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To snitch or not to snitch? (1 Viewer)

To snitch or not to snitch?

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DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2009
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Bonners Ferry ID USA
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This is a spin off from the teachers thread where some people got offended by the idea of the cops being called.

So, what do you think? Is it good to "snitch"? Or is it a "sin"? I'll give my opinion in my next post.
It depends. It's good to report illegal activity. People should be repeat offenders breaking the law and getting away with it.
IMO, there are times to snitch and times to not snitch. I'm sure jaywalking will be used as an example so I'll just start using it...no I would not snitch if I saw someone jaywalking. But yes generally it is good to let cops know when there is a crime being committed.

That is part of the problem with society. I would bet that there would be less crime if people would just stand up and admit to the police what they saw. After all, if you knew that there was a good chance of being caught due to witnesses wouldn't you think twice before committing a crime?
For me it would depend on the nature of the crime

A "morallity crime" that did not/would not negatively affect anyone in a direct fashion I would not snitch.

A crime that did negatively affect someone in a direct manner I would.

In all seriousness it depends on the context. The police have better things to do than look into a house that smells like pot. Or someone jaywalking. But for most crimes, I wouldn't call calling the police "snitching". Anything that can help the police stop serious crime is a good thing.
This is a spin off from the teachers thread where some people got offended by the idea of the cops being called.

So, what do you think? Is it good to "snitch"? Or is it a "sin"? I'll give my opinion in my next post.

Snitches get stitches and sometimes die in ditches. Just kidding. It mostly depends on the crime. Illegal drug us, don't care. Burglary,assault, illegal immigration,some other violent crime, a company knowingly hiring illegals, or some other crime sure I will call the authorities.
Snitching covers a hell of a lot of ground and situations, there is no black and white answer since it is a nuanced decision ( the discussion that prompted this poll started -specifically calling the cops because someone caught a whiff of pot emanating from someones house)

My decision on whether or not it is appropriate to call the cops and snitch is firmly rooted in being an advocate of the harm principle, which in part states this:

John Stuart Mill said:
That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not sufficient warrant.
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"Snitching" is a terribly immature word, it brings back images of schoolroom tattletaling. There's nothing whatsoever wrong with reporting crimes to the proper authorities, in fact, we're all societally responsible for doing so. I get really sick and tired of people, especially libertarian-types, who think they're so far above actually having any responsibility toward society itself.

But then again, most of them are horribly self-centered, they think anything goes so long as nobody gets in the way of their particular fun.
This is a spin off from the teachers thread where some people got offended by the idea of the cops being called.

So, what do you think? Is it good to "snitch"? Or is it a "sin"? I'll give my opinion in my next post.

Like a lot of people said, it very much depends on what crime I see committed. If it's something minor, I doubt I'll report it. For example, I go to a lot of rock concerts and see a lot of people smoking pot. I know it's illegal, but I just don't give a ****, and I don't say anything to anyone. If it were a more serious crime, or someone was at risk of being hurt by it, I'd definitely call the cops. I've called the police to report drunk drivers before.
In context of a teacher, I would not if the children were not aware of it. If the kids had no idea, I would not care, but with teachers being role models, I would not want them doing overtly illegal things.
I wouldn't ever bother to report victimless crimes. Mainly because in my eyes, if there's no victim, there's no crime. I don't care what the "law" says. Too many laws are completely retarded.
Simplistic, one-size-fits-all answers to complicated questions are for simpletons and fools.

I have to wonder if he really believes most of that stuff he was saying. His rant against ratting on your friends and family to cut yourself a deal I understand. That is the most ****ed up thing someone can do is to rat out a family member or friend to get yourself a deal or to get a huge cash reward. Thats a major violation of loyalty, family bond, friendship and integrity. But the whole admiring gangsters,hating cops and saying that good samaritan deserved to get whacked for reporting bank robber to the police is something only a piece of **** would say, because its that kind **** why scum flourish.
I answered Snitching is Good just on principle. I hate the use of the word "snitch" for the implication that there is something wrong and evil about reporting crime. Your poll is bogus and means nothing, with all due respect. All the cute little rhymes about snitches, the T-shirts that demonize it, keep neighborhoods war zones.
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"snitching is a sin" ???
What kind of nut case would advocate this position??
It leads to a "us vs them" scenario which is not good.
A man cheating on his income taxes...at one time few if anyone would report him, today, I think this is changing.
"snitching is a sin" ???
What kind of nut case would advocate this position??
Criminals and their admirers advocate this kind of position. So your question should be "What kind of scumbag would advocate such a position??"
I would only tattle-tale on someone if they were doing something I actually thought was wrong and harmful to others. Illegal /= wrong.
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If the activity in question will cause harm to life, limb or property then snitch, if not...mind your own freaking business.
Everyone keeps saying..

"If it would cause harm to others, etc"

But my question is....

What if it already has caused harm to others, thus its no longer preventable...... would you still stick around?

The problem with society is that we as a society are so full of apathy.

Not only that..... apathy exists in ways it never did 20 years ago...

A great example of this is a type of call that has come up in 3 different situations, very similar circumstances... all with the same level of apathy...

Individual calls 911 at 2 AM to report seeing a 6 year old (their description) boy walking on the side of the road with no parents. Person who calls then bothers to not leave their name, a call back number... nor did they bother to stop and see if THEY could help said child.......... If its a lost/missing child, don't you think you would be more helpful stopping and talking with the kid at least until police can arrive and find out where the kid's parents are, what the circumstances are, etc???

No, instead, they say "Not my kid, I called 911, im going home now"

And 10 minutes later when we finally get to the general area that the caller told us the kid was, of course, the kid is long gone.
Everyone keeps saying..

"If it would cause harm to others, etc"

But my question is....

What if it already has caused harm to others, thus its no longer preventable...... would you still stick around?

The problem with society is that we as a society are so full of apathy.

Not only that..... apathy exists in ways it never did 20 years ago...

A great example of this is a type of call that has come up in 3 different situations, very similar circumstances... all with the same level of apathy...

Individual calls 911 at 2 AM to report seeing a 6 year old (their description) boy walking on the side of the road with no parents. Person who calls then bothers to not leave their name, a call back number... nor did they bother to stop and see if THEY could help said child.......... If its a lost/missing child, don't you think you would be more helpful stopping and talking with the kid at least until police can arrive and find out where the kid's parents are, what the circumstances are, etc???

No, instead, they say "Not my kid, I called 911, im going home now"

And 10 minutes later when we finally get to the general area that the caller told us the kid was, of course, the kid is long gone.

sadly, if you did stop and try to help the kid, his dirtbag parents would accuse you of abducting and molesting him in an attempt to shift the blame from them to you.
Everyone keeps saying..

"If it would cause harm to others, etc"

But my question is....

What if it already has caused harm to others, thus its no longer preventable...... would you still stick around?

Fine, I'll amend my statement to would cause harm, could cause harm, has caused harm, or is causing harm to others. I just figured that was implied.

The problem with society is that we as a society are so full of apathy.

Not only that..... apathy exists in ways it never did 20 years ago...

A great example of this is a type of call that has come up in 3 different situations, very similar circumstances... all with the same level of apathy...

Individual calls 911 at 2 AM to report seeing a 6 year old (their description) boy walking on the side of the road with no parents. Person who calls then bothers to not leave their name, a call back number... nor did they bother to stop and see if THEY could help said child.......... If its a lost/missing child, don't you think you would be more helpful stopping and talking with the kid at least until police can arrive and find out where the kid's parents are, what the circumstances are, etc???

No, instead, they say "Not my kid, I called 911, im going home now"

And 10 minutes later when we finally get to the general area that the caller told us the kid was, of course, the kid is long gone.

Of course I would stay with the kid. I would hope for most people that would go without saying.
sadly, if you did stop and try to help the kid, his dirtbag parents would accuse you of abducting and molesting him in an attempt to shift the blame from them to you.

Was involved in something similar at a carnival. Saw a little 3-year-old walking all by her little lonesome. We didn't want to approach her for fear of being accused of something. I do believe picking up a child in that situation would raise real questions. So we followed along behind until we saw a copper and turned 'er in.

As in Caine's example, that's just plain wrong. One can't leave a little child on the side of the road at 2 AM. One makes the call and sticks around. No danger of misunderstanding there.
Was involved in something similar at a carnival. Saw a little 3-year-old walking all by her little lonesome. We didn't want to approach her for fear of being accused of something. I do believe picking up a child in that situation would raise real questions. So we followed along behind until we saw a copper and turned 'er in.

As in Caine's example, that's just plain wrong. One can't leave a little child on the side of the road at 2 AM. One makes the call and sticks around. No danger of misunderstanding there.

I was at a church function a few months back when a 3 yearold wandered into a parking lot. So I started herding the kid towards the youth minister (since I didn't know who the parents were). About half way there, the kids parents come snatch the kid up and give me a seriously dirty look.
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Using the term snitch for someone who reports criminal behavior is just stupid. Reporting criminal behavior that may cause harm to someone else, or is currently causing harm to someone else, is being a responsible member of the community.

Am I going to call the cops because my neighbors smoke a joint occasionally? Probably not. Am I going to call the cops when my neighbor is beating his wife or abusing/neglecting his child? Hell yeah. Will, and HAVE.

I don't get how grown people are allowing their perspective on these things to be shaped by thugs and gang members. :roll:

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