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Trump 44% clinton 37% (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
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Just days before the Republican National Convention is expected to formally nominate him for president, Donald Trump has taken his largest lead yet over Hillary Clinton.

The latest Rasmussen Reports weekly White House Watch survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump with 44% support to Clinton’s 37%. Thirteen percent (13%) favor some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided.
White House Watch - Rasmussen Reportsâ„¢
Rasmussen is the only poll that has Trump actually winning and its history in predicting the presidential election doesnt fare to well in recent history.
Rasmussen is the only poll that has Trump actually winning and its history in predicting the presidential election doesnt fare to well in recent history.

Even when it is not one of reason, it is good to hear an optimistic voice, when it is at its darkest.
I don't think it will happen, but if somehow Hillary does lose to Trump, she should never show her face in public again. How horrible must someone be to actually lose to Trump?
I don't think it will happen, but if somehow Hillary does lose to Trump, she should never show her face in public again. How horrible must someone be to actually lose to Trump?

What about on "Dancing with the Stars"?
What about on "Dancing with the Stars"?

She's a brittle old woman, she couldn't hack Dancing with the Stars...plus she's not a star.
She's a brittle old woman, she couldn't hack Dancing with the Stars...plus she's not a star.

Have you noticed the people on the show aren't really stars either?
Have you noticed the people on the show aren't really stars either?

Nope...mostly because I don't watch it. Is that the show AC Slater hosts?
Nope...mostly because I don't watch it. Is that the show AC Slater hosts?

I don't either. And I don't know who AC Slater is. ?.
It's my recollection that Rasmussen had Mitt Romney up significantly back in 2012, in many states and nationally, and we all know how badly that turned out.

It defies all logic that Donald Trump, an imbecilic asshole, would be leading anyone, even the utterly despicable Hillary Clinton.

It's terrible to think or say, but I find myself wistfully wondering where today's political assassins are and will they make an appearance?

Please save your hate responses - it's just a bit of ghoulish humour from a Canadian who's appalled by the choices you've left yourself this year.
Don't a lot of polls depend on who is polled? Keep that in mind.

Sure....but wouldn't you'd think the FoxNews poll would show Trump ahead considering that most of their viewers are conservative?
This event is going to change non stop until November - the most recent polls are the ones that matter and all polls have flaws.

That's why I like Real Clear Politics because they show a weekly average of all the polls instead of just one...which gives a more accurate sense of public opinion, imo.
Sure....but wouldn't you'd think the FoxNews poll would show Trump ahead considering that most of their viewers are conservative?

I could be wrong, but I don't believe any of the network polls have anything to do with viewership. They all contract with a particular polling company who conduct the polls randomly. The difference would be in the questions asked and the broadness of the poll across the country and across the political spectrum.
The Reuters poll is an outlier. All the rest from the same time period are a virtual tie (within the margin of error).

When all the polls from 6/29 to 7/11 are averaged out it shows Clinton leading +3.1.
Sure....but wouldn't you'd think the FoxNews poll would show Trump ahead considering that most of their viewers are conservative?

It might depend on the area. A depressed urban area might have a distinct advantage for Clinton. But would Fox go there? I don't know but they(polls) seem to be unreliable this early anyway.
I could be wrong, but I don't believe any of the network polls have anything to do with viewership. They all contract with a particular polling company who conduct the polls randomly. The difference would be in the questions asked and the broadness of the poll across the country and across the political spectrum.

You're probably right about that.

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