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Tommy Robinson quits EDL (1 Viewer)

Infinite Chaos

DP Veteran
Oct 28, 2007
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English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson has announced his intention to set up a new anti-Islamist movement after he dramatically stepped down from the party he founded, branding it too extreme.The 30-year-old, who has become a familiar figure leading anti-Muslim protests around the country characterised by racist chanting and frequently scarred by violence, said street protests were “no longer effective” and that he “acknowledged the dangers of far-right extremism”.

Robinson, from Luton, made the surprise announcement through an anti-extremist organisation, the Quilliam Foundation, which said it had been helping the EDL founder and his co-leader, Kevin Carroll, who is also leaving the party. Link.

My Debate Politics post history on the EDL is on the record, I was always unsure that it really was a nazi or hate group and that is primarily from my reading of Tommy Robinson and of his actions. Tonight he and co leader Kevin Carroll have both left the EDL and are calling on moderates to join him.

Stunning news, good for Tommy Robinson though and good for Quilliam who sat with him at today's press conference. Tonight, the British blogosphere is going through intense debate with Robinson being called a traitor by many but also being hailed by others within the EDL who approve of his decision.

I can only believe Robinson when he states that the EDL have welcomed back into its ranks, nazi-members who he fought to keep out (literally and through the party machine).

Things just got interesting here.
From what I've seen from Tommy Robinson he seems quite reasonable. It's good to see someone take the time to reflect and make a good decision, especially being marginalised from the mainstream for saying some honest things can harden and entrench people into more extremist views.

I'd take him over a lot of politicians.
and then they joined UKIP....:(
The guy has a string of convictions for violence and fraud, despite being the EDL Einstein. I won't be holding my breath on his sudden conversion to democracy.
The guy has a string of convictions for violence and fraud, despite being the EDL Einstein. I won't be holding my breath on his sudden conversion to democracy.

Time will tell. Some of the violence was internecine violence against the more extreme elements he's talked about kicking out of the EDL. There's no excuse but I will be watching his BBC documentary with interest.

and then they joined UKIP....

I'm betting they won't. Not having worked with Quilliam Foundation.

I honestly think he sounds like a decent bloke with good intentions.

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