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Tokyo exploits global anti-"russia" sentiment to announce Kremlin-controlled Kuril Islands belong to Japan (1 Viewer)

I can't wait until Japan needs military support....Don't look to the US because we have our own problems.
Japan needs military support
You must be Joking ....
You must be Joking ....
So we are in agreement, no US military support for Japan because Moscow is so inept? Works for me.

Great move from a key state of the Liberal Order ! we need put maximal pressure on Moscow empire , 4 Kuril Islands belong to Japan!

That's interesting, but I doubt Russia really cares what Japan claims while it has troops stationed there. Unless Japan is willing to remove them (and essentially declare war) nothing changes.

Great move from a key state of the Liberal Order ! we need put maximal pressure on Moscow empire , 4 Kuril Islands belong to Japan!

Japan's maintained this position for decades and lobbied Russia for just as long. We're only hearing more about it now that Putin's in the doghouse and the world is happier to report similar complaints against Russia.
no US military support for Japan because Moscow
"Thd US has bases up and down Japan. 50,000 troops."

Japan can China gang up and take back what Moscow stolen from them

Unfortunately for Ukraine, that means.....nothing, really.
edit: Unfortunately for Muscovy , that means.....nothing, really.

'We hate Moscow!' Anti-Kremlin protests in Siberia (Khabarovsk) Great News for EU/NATO and the Western civilization! We ´d support all separatist moments in Moscow´s empire , it will stop once and for all Moscow Chinggisid aggression against us. do you agree?

"These are protests against Moscow and against the heavy pressure that the Kremlin traditionally exerts on local politicians. Local elites fear for their livelihoods and in this case, they're showing solidarity with common people, who feel betrayed."

Moreover, the analyst believes that Khabarovsk is simply too far away from Moscow. More than 9,000 kilometers (5,600 miles) separate the two cities. "Almost no one from the region has been to Moscow. For many, Moscow is both geographically and mentally further away than neighbors like China, South Korea or Japan. They see that their direct neighbors are in a better economic situation, and so they orient themselves more towards them than Moscow," Graschenkov says.

map 1918

edit: Unfortunately for Muscovy , that means.....nothing, really.

'We hate Moscow!' Anti-Kremlin protests in Siberia (Khabarovsk) Great News for EU/NATO and the Western civilization! We ´d support all separatist moments in Moscow´s empire , it will stop once and for all Moscow Chinggisid aggression against us. do you agree?

"These are protests against Moscow and against the heavy pressure that the Kremlin traditionally exerts on local politicians. Local elites fear for their livelihoods and in this case, they're showing solidarity with common people, who feel betrayed."

Moreover, the analyst believes that Khabarovsk is simply too far away from Moscow. More than 9,000 kilometers (5,600 miles) separate the two cities. "Almost no one from the region has been to Moscow. For many, Moscow is both geographically and mentally further away than neighbors like China, South Korea or Japan. They see that their direct neighbors are in a better economic situation, and so they orient themselves more towards them than Moscow," Graschenkov says.

map 1918

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Siberia will only be Chinese..... after Beijing starts glowing in the dark. One of the nice things about nuclear weapons.

Oh look, Litwin is blathering his usual nonsense, complete with whining about a bunch of groups that got their asses kicked. Almost none of those groups existed by 1920.
Siberia will only be Chinese..... after Beijing starts glowing in the dark.
commie China is a paper tiger much like your fav. Muscovy... China has shocked , they see what we do to Muscovy today , the commie hans know that they will be next ;) Long Live Tibet, death to China and Muscovy !
commie China is a paper tiger much like your fav. Muscovy... China has shocked , they see what we do to Muscovy today , the commie hans know that they will be next ;) Long Live Tibet, death to China and Muscovy !
If it’s a paper tiger, then it’s definitely not taking Siberia.... or anything else. Duh.
its create pressure on dying Moscow empire, we support Siberians natives liberation in the way we support Ukraine today

The only “pressure” it creates is entirely in your head.

And no, there certainly aren’t US Tripp’s flooding into Siberia. Duh.

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