration' and Trump is already back to shooting himself in the foot. Situation: normal.
This will heavily affect the elderly and the young. Good. It's about time they found out what happens you cross Trump like Mueller did.


Sent from Trump Plaza's basement using Putin's MacBook.
This thread underscores the disconnect and hypocrisy of the Republicans in general and the Trump Administration in particular. Republicans resisted passage of the ACA. Then, Republican-controlled states refused to expand Medicaid -- denying up to 10 million citizens coverage, even though Washington would bear the vast majority of the costs.

Trump, laughably, stated at rallies that "Republicans defend preexisting conditions." Then, he supports a Republican bill that strips away coverage for preexisting conditions and raises the cost of coverage for most people. Failing that (thanks Sen. McCain) he now initiates a lawsuit, that if successful, would strip away coverage from tens of millions of Americans and do away with protections for those with preexisting conditions -- without any replacement at all.

It's impossible to come to another conclusion other than everything they proposed would have devastated the lives of millions.

This latest Trump move completes his utter betrayal of the people who put him in office. Consider a place like West Virginia, where a lot of people gained health insurance thanks to Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion and now are at risk of losing it. The state went overwhelmingly for Trump anyway, because he promised not to cut health care, and also promised to bring back those good paying coal jobs.
Im going to have the un popular conversation oh well "flame suit activated"

1) ACA is Republican Proofed. Its been said many times and holds true.
2) ACA was a gift to those that had Pre Existing Conditions. BY removing the exclusion you NOW provide coverage to those that could NOT previously get coverage. THIS WAS HUGE for THOSE individuals.
3) ALL the other hoopla was fluff, if you like your doctor you keep your doctor, you like your plan you keep your plan etc etc.
4) Our Health Care Industry was based on a Loss Control Model in which based on your exposure your rate is dictated by your age as well as your condition. Appropriate premiums deemed based on your condition. Removal of the LOSS control would NOT allow a proper amount of PREMIUM to cover the exposure. YOU CANNOT MIX OIL AND WATER this is exactly what happened with ACA.

Facts of the matter, the MINORITY pre existing conditions carries the HIGHEST exposure and COST exposure to the HEALTH care market PERIOD. There is NOT enough Premium to COVER the Pre existing exposure. to sustain itself.

WE have 2 changes

1) CHANGE how take premiums and FLAT rate, HEAVILY regulate the MEDICAL/HEALTH Field to regulate COST so that a PREMIUM basis is Established.
2) DUMP ACA, GO back to the LOSS COST system where an appropriate Underwriting of conditions dictate your COST of Premium, if your exposure is Uninsurable then you must figure a way on your own through outside marekts.

YOU CANNOT mix a Universal system with a LOSS COST model. THEY DO NOT MIX.
He knows he's a one term president so he's going to do the bidding of the wealthy and hurt his enemies as much as possible.
Healthcare is now an argument Republicans cannot win. Hands down.

They lose this argument because no one buys their lies about pre existing conditions

**** them.
Healthcare is now an argument Republicans cannot win. Hands down.

They lose this argument because no one buys their lies about pre existing conditions

**** them.

That was certainly the case in 2018 when the Dems swept back into power on the back of a campaign laser-focused on heath care. Let's keep the party going through 2020.
Im going to have the un popular conversation oh well "flame suit activated"

1) ACA is Republican Proofed. Its been said many times and holds true.
2) ACA was a gift to those that had Pre Existing Conditions. BY removing the exclusion you NOW provide coverage to those that could NOT previously get coverage. THIS WAS HUGE for THOSE individuals.
3) ALL the other hoopla was fluff, if you like your doctor you keep your doctor, you like your plan you keep your plan etc etc.
4) Our Health Care Industry was based on a Loss Control Model in which based on your exposure your rate is dictated by your age as well as your condition. Appropriate premiums deemed based on your condition. Removal of the LOSS control would NOT allow a proper amount of PREMIUM to cover the exposure. YOU CANNOT MIX OIL AND WATER this is exactly what happened with ACA.

Facts of the matter, the MINORITY pre existing conditions carries the HIGHEST exposure and COST exposure to the HEALTH care market PERIOD. There is NOT enough Premium to COVER the Pre existing exposure. to sustain itself.

WE have 2 changes

1) CHANGE how take premiums and FLAT rate, HEAVILY regulate the MEDICAL/HEALTH Field to regulate COST so that a PREMIUM basis is Established.
2) DUMP ACA, GO back to the LOSS COST system where an appropriate Underwriting of conditions dictate your COST of Premium, if your exposure is Uninsurable then you must figure a way on your own through outside marekts.

YOU CANNOT mix a Universal system with a LOSS COST model. THEY DO NOT MIX.

Which is why there was the individual mandate -- mandating that the young and healthy be part of the pool that then lowers premiums.

I've explained this in the past but in case you missed it: if you want to cover people with preexisting conditions, you must have community rating that charge individuals more or less the same premium in a location. If you want to have community rating without a death spiral -- that is, if you want to keep an acceptable risk pool -- you have to have an individual mandate. If you have an individual mandate, some people won't be able to afford it, so you have to have subsidies for lower-income Americans. And that’s Obamacare: a three-legged stool, with all three legs essential.

Going back to the old system that let those with preexisting conditions die and let cancer victims die because they reached their lifetime cap, isn't acceptable. The current system is better than the plan 10 yrs ago but not as good as it should be.
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Talk about an unforced political error. Bringing back pre-existing conditions is one of the least politically popular things a politician can do. It's up there with kicking a baby.

...to death.
He knows he's a one term president so he's going to do the bidding of the wealthy and hurt his enemies as much as possible.

Its kinda sad that the other rich people still won't accept him as one of them.

Its kinda sad that the other rich people still won't accept him as one of them.


They'd rather not sully their reputation by associating with a known criminal.
Hell wasn't in Wisconsin or some such state where the attorney general that was leading the ACA killing lawsuit ran a TV ad saying he is going to do everything to protect preexisting conditions.
I tell you they tried in Congress that didn't work they tried in the courts before that didn't work so now that stack the courts and go back all the bare faced lieing to the American people if Republicans aren't the anti American party I don't know who is.

Oh yeah on top of that they plan to cut 845billion from Medicare.

Sick just sick.
Trump administration now says entire Affordable Care Act should be struck down - CNNPolitics

The Trump administration on Monday said the entire Affordable Care Act should be struck down, in a dramatic reversal.

In a filing with a federal appeals court, the Justice Department said it agreed with the ruling of a federal judge in Texas that invalidated the Obama-era health care law.
In a letter Monday night, the administration said "it is not urging that any portion of the district court's judgment be reversed."

"The Department of Justice has determined that the district court's comprehensive opinion came to the correct conclusion and will support it on appeal," said Kerri Kupec, spokesperson for the Justice Department.
It's a major shift for the Justice Department from when Jeff Sessions was attorney general. At the time, the administration argued that the community rating rule and the guaranteed issue requirement -- protections for people with pre-existing conditions -- could not be defended but the rest of the law could stand.


Trump’s Justice Department notified a federal appeals court in New Orleans late Monday it would asking judges to toss out the entire ACA which is going to put healthcare for millions of Americans in jeopardy. Previous Republican attempts to repeal Obamacare triggered a backlash that propelled Democrats back into the majority of the House in the last election. Months ago, when people were polled about what their main concerns are, health care was their number one concern. Undoing everything Barack Obama did was Trump's first objective. Now that the Mueller investigation is over, he can now focus on repealing Obamacare. What's next, rollbacks in Medicare?
They're probably correct. Keeping ACA around just to persevere Obama's legacy is lunacy. We need a from-the-ground-up analysis and plan of action that is enacted by a series of votes - rather than a single one-party vote. And the legislation has to be as detailed and complete as possible - instead of allowing hoards of unaccountable bureaucrats. We need to address cost, pre-existing conditions, premiums based on projected cost and a multitude of other things. I'm not optimistic that will ever happen, but it should.
Trump administration now says entire Affordable Care Act should be struck down - CNNPolitics

The Trump administration on Monday said the entire Affordable Care Act should be struck down, in a dramatic reversal.

In a filing with a federal appeals court, the Justice Department said it agreed with the ruling of a federal judge in Texas that invalidated the Obama-era health care law.
In a letter Monday night, the administration said "it is not urging that any portion of the district court's judgment be reversed."

"The Department of Justice has determined that the district court's comprehensive opinion came to the correct conclusion and will support it on appeal," said Kerri Kupec, spokesperson for the Justice Department.
It's a major shift for the Justice Department from when Jeff Sessions was attorney general. At the time, the administration argued that the community rating rule and the guaranteed issue requirement -- protections for people with pre-existing conditions -- could not be defended but the rest of the law could stand.



Trump’s Justice Department notified a federal appeals court in New Orleans late Monday it would asking judges to toss out the entire ACA which is going to put healthcare for millions of Americans in jeopardy. Previous Republican attempts to repeal Obamacare triggered a backlash that propelled Democrats back into the majority of the House in the last election. Months ago, when people were polled about what their main concerns are, health care was their number one concern. Undoing everything Barack Obama did was Trump's first objective. Now that the Mueller investigation is over, he can now focus on repealing Obamacare. What's next, rollbacks in Medicare?

Absolutely shut it down. It should have never been passed.
Hell wasn't in Wisconsin or some such state where the attorney general that was leading the ACA killing lawsuit ran a TV ad saying he is going to do everything to protect preexisting conditions.

You might be thinking of Josh Hawley in Missouri. But yeah, the GOP candidates all lied through their teeth last year about protecting people with pre-existing conditions, as did Trump. They were fighting like hell to strip those people of their coverage. Still are, it seems.
Which is why there was the individual mandate -- mandating that the young and healthy be part of the pool that then lowers premiums.

I've explained this in the past but in case you missed it: if you want to cover people with preexisting conditions, you must have community rating that charge individuals more or less the same premium in a location. If you want to have community rating without a death spiral -- that is, if you want to keep an acceptable risk pool -- you have to have an individual mandate. If you have an individual mandate, some people won't be able to afford it, so you have to have subsidies for lower-income Americans. And that’s Obamacare: a three-legged stool, with all three legs essential.

YES, BUT they threw in the penalty that the people would RATHER take then the mandate itself. THAT killed the premium pool.

"If we want to cover Pre existing conditions"
I see where you are coming from but here is the questions.

1) True cost analysis, TOTAL premiums in, vs TOTAL expenses out. the likely fact is unfortunately there is NOT enough Premium to cover the Total Expenses out THAT now include Pre Existing conditions that likely carry 70% of the Actual cost burden.

2) A Competitive market or a HIGHLY regulated market. ONLY 2 real options

2a) Competative market, Mutiple levels, Let them set the cost. Some that want volume will charge cheaper, Some that emphasize on specialty care will charge higher. But letting the MARKET place set the price and premiums allowing those at many levels of cost to afford care.

2b) Regulated market. ALL hospitals and doctors have a flat rate, All specialty services are regulated by pricing So that we can set a Dollar expense so we can equally share the cost burden across the tax payers.

WE cannot combine the above 2. If we want one or the other we have to commit both have their pro's and cons, but we cant do this mixed ACA crap the way it is its totally broken.
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He knows he's a one term president so he's going to do the bidding of the wealthy and hurt his enemies as much as possible.

Such confidence, count those chickens...
Hell wasn't in Wisconsin or some such state where the attorney general that was leading the ACA killing lawsuit ran a TV ad saying he is going to do everything to protect preexisting conditions.
I tell you they tried in Congress that didn't work they tried in the courts before that didn't work so now that stack the courts and go back all the bare faced lieing to the American people if Republicans aren't the anti American party I don't know who is.

Oh yeah on top of that they plan to cut 845billion from Medicare.

Sick just sick.

The Republican base are doe eyed zombies. They love leader, he's racist, xenophobic, authoritarian, an asshole, and most of all hurts the people they don't like; the perfect Republican. They don't care if they get hurt, just as long as he gets the Muslims, the Mexicans, the blacks, the liberals, and everyone that isn't them.
Trump administration now says entire Affordable Care Act should be struck down

It's just another political "act" in teh Trump show like the meaningless freedom of speech order he pulled a few days ago.

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