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To the racist up stairs... (1 Viewer)


Devil Dog
DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Just what the f-uck makes you better then everybody else?
You think you got some special f-ucking gift from god?
Walking around beating you chest like a bunch of f-ucking apes waving your Nazi flags.

Its Hitler this and Hitler that. Well guess what slick? Hitler was a f-ucking moron who got his Great army totally f-ucking destroyed! Did I also mention he was a total pu$$y?
He shot himself! But hey what can you expect from a man that wanted to marry his cousin. :roll: (keeping it in the family)

I guess what really floored me was to see 2 people claiming to be Marines!
Sorry bud you’re not a white European so I cant watch your back.
cherokee said:
Just what the f-uck makes you better then everybody else?
You think you got some special f-ucking gift from god?
Walking around beating you chest like a bunch of f-ucking apes waving your Nazi flags.

Its Hitler this and Hitler that. Well guess what slick? Hitler was a f-ucking moron who got his Great army totally f-ucking destroyed! Did I also mention he was a total pu$$y?
He shot himself! But hey what can you expect from a man that wanted to marry his cousin. :roll: (keeping it in the family)

I guess what really floored me was to see 2 people claiming to be Marines!
Sorry bud you’re not a white European so I cant watch your back.

Oh my. You're kinda sexy when you're being rough. ;)
Who are we hating on, this would be helpful?:confused:
Ivan The Terrible, Your Master, has entered the debate!

I believe the Indian Ghost s responding to AmericanPatriot29.
cherokee said:
Just what the f-uck makes you better then everybody else?
You think you got some special f-ucking gift from god?
Walking around beating you chest like a bunch of f-ucking apes waving your Nazi flags.

I see racists as having an inferiority complex instead of a superiority, because deep down inside they recognize that they are worthless pieces of crap, and creating groups that they view as lessor is their only way to feel they are worth anytyhing at all.
cherokee said:
Just what the f-uck makes you better then everybody else?
You think you got some special f-ucking gift from god?
Walking around beating you chest like a bunch of f-ucking apes waving your Nazi flags.

Its Hitler this and Hitler that. Well guess what slick? Hitler was a f-ucking moron who got his Great army totally f-ucking destroyed! Did I also mention he was a total pu$$y?
He shot himself! But hey what can you expect from a man that wanted to marry his cousin. :roll: (keeping it in the family)

I guess what really floored me was to see 2 people claiming to be Marines!
Sorry bud you’re not a white European so I cant watch your back.


P.S. How many racists are on this forum anyway?
I didn’t want to name a person but they know who they are and the links they posted.
I surfed the sites they list and found even more f-ucking retards!

I remember the first day (like it was yesterday) of boot camp the Drill Sergeant told us
Race ends here, you are not crackers, N-iggers, Jews, spics, wops, wetbacks or Mick’s.
You are all f-ucking maggots.

In one day, one man my views of race changed. Some of my best friends in the military where black and like then, today I am proud to call them my brother!
As mean as this will sound I would have loved to have one of the racists sonsofbitches wounded just to tell him “Sorry f-uckhead I cant treat you, you’re not of my color” just to see his face before I did treat him.

I see racists as having an inferiority complex instead of a superiority, because deep down inside they recognize that they are worthless pieces of crap, and creating groups that they view as lessor is their only way to feel they are worth anytyhing at all.

You got that chit right! Nothing but retarded wannabe's.
I actually slowed my participation on this board after reading up on the mentality of a couple members here....as it made me a bit sick.Its interesting to consider something though, reading the posts of these people....reminds me just how easy it is to hate, if only because it brings it out in myself...directed towards them.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
We run em off pretty quickly round these parts skippy, and with your zionist conspiracy schtick upstairs you seem to fit the bill, say hello to Hitler's dog for me.

A Hitler's dog reference. Sweet. Hitler's dog. I'm so proud right now.


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