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Tony Perkins: US Constitution Doesn't Protect Muslims (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 16, 2015
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Very Liberal
Tony Perkins: US Constitution Doesn't Protect Muslims | Right Wing Watch

The Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins, who now styles himself as an Islamic scholar, said on his “Washington Watch” radio show yesterday that members of militant groups like ISIS are the real Muslims who are truly “practicing their faith.”

Islam is such a danger, Perkins explained, that Muslim-Americans should not have the same religious freedoms as other citizens
Tony Perkins: US Constitution Doesn't Protect Muslims | Right Wing Watch

The Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins, who now styles himself as an Islamic scholar, said on his “Washington Watch” radio show yesterday that members of militant groups like ISIS are the real Muslims who are truly “practicing their faith.”

Islam is such a danger, Perkins explained, that Muslim-Americans should not have the same religious freedoms as other citizens

And afterwords,Norman Bates here will claim that Jews are not protected by the Constitution.Then it will be the Buddhists..Then the Wiccans. Untill the only people left being protected by the Constitution are Christians that Norman Bates approves of.
That's how Dominionists roll.
Tony Perkins.

Westboro Baptist Church Lite.

Guys a hack and his entire organization is rightly labelled a "Hate Group".

The FRC can suck my nuts.
Tony Perkins.

Westboro Baptist Church Lite.

Guys a hack and his entire organization is rightly labelled a "Hate Group".

The FRC can suck my nuts.

He's from my homestate of Louisiana.
I had to cater one of his Family Research Council functions and let me tell you,those are some mean-spirited,creepy people.
Tony Perkins: US Constitution Doesn't Protect Muslims | Right Wing Watch

The Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins, who now styles himself as an Islamic scholar, said on his “Washington Watch” radio show yesterday that members of militant groups like ISIS are the real Muslims who are truly “practicing their faith.”

Islam is such a danger, Perkins explained, that Muslim-Americans should not have the same religious freedoms as other citizens

So some asshole said something stupid. So what?

This guy is pretty much irrelevant, like the rest of his ilk.
Tony Perkins: US Constitution Doesn't Protect Muslims | Right Wing Watch

The Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins, who now styles himself as an Islamic scholar, said on his “Washington Watch” radio show yesterday that members of militant groups like ISIS are the real Muslims who are truly “practicing their faith.”

Islam is such a danger, Perkins explained, that Muslim-Americans should not have the same religious freedoms as other citizens

In a way, he's correct, in that the US Constitution protects ALL people and ALL religions equally - I don't think that's what he meant though.
Tony Perkins: US Constitution Doesn't Protect Muslims | Right Wing Watch

The Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins, who now styles himself as an Islamic scholar, said on his “Washington Watch” radio show yesterday that members of militant groups like ISIS are the real Muslims who are truly “practicing their faith.”

Islam is such a danger, Perkins explained, that Muslim-Americans should not have the same religious freedoms as other citizens

Perkins sounds a right jack-ass.
Any group, religious or otherwise, giving safe harbor, aid and comfort to a enemy that has declared itself against the US should be scrutinized and if need be, isolated/quarantined to keep the infection from spreading and affecting innocent Americans. Then like polio, the radical elements, these diseased minds that would do us harm need to be separated out and summarily eradicated.
Any group, religious or otherwise, giving safe harbor, aid and comfort to a enemy that has declared itself against the US should be scrutinized and if need be, isolated/quarantined to keep the infection from spreading and affecting innocent Americans. Then like polio, the radical elements, these diseased minds that would do us harm need to be separated out and summarily eradicated.

A lot of evil has been done with the simple logic "Without these specific people, we'd be safe".

I don't want to steer too far into the territory of hyperbole, which certainly isn't hard these days with the likes of Trump running.

But what you say, the way you say it, those are the seedlings of genocide or at the very least mass deportation... Seedlings, but if enough people believe as you do, suddenly prejudice becomes action and then we're in trouble.
A lot of evil has been done with the simple logic "Without these specific people, we'd be safe".

I don't want to steer too far into the territory of hyperbole, which certainly isn't hard these days with the likes of Trump running.

But what you say, the way you say it, those are the seedlings of genocide or at the very least mass deportation... Seedlings, but if enough people believe as you do, suddenly prejudice becomes action and then we're in trouble.
And actually what you are pretty much advocating is that we should stick our heads in the sand and let those who would do us harm go on ahead and do us harm.

If Muslims do not start standing up against their own evil cousins, start speaking out and actually going after the radical elements among themselves, we the rest of us will be left little choice.

Again, anyone that harbors and aids those who would do us harm are no friends of ours. How do you not get that? If ones higher allegiance is to those that would do so, good riddance. If an orderly eradication doesn't begin to materialize fairly soon, you will have a few more very terrible acts of terror, some acts of carnage that may dwarf 9-11.

Then see how the American people react to Islam. The analogy will be Pearl Harbor v Hiroshima/Nagasaki again. You start it, we will end it... with a boom.
A lot of evil has been done with the simple logic "Without these specific people, we'd be safe".

I don't want to steer too far into the territory of hyperbole, which certainly isn't hard these days with the likes of Trump running.

But what you say, the way you say it, those are the seedlings of genocide or at the very least mass deportation... Seedlings, but if enough people believe as you do, suddenly prejudice becomes action and then we're in trouble.

I saw a surprisingly good meme (or was it New Yorker cartoon) recently: Those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. Those knowledgeable of history are doomed to watch them do it.

I saw a surprisingly good meme (or was it New Yorker cartoon) recently: Those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. Those knowledgeable of history are doomed to watch them do it.

Problem with that is in understanding and the proper application of history, not just knowing "of it". Because in your doomed to watch scenario, you were not doing anything good, you were not doing anything at all, just watching. In this case you would be watching something good happen and just take the benefit without any effort. If we do not get this problem solved right from the beginning, it will get a whole lot messier and indiscriminate the longer its allowed.

And if we are doing wrong and you just sit and watch, then you as wrong are as anyone else. A lot of y'all better get off the coward's fence of just watching and make some hard decisions, come up with some ingenious way to cure the affliction then... or you leave it up to us that will actually do whats required.
Problem with that is in understanding and the proper application of history, not just knowing "of it". Because in your doomed to watch scenario, you were not doing anything good, you were not doing anything at all, just watching. In this case you would be watching something good happen and just take the benefit without any effort. If we do not get this problem solved right from the beginning, it will get a whole lot messier and indiscriminate the longer its allowed. And if we are doing wrong and you just sit and watch, then you as wrong are as anyone else. A lot of y'all better get off the coward's fence of just watching and make some hard decisions, come up with some ingenious way to cure the affliction then... or you leave it up to us that will actually do whats required.

Very few people have anything remotely approaching a comprehensive understanding of world history. (Hell, my personal Roman history project took me a few years and tens of thousands of pages; the rest of the world will take a few more decades at the least). In a Democratic system, it is virtually impossible for serious change to be effected thereby if the vast majority of people barely know a thing.

How much of the voting populace knows all of American history? How many people have never read any history or biography since being forced to in school? How many self-report not even reading a book a year?

The meme is very accurate. If you happen to worked yourself into a position of some kind of influence AND know quite a bit about history, psychology, sociology, and the like, then perhaps you can have some influence. But nothing is changing unless a whole lot of people spend a whole lot less time watching stupid ****ing **** on TV and a whole lot more time reading, in all sorts of disciplines. Instead, the overall American sentiment seems to be that things like expertise and education are for losers (and/or scientists who are clearly conspiring because they claim to know things).

What is the probability that a vile rube will learn how to speak to the rabble, gain success, and do the most for themselves that they can?

What is the probability that a highly educated individual will learn how to speak to the rabble, gain success, and still drive to do the most good for the most people?

How probable is it that a student of history and all things can simultaneously devote themselves to the pursuit of power that would at least give them a chance of effecting any kind of change?

The only hope is through greater and stricter required public education, and all things that support it. Yet education is under attack by one of the two major parties in this country, a country which an arch-buffoon seeks to make "great again" by saying nasty things about anyone who fails to kowtow.
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And actually what you are pretty much advocating is that we should stick our heads in the sand and let those who would do us harm go on ahead and do us harm.

If Muslims do not start standing up against their own evil cousins, start speaking out and actually going after the radical elements among themselves, we the rest of us will be left little choice.

Again, anyone that harbors and aids those who would do us harm are no friends of ours. How do you not get that? If ones higher allegiance is to those that would do so, good riddance. If an orderly eradication doesn't begin to materialize fairly soon, you will have a few more very terrible acts of terror, some acts of carnage that may dwarf 9-11.

Then see how the American people react to Islam. The analogy will be Pearl Harbor v Hiroshima/Nagasaki again. You start it, we will end it... with a boom.

It is you, and people like you that are the greatest threat to our democracies.

Your fear is the ultimate tool of the terrorists.

They harness it, they yearn for you to think along the lines you are thinking.

To sacrifice and burn to the ground the very ideals for which we claim we are defending.

I won't have any part in your bigotry, and should the day come you get your way, I'll stand with Muslims against fascists like you.
Very few people have anything remotely approaching a comprehensive understanding of world history. (Hell, my personal Roman history project took me a few years and tens of thousands of pages; the rest of the world will take a few more decades at the least). In a Democratic system, it is virtually impossible for serious change to be effected thereby if the vast majority of people barely know a thing.

How much of the voting populace knows all of American history? How many people have never read any history or biography since being forced to in school? How many self-report not even reading a book a year?

The meme is very accurate. If you happen to worked yourself into a position of some kind of influence AND know quite a bit about history, psychology, sociology, and the like, then perhaps you can have some influence. But nothing is changing unless a whole lot of people spend a whole lot less time watching stupid ****ing **** on TV and a whole lot more time reading, in all sorts of disciplines. Instead, the overall American sentiment seems to be that things like expertise and education are for losers (and/or scientists who are clearly conspiring because they claim to know things).

What is the probability that a vile rube will learn how to speak to the rabble, gain success, and do the most for themselves that they can?

What is the probability that a highly educated individual will learn how to speak to the rabble, gain success, and still drive to do the most good for the most people?

How probable is it that a student of history and all things can simultaneously devote themselves to the pursuit of power that would at least give them a chance of effecting any kind of change?

The only hope is through greater and stricter required public education, and all things that support it. Yet education is under attack by one of the two major parties in this country, a country which an arch-buffoon seeks to make "great again" by saying nasty things about anyone who fails to kowtow.

Spent 17 years in the public school system, I think I probably know a bit more about it than you might.

Its a piss poor failed system getting worse. What there needs to be is choice in where you place your child to be educated. Public schools, even the good ones, are mainly just indoctrination/socialization centers where more and more they have an agenda than an educational plan, are stiffing diversity of thought and style. Less and less creativity by the teachers and I can tell you that by the time our kids get to high school it is the few that remain truly interested in learning much of anything anymore.

I taught American History, also I taught Economics, American Government, World History, AP European, Civics, Debate, Street Law, Global Studies and English. Teachers, good teachers can affect many students and so good education can be a big help... but we are not getting that from most public schools. Its anecdotal but I found most home school students that waited and attended at high school level were generally above the average... our administrators and many of my fellow teachers didn't want to hear any of that, though.

Competition would be truly good for our American Educational system. There is a reason public education is under attack and if liberals truly wanted their kids to have a better education and not just be better socialized, they would be for choice.

Why all you folks on that side are against choice in education when nearly all of your leaders have put their kids through good private schools makes one giggle at the silliness of the 'thought' process involved there.

But more to the point, which you massively avoided, was coming up with a solution to a major problem, Radical Islam. Instead, not just looking but looking the other way, you want to sweep it under the rug, invite more of the offenders in, call people who are aware and want to tackle the problem bigots, xenophobes... your side likes making the problem solvers the problem...as if any, ANY of that will make the situation better.

Again, one has to laugh.

That all being said, you did not arrive at an ingenious solution, you actually wrote a lot to seemingly deflect coming up with a solution. So what is your solution?
Tony Perkins: US Constitution Doesn't Protect Muslims | Right Wing Watch

The Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins, who now styles himself as an Islamic scholar, said on his “Washington Watch” radio show yesterday that members of militant groups like ISIS are the real Muslims who are truly “practicing their faith.”

Islam is such a danger, Perkins explained, that Muslim-Americans should not have the same religious freedoms as other citizens

Talibornagain Tony said what?
Any group, religious or otherwise, giving safe harbor, aid and comfort to a enemy that has declared itself against the US should be scrutinized and if need be, isolated/quarantined to keep the infection from spreading and affecting innocent Americans. Then like polio, the radical elements, these diseased minds that would do us harm need to be separated out and summarily eradicated.
Holy cow, if this was 1942 you would've been all gung ho over the Japanese-American internment camps.
It is you, and people like you that are the greatest threat to our democracies.

Your fear is the ultimate tool of the terrorists.

They harness it, they yearn for you to think along the lines you are thinking.

To sacrifice and burn to the ground the very ideals for which we claim we are defending.

I won't have any part in your bigotry, and should the day come you get your way, I'll stand with Muslims against fascists like you.
So lost, I don't even know why I spend time trying to educate.

You do not have a single arrow to shoot, so instead you throw your quiver at me, the whole me. You did not attack a single thing I said, you attacked it all through the guise of me. That is simply an ad hom attack. Nothing more... and sure a lot less.

Yet, its all you have. You know it and I know it. You have not a single suggestion, no solutions at all. And if someone else has the temerity to have one that does not measure up 150% to your idealized view of what an American liberal perspective should encompass, in your simplistic mind numbing, societally suicidal way, well be they damned and to be called bigots.

We had an Ellis Island on the east Coast and an Angle Island on the West. We quarantined against infections, not allowing them in to hurt innocent citizens. Affected and suspected affected individuals, entire groups, boatloads were detained until it could be determined if they were infected or not. This is not anti American, this is pure and simple prudence, a trait cultivated by our forefathers.
Holy cow, if this was 1942 you would've been all gung ho over the Japanese-American internment camps.
And if we had lost the war, it would have made no difference to anybody. But, what is it you know about those internment camps? Anything at all? It was the great FDR remember, that made the call. It was also the almighty Supreme Court that said it was legal.

And unless you are me, and you most certainly are not, shut your damn trap about what you stupidly believe I would or would not have been gung ho about. Got it blowhard?
So lost, I don't even know why I spend time trying to educate.

You do not have a single arrow to shoot, so instead you throw your quiver at me, the whole me. You did not attack a single thing I said, you attacked it all through the guise of me. That is simply an ad hom attack. Nothing more... and sure a lot less.

Yet, its all you have. You know it and I know it. You have not a single suggestion, no solutions at all. And if someone else has the temerity to have one that does not measure up 150% to your idealized view of what an American liberal perspective should encompass, in your simplistic mind numbing, societally suicidal way, well be they damned and to be called bigots.

We had an Ellis Island on the east Coast and an Angle Island on the West. We quarantined against infections, not allowing them in to hurt innocent citizens. Affected and suspected affected individuals, entire groups, boatloads were detained until it could be determined if they were infected or not. This is not anti American, this is pure and simple prudence, a trait cultivated by our forefathers.

Again, a lot of words to say absolutely nothing.

You don't disavow what Perkins is saying and you dance around what you really want.

I see it and I call you out on it.

You are a terrorists best friend, you'd so easily trade the very ideals you think you are defending, you'd target innocent citizens because your **** filled pants can't hold the load anymore and you think targeting and attacking a minority group will keep you safe.

Everyday of the week I would be against you, I would stand with that minority and I wouldn't be alone.
And if we had lost the war, it would have made no difference to anybody. But, what is it you know about those internment camps? Anything at all? It was the great FDR remember, that made the call. It was also the almighty Supreme Court that said it was legal.

And unless you are me, and you most certainly are not, shut your damn trap about what you stupidly believe I would or would not have been gung ho about. Got it blowhard?

The internment camps were a bad idea at best.

The Supreme Court sure as **** wasn't going to argue with FDR in wake of Pearl Harbor. Nobody was willing to.

Pretty sure we aren't going to "lose to Islamic terrorists" if we don't sink to their level.
And if we had lost the war, it would have made no difference to anybody. But, what is it you know about those internment camps? Anything at all? It was the great FDR remember, that made the call. It was also the almighty Supreme Court that said it was legal.

And unless you are me, and you most certainly are not, shut your damn trap about what you stupidly believe I would or would not have been gung ho about. Got it blowhard?

You clearly have an anger management issue. Getting personal, insulting people that you'll never meet on the Internet is a sign of a character flaw.
Again, a lot of words to say absolutely nothing.

You don't disavow what Perkins is saying and you dance around what you really want.

I see it and I call you out on it.

You are a terrorists best friend, you'd so easily trade the very ideals you think you are defending, you'd target innocent citizens because your **** filled pants can't hold the load anymore and you think targeting and attacking a minority group will keep you safe.

Everyday of the week I would be against you, I would stand with that minority and I wouldn't be alone.
I said exactly what I meant to say and I could not give a damn about what Perkins says. You only speak of fear. You don't know who I would target, so YOU can keep your trap shut as well. What do you not get about those who give aid and comfort, those who harbor our enemies? Its in plain English. I would not be any easier on Radical Islamists than we were and have been on the Communists or the KKK.

You, like your tribe of fellow libs from la la land just love to make stuff up, to slant the other persons words to fit your imbecilic comic book caricatures that you associate with this side. Again, who said anything about targeting a minority group? Besides which, with over a billion adherents worldwide, Islam is hardly in the minority category. And citizens are just that, citizens of THIS country. We have no further obligation to citizens of other countries than their rights always coming in second behind the rights of the citizens of our own country.

Your ideals are those of a big bloated thin skinned gasbag. One prick, and your side is loaded with them, and the whole thing flibber flabbers all over the place until all the hot air has escaped.

NOT A SINGLE SOLUTION PROFFERED. Just attack anybody attempting a solution. Anyone else notice that?
And actually what you are pretty much advocating is that we should stick our heads in the sand and let those who would do us harm go on ahead and do us harm.

If Muslims do not start standing up against their own evil cousins, start speaking out and actually going after the radical elements among themselves, we the rest of us will be left little choice.

Again, anyone that harbors and aids those who would do us harm are no friends of ours. How do you not get that? If ones higher allegiance is to those that would do so, good riddance. If an orderly eradication doesn't begin to materialize fairly soon, you will have a few more very terrible acts of terror, some acts of carnage that may dwarf 9-11.

Then see how the American people react to Islam. The analogy will be Pearl Harbor v Hiroshima/Nagasaki again. You start it, we will end it... with a boom.

Bad analogy; there is nowhere to drop a bomb this time. Any attempt to single out one religious group will be fiercely opposed by all who value religious freedom in this country. The threat you perceive is an illusion. We will never be able to "quarantine" all those that you mistakenly deem a potential threat. You have no viable plan that realistically could be put in place politically or logistically. It is a non-starter.

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