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To all Liberal Acolyte Applicants (1 Viewer)

Ivan The Terrible

Ivan The Terrible > All
DP Veteran
Dec 20, 2005
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In your mind
Political Leaning
You mother****ing ********ing bastards have been pre-rejected for these reasons including but not limited to:

1) If you think Bill Clinton was a good president you have been pre-rejected. (He was one of the worst presidents in American history. Don't think so? I don't give a flying ****!)

2) If you get a bad feeling everytime a gas company makes a profit, you have been pre-rejected. (It's called business asshole! Not gas giveaway retard!)

3) If you support minimum-wage you have been pre-rejected. (The free market should determine how much one should earn not the government.)

4) If you think welfare is a charity, you have been pre-rejected. (Welfare is a grand robinhood scam to explot the working man.)

5) If you are friends with cnredd, you have been pre-rejected. ( That mother****ing ********ing bastred made me get rid of my sig!)

6) If you are in favor of universal healthcare, you have been pre-rejected. (That **** will bankrut America.)

More to come...

PS. Non of this applies to Kelzie.
7) If you support abortion, you have been pre-rejected. (The killing of innocent, defenseless lives. You sick freak!!!)

8) If you support pubic schools, you have been pre-rejected!!!! (Those SOBs can't teach sh1t!!!)

9) If you support tax hikes for the rich, you have been pre-rejected!!!! (They pay more then your poor a$s anyway.)

10) If your best critisism of G.W. Bush is that he can't publically speak well, you have been pre-rejected. (Not everyone can speak well publically, your douche bag!!!)

11) If you think that the war was started because of oil....OIL!!! For Fu/cks Sakes!!!! You have been pre-rejected!!!! (That is the thinking of an ignoraunt fool that doesnt know how to read!!! The war was started to enforce UN resolution, and Saddam was a dick. There more reasons, but that would only make it confusing for Liberals.)

12) If your friends with See In Redd, you have been pre-rejected!!! (He fu/cked with the pole for my Title ceremony, that motherfu/cking bi/tch ********ing gaylord!!!!!!)

None of the above applies to aps. ;)
@_girL........ said:
7)12) If your friends with See In Redd, you have been pre-rejected!!! (He fu/cked with the pole for my Title ceremony, that motherfu/cking bi/tch ********ing gaylord!!!!!!)

Hey, what he does with my **** in his spare time ain't none of your business!

If you would volunteer to torture (and can't even spell it) innocent people you have been pre-rejected, psycho-bitch!
Naughty Nurse said:
Hey, what he does with my **** in his spare time ain't none of your business!

If you would volunteer to torture (and can't even spell it) innocent people you have been pre-rejected, psycho-bitch!

13) If you are a Naughty Nurse, you have been pre-rejected. (I don't give a fu/ck how I spell it you p1ss on a girls shoes, co/ck sucking asshole. If you care so fu/cking much, correct my spelling all of the time, you daddy fu/cking bi/tch. I take the psycho-bi/tch as a compliment, maybe you should look up my occupation. I don't discriminate, its an equal opportunity for all y'all!!!)
@_girL........ said:
maybe you should look up my occupation.

I'd like to request that you castrate all of the right-wing arse-holes that frequent DP, please (except for the lovely cnredd)
lol wow. for 1 public schools arent so bad, its the kids that go there that make it bad. some people like my self cant afford to go to a private school. I somewhat agree with your statement on gas prices, but keep the prices reasonable, i mean the prices are going to like what $3 a gallon now? and as for bush, ah well hes not worth my time.:soap
BurroFino said:
lol wow. for 1 public schools arent so bad, its the kids that go there that make it bad. some people like my self cant afford to go to a private school. I somewhat agree with your statement on gas prices, but keep the prices reasonable, i mean the prices are going to like what $3 a gallon now? and as for bush, ah well hes not worth my time.:soap

14) If you have less then 30 posts, you have been pre-rejected!!! (I was talking about the education that public schools provide, as apposed to private schools. How the HELL do you, a newbie, come HERE and tell ME what you don't have time for!!! Respect your President, bi/tch!!!! Kerry was a weak ass mother fu/cking bipolar licking ketchup off of his wifes ***** co/ck holster to ever have run this country as great as G.W. Bush.)
Naughty Nurse said:
I'd like to request that you castrate all of the right-wing arse-holes that frequent DP, please (except for the lovely cnredd)

Bi/tch, cnredd is FIRST in LINE!!! Unfortunately, he isn't on the list because he is too much of a *****, and whines about the silly little list. His whining is the only act of attack, besides changing posts, like a co/ck-sucking bastard. He has no real wit or attacks to defend himself. Instead, he chooses the tactic of hit and runs. Run cnredd, run far away and never return.
@_girL........ said:
Bi/tch, cnredd is FIRST in LINE!!! Unfortunately, he isn't on the list because he is too much of a *****, and whines about the silly little list. His whining is the only act of attack, besides changing posts, like a co/ck-sucking bastard. He has no real wit or attacks to defend himself. Instead, he chooses the tactic of hit and runs. Run cnredd, run far away and never return.
This is untrue...

My other "act of attack" is telling the forum about how you spend Saturday evenings in a darkened room by yourself eating vanilla ice cream directly from the container listening to "When the Children Cry" & "Every Rose Has A Thorn" on a continuous loop...:shrug:

And when have I changed posts?...:confused:
you need at least 30 posts eh? why is that? because im not on here for hours looking to post away at everything? to me i think it makes a bigger point to have less posts and to make a good point on things. unless this site is just a popularity contest to see who can post the most.
If you favor Gay Marriage you have been Pre-Rejected Marriage should only be between a man and a woman.........

If your anti-death penalty you have been Pre-Rejected People that rape, murder and mutilate should die...........
Navy Pride said:
If you favor Gay Marriage you have been Pre-Rejected Marriage should only be between a man and a woman.........

If your anti-death penalty you have been Pre-Rejected People that rape, murder and mutilate should die...........

If you are Navy Pride you have been pre-rejected because you are Navy Pride (unless you want to marry me).
cnredd said:
This is untrue...

Is it now, Mr. smite man? Have you forgotten all of the times you have entered Ivans debate, put in your two cents and just left instead of replying to the retaliation? Might I suggest that you go look it up, or is that to hard to comprehend for you.

My other "act of attack" is telling the forum about how you spend Saturday evenings in a darkened room by yourself eating vanilla ice cream directly from the container listening to "When the Children Cry" & "Every Rose Has A Thorn" on a continuous loop...:shrug:

Come now, are you even speaking a real language? Is that the best you can do?!?! If that was an attack, then the mosquito that sucks blood out of the skin hurts alot more then that, peasant. You compare me to that of your mother, sitting at home on her fat a$s, eating a tub of icecream with sorrows or something, listening to some gay music? Listen, its just not nice of you to talk about your mother that way, especially on some debate site.

And when have I changed posts?...:confused:

This we will have to see about this. If it wasn't you, then the co/ck fu/cker that did it, didn't even say anything like the son of a mother fu/cking bi/tch that they are.
BurroFino said:
you need at least 30 posts eh? why is that? because im not on here for hours looking to post away at everything? to me i think it makes a bigger point to have less posts and to make a good point on things. unless this site is just a popularity contest to see who can post the most.

To Mr. Fine Donkey,
Could you be any less lame? I do not think you understand the representaion of credentails and the purpose of this thread. Take my adves you pathetic undermined little a$s, leave this thread until you can put up a better defence, or else, you will be slaughtered like the liberal lamb that you are. I may not own the Sacred Silence, but I do own a pretty nice personal assult team. If and when you do come back, depending on your responce, I might ask you to be my allie for you are still young and the truth may open your eyes to see the light of the other side. As our master would say, the bread is sweeter when powered with bread.
Naughty Nurse said:
If you are Navy Pride you have been pre-rejected because you are Navy Pride (unless you want to marry me).

I find it amusing that this co/ck su/cker would come here and state such garbage on this thread when IT has already been rejected. You home wreckin daddy fu/ckin trash whore, do you have any idea what the fu/ck you are saying? I didn't think so, that is what your a$s gets for having too many di/cks in your mouth all at once. Only sh/it comes out of your mouth because of where your mens nasty, HIV infected di/cks had just came out of. Like the taste of sh/it in your mouth, shemale nurse? For the last time, you have been PRE-REJECTED. Find some other Uranus to crawl up into.

the bread is sweeter when powered with bread.

So true...

If you favor Gay Marriage you have been Pre-Rejected Marriage should only be between a man and a woman.........

If your anti-death penalty you have been Pre-Rejected People that rape, murder and mutilate should die...........

Great job Navy Pride! You are truly a man of honer.

17) If you are cnredd, you have been Pre-rejected. (Do I really need a reason why? Really? **** him! That's why. And if you wanna be down with that mother****ing ********** than **** you too! )

18) If you are related to cnredd, you have been Pre-rejected. (You are deemed unworthy because you share the same gene pool. You have undoubtedly inherited his full of **** ways.)
Naughty Naughty Nurse,

If you are Navy Pride you have been pre-rejected because you are Navy Pride (unless you want to marry me).

Shut the **** up! You have no right to say who and who is not Pre-rejected as you are not:

My Acolyte
My Friend
My Ally
An Honerable Mark
Fellow Conservative

You also have already been Pre-rejected. Who the hell are you anyways?
Navy Pride said:
If you favor Gay Marriage you have been Pre-Rejected Marriage should only be between a man and a woman.........

If your anti-death penalty you have been Pre-Rejected People that rape, murder and mutilate should die...........

NP, dont you find it funny how people can support the killing of an innocent child, but not the killing of a psycho-pathic murderer/rapest?
Naughty Nurse said:
Hey, what he does with my **** in his spare time ain't none of your business!

If you would volunteer to torture (and can't even spell it) innocent people you have been pre-rejected, psycho-bitch!

How about volunteering to torture the guilty?
@_girL........ said:
8) If you support pubic schools, you have been pre-rejected!!!! (Those SOBs can't teach sh1t!!!)
It's not the schools or the teacher that matter. it's the parents. The most important thing you can do for a childs education is read to them a lot when young. I had dumb ass friend that took the same classes I did. Their parents didn't care. I didn't dare come home with a C+. The books are the same in public and private schools. Bad parents are the biggest problem this country faces.

12) If your friends with See In Redd, you have been pre-rejected!!! (He fu/cked with the pole for my Title ceremony, that motherfu/cking bi/tch ********ing gaylord!!!!!!)

Then I guess my making him 2nd in command of my monkey Army long ago doesn't help me.
Ivan The Terrible said:
Naughty Naughty Nurse,

Who the hell are you anyways?

I'm The Nurse. And I'm naughty.
Well, based on all of this criteria, I certainly don't qualify.

@_girL........ said:
NP, dont you find it funny how people can support the killing of an innocent child, but not the killing of a psycho-pathic murderer/rapest?

Please show us where anybody has supported the killing of innocent children. Or shut the phuck up.
teacher said:
How about volunteering to torture the guilty?

Well teach, what kind of torture should it be?
Navy Pride said:
If you favor Gay Marriage you have been Pre-Rejected Marriage should only be between a man and a woman.........

I don't favor gay marraige but I also don't favor Bush proposing unconstitutional amendments.

Navy Pride said:
If your anti-death penalty you have been Pre-Rejected People that rape, murder and mutilate should die...........

So rapists and murderers will live forever if we don't execute them?
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