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Today on the threat down: (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
We can't stop here this is bat country!
Political Leaning
Very Conservative


For far to long now we have allowed these crazy, alchoholic, carny people to run wild attacking the unsuspecting populace. As we speak the loli pop guild is alligning itself with Al-Qaeda in order to overthrow the United States government. They have infliltrated nearly every aspect of the American culture from the wrestling ring all the way to the porno industry, I for one say enough is enough, they must be stopped before it's to late!
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Trajan Octavian Titus said:

For far to long now we have allowed these crazy, alchoholic, carny people to run wild attacking the unsuspecting populace. As we speak the loli pop guild is alligning itself with Al-Qaeda in order to overthrow the United States government. They have infliltrated nearly every aspect of the American culture from the wrestling ring all the way to the porno industry, I for one say enough is enough, they must be stopped before it's to late!

Sorry, but you are wrong. They got kicked out of the porno industry. Seems they couldnt keep their noses out of other peoples' business.
danarhea said:
Sorry, but you are wrong. They got kicked out of the porno industry. Seems they couldnt keep their noses out of other peoples' business.

hahahahhaha laffs
Just start a phat basement thread. Bring all your personality, (good one teacher), to bear in one place. Stop spreading yourself thin. Post a classic thread starter, throw down, invite it, they can't resist, trust me. Make it a place where they come to you. That is, if you have it. If not, stop with the multitude of weak azz threads. You got it, or you don't. Personally, I think you have enough of a following, albeit hate filled, that you can make it work. No such thing as bad publicity. For what it's worth, I'll drop in and smack you with some, I promise, "A" material. Just to get it going. Or work on one of the semi popular basement threads that you allready have going. Pitch a change up. You're ugly, slow witted, and you drag your knuckles in the mall, what the fuc*k else have you to live for? Take a shot bro. You Shirley can't do no worse.
teacher said:
Just start a phat basement thread. Bring all your personality, (good one teacher), to bear in one place. Stop spreading yourself thin. Post a classic thread starter, throw down, invite it, they can't resist, trust me. Make it a place where they come to you. That is, if you have it. If not, stop with the multitude of weak azz threads. You got it, or you don't. Personally, I think you have enough of a following, albeit hate filled, that you can make it work. No such thing as bad publicity. For what it's worth, I'll drop in and smack you with some, I promise, "A" material. Just to get it going. Or work on one of the semi popular basement threads that you allready have going. Pitch a change up. You're ugly, slow witted, and you drag your knuckles in the mall, what the fuc*k else have you to live for? Take a shot bro. You Shirley can't do no worse.

That's a double negative, but I wouldn't have expected any more from a person who hasn't even mastered the ins and outs of a haiku, 5,7,5 Teach, how hard is that? Oh, and who are you calling Shirley bub?

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