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Trump’s List of SCOTUS Nominees (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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Ted Cruz
Tom Cotton
Josh Hadley

Along others
Ted Cruz
Tom Cotton
Josh Hadley

Along others
Great non-post. "If Trump has to appoint a SCOTUS justice - he will" Brilliant! :no:
If Ginsberg kicks the bucket its probable that Trump would try to seat Amy Coney Barrett as her replacement.
Great non-post. "If Trump has to appoint a SCOTUS justice - he will" Brilliant! :no:

Not to worry RBG will hang on and the next SCOTUS pick will fall to Biden/Harris!
But....but, didn't Ted Cruz's father shoot JFK? Seems that would disqualify him. I heard El Chapo might be available though.

Not to worry RBG will hang on and the next SCOTUS pick will fall to Biden/Harris!
And right after that Santa Claus will bring toys to all the good little girls and boys.
Is Trump trolling us? I can’t believe this list is serious

Let's see: Cruz was magna cum laude at Harvard law, editor of the law review-and unlike Obama, was a supreme Court clerk. His academic and professional credentials are as good or better than many other USSC justices. Cotton was a top graduate of harvard college, then he attended HLS and clerked for a Federal Court of appeals judge, as well as being a decorated infantry captain. sounds pretty qualified to me

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