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Toledo police layoffs leading to gun buying (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 2, 2006
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Very Conservative
Toledo police layoffs leading to gun buying

TOLEDO, OH (WTOL) - The first round of Toledo police layoffs, in which 75 officers were let go, may already be having an affect on gun ownership.

"I just don't feel safe with the amount they're laying off," says Jonna Ewing. "I think it's going to be a longer respond time."

She is spending the day at a conceal carry class. She's been thinking of getting a gun for awhile, but feels now's the time due to the recent layoffs.

She's not alone. Case in point, someone in Jonna's class wears one those infamous police t-shirts: "I called 911 and all I got was this lousy garbage can" that showed up soon after the TPD cuts.

Tom Urbanski runs Ski's Firearms Training & Consulting. He also teaches the conceal carry classes.

For him, the layoffs mean big business as people are taking safety into their own hands.

"People are panicking, they're figuring the only way they can protect themselves is for them to protect themselves," says Urbanski. "So yeah, my business is booming."
Note: 75 more officers are to be let go in June

Toledo police layoffs leading to gun buying - WTOL.com, Toledo's News Leader, News 11 |

For those of you that don't know, Toledo is run by what can only be termed as quite probably the worst example of entrneched one-party rule. For any number of reasons, no the least of which is the anti-business, pro-high tax positions taken by the city government, people and businesses are leaving the city in droves, resutling in massive budget shortfalls -- the brunt of which, of course, are borne by those who provide the services that a city SHOULD provide.

In any event... can you really blame the people for buying guns?
I don't get it
The city just finshed spending a bunch of money on a new garbage collection system. To ensure compatability with the trucks, residents are issued a garbage can.
In any event... can you really blame the people for buying guns?

As much as I love law enforcement, and I do, the fact of the matter is that cops in most communities are not going to be able to respond quickly enough in a truly dangerous situation to protect you. Cops are great at responding after the fact and cleaning up the damage, but if personal protection is a concern for you, you should not plan on them being there in time.

Personally, I prefer having a dog, but I certainly understand people who feel a need to arm themselves.
It's an unfortunate reality. Police do their best, but when things happen very quickly, they aren't superheroes.

Aside from the 2nd Amendment argument, that is the fundamental premise which supports gun ownership.

As good as they may be Cops aren't superheroes.
In any event... can you really blame the people for buying guns?

Sure hope these people get the proper training before they buy a gun. There's nothing worse than an untrained idiot with a gun.
Sure hope these people get the proper training before they buy a gun. There's nothing worse than an untrained idiot with a gun.
There are several gun stores in the Toledo are that offer training. All say that business is up.
Smart of them to offer the training. Great way to get more business.
Of course those 'big' dealers with ranges and training usually have the highest prices for their guns and ammo. Good for them and their profit margin but bad for those looking to buy.

That said, one of them accidentally sold me a S&W M629 at cost. :shock:
This is good news. Any move that defunds the Police State is a positive one.

Defending oneself is a responsibility that comes with freedom.
This is good news. Any move that defunds the Police State is a positive one.

Defending oneself is a responsibility that comes with freedom.

This isn't defunding the "police state" this is the state failing miserably because of stupid decision by the voters.
This isn't defunding the "police state" this is the state failing miserably because of stupid decision by the voters.

I have yet to see an example of this failure. Are parts of Ohio now controlled by bandit warlords ?
Why do you want to talk about me and not the thread topic ?

Seriously girl, you come on too strong.

First, I'm not a girl. Secondly, your implication was that you had firsthand knowledge that there weren't crime problems that were exceeding the capacity of law enforcement to deal with them. I was asking on what basis you make that claim.

Here's a for-instance. East Cleveland, Ohio, has around 700 identified gang members, and a police force that is small enough that there are generally less than 4 officers on shift at any given point in time in a population of 27,000 people and an area of 3.1 square miles.

I bet you've never experienced 700 gang members in an area of that size, policed by 3 to 4 officers (on a good day).

I'll tell ya what. You go stand on the corner of Euclid and 130th street at 8 p.m. tonight, and let me know who you think is in charge.

It damn sure ain't the cops.

Let's put your money where your mouth is, and back up the talk. People should be taking care of themselves and eliminating the police state. There's a place where it's actually happened.

I'd like you to spend some time there and keep us apprised of your findings.
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Secondly, your implication was that you had firsthand knowledge that there weren't crime problems that were exceeding the capacity of law enforcement to deal with them.

Why don't you supply the quote you are thinking of, and we will see if what I said bears any resemblance to the strawman you just built. Rotsa Ruck

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