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To all Christians who think that they are being persecuted in America[W:610] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 6, 2016
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Many Christians think that they are losing their freedom of religion especially with the secularization of public schools in the 1960s. They often say that the end times are near with the legalization of gay marriage and the prohibition of hosted prayer in public places. To those christians, I would like to point out a couple things:

1. fill in the blank:
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation _____ ___, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all

2. what does an inaugurated president typically say in his speech marking the beginning of his term?

3. What does the president say at the end of this address?

4. What is the motto of the United States of America (it can be found on a dollar bill)

5. What religion do 3/4 of the US population identify as (here's a hint, it's not atheism)

6. what has been the most popular selling book in America (and probably all of Europe) since its formation in 1781?

7. In the US constitution, churches are exempt from taxes

8. Although public schools teach evolution, they rarely if ever outright state that there is no god.

9. Europe can be largely seen as what America will end up like and christians are not persecuted in any european country except maybe Turkey and Belarus. The former has a muslim majority while the latter is the only regime in Europe.

10. What religion has every US president ever professed to be?

11. There are around 30,000 churches in America Over 300,000 Churches in America; Do We Really Need More Church Plants? Even the religions news website where I got that statistic from thinks this is ridiculous. There are around 300 million Americans. That's 10,000 attendants per church. That may seem like a lot but most churches do 2 services which would cut it in half.

12. a third of Americans attend church regularly as of 2016

13. in this "war on christmas", what was it really? Oh yeah, people weren't saying "merry christmas". Were they saying "happy atheist day" or something neutral like "happy holidays"?

If you answered all of these questions right, you can come up with a simple conclusion: Christians are not being persecuted nor will they ever be in the near future. Christians like to play the victim card when the there are instances like the legalization of gay marriage, abolition of anti sodomy laws, or taking religion out of schools. But when you look at them more closely, you will find that christians are not losing their freedom of religion but rather their freedom to force religion down other's throats.

Darkmatter covers this very well in this video


So.....another cringey, spiteful atheist rant? Haven't seen that one before.

Yes we get it, Chrisitans aren't being persecuted in this country.
Im a christian and I can tell you that the christian that feel that way are a minority. I personally don't know any and there are none at my church that believe that fallacy. The reason why to don't feel that way is because there are no facts that support that absurd claim. My religious rights and protected freedoms are the same as they were when I was born decades ago as they are today. I haven't lost any of them nor are any of them in danger. I have asked for those people that try to sell that lie to provide factual examples of this happening in this country and they never can.

So.....another cringey, spiteful atheist rant? Haven't seen that one before.


well why else did indiana and other states pass "religious freedom restoration" laws unless many of their voters truly believed they were losing religious freedom?

as soon as these shenanigans stop, we can stop fighting them
well why else did indiana and other states pass "religious freedom restoration" laws unless many of their voters truly believed they were losing religious freedom?

as soon as these shenanigans stop, we can stop fighting them

Elaborate on these shenanigans.
Im a christian and I can tell you that the christian that feel that way are a minority. I personally don't know any and there are none at my church that believe that fallacy. The reason why to don't feel that way is because there are no facts that support that absurd claim. My religious rights and protected freedoms are the same as they were when I was born decades ago as they are today. I haven't lost any of them nor are any of them in danger. I have asked for those people that try to sell that lie to provide factual examples of this happening in this country and they never can.

The ones that usually tend to believe in this persecution stuff are those rich assholes on TV asking for 10% of people's incomes for "Jesus". Or in the case of Jim Bakker, selling bonus buckets for the apocalypse, yet for some reason he still wants the money, even though to him it's "useless".
Elaborate on these shenanigans.

like passing "RFRA"s when there is no risk to their religious freedom whatsoever, then backtracking when their pocket books are threatened thru boycotts
The ones that usually tend to believe in this persecution stuff are those rich assholes on TV asking for 10% of people's incomes for "Jesus". Or in the case of Jim Bakker, selling bonus buckets for the apocalypse, yet for some reason he still wants the money, even though to him it's "useless".

LOL well I can't argue with that. Some of those people are horrible and IMO simply using religion as a tool to control others and make money that self spiritual guidance. Similar to hate groups like the FRC and AFA.
LOL well I can't argue with that. Some of those people are horrible and IMO simply using religion as a tool to control others and make money that self spiritual guidance. Similar to hate groups like the FRC and AFA.

Yes, those people are total pricks.

"Donate $10,000 so I can pay for my new private jet- I mean Jeezus!"
I am a Christian, but in no way feel "persecuted" in the USA.

However, I have several family members who believe the government will round up all the Christians any day now and force them into re-education camps. Seriously.
well why else did indiana and other states pass "religious freedom restoration" laws unless many of their voters truly believed they were losing religious freedom?

as soon as these shenanigans stop, we can stop fighting them

Because people were losing their businesses and homes over there religious beliefs and the constitutions says that the government can't do that. So what shenanigans are you referring to again?
The ones that usually tend to believe in this persecution stuff are those rich assholes on TV asking for 10% of people's incomes for "Jesus". Or in the case of Jim Bakker, selling bonus buckets for the apocalypse, yet for some reason he still wants the money, even though to him it's "useless".

Prosperity gospel people tick me off.
Christ would be flipping over their tables and chasing them out of the temple.
Because people were losing their businesses and homes over there religious beliefs and the constitutions says that the government can't do that. So what shenanigans are you referring to again?

in the US no one lost any business or homes based on religious beliefs, not one. Retarded lies like that will never be taken seriously and will always be laughed at. Your false claims are exactly the nonsensical dishonest vile shenanigan claims that are part of the problem.
Because people were losing their businesses and homes over there religious beliefs and the constitutions says that the government can't do that. So what shenanigans are you referring to again?

That should be rephrased as 'Because people can't use their claims for religious belief to discriminate against other people in their business practices' .
well why else did indiana and other states pass "religious freedom restoration" laws unless many of their voters truly believed they were losing religious freedom?

as soon as these shenanigans stop, we can stop fighting them

Because calling it the "Legalize discrimination against gays act" wouldn't fly. This doesn't mean that any significant number of Christians actually feel persecuted.
Because calling it the "Legalize discrimination against gays act" wouldn't fly. This doesn't mean that any significant number of Christians actually feel persecuted.

It is a Stealth Persecute Movement designed to slowly erode Christian Rights and Christianity itself. It starts with little things and leaves "God" in a few places to appease worry.
Make no mistake... Christianity is under attack.

:shrug: I don't entirely disagree. There's a definite hostility to it in many sectors, and a willingness on the left to ride roughshod over it's adherents. Not least of it's problems is the shell of public (fake) Christianity that folks willingly conflate it with.
Because calling it the "Legalize discrimination against gays act" wouldn't fly. This doesn't mean that any significant number of Christians actually feel persecuted.

Yeah i agree with that mostly, was giving him a hard time

Although how "religious freedom restoration" DOES fly if the voters don't pine for that i don't quite understand. That should be objectionable to anyone interested in truth in government who doesn't believe religious freedom is at risk, but a lot of their voters (and posters here) believe it is, and they largely blame the advance of gay rights for that. So to me, they may as well have called it "We hate the homos, we want Christianity back" At least that would be honest then
They lost their bakery because they refused to serve a gay couple, not because they were christian.

It's not one or the other, it's because their Christian beliefs resulted in them refusing to bake a pro gay marriage cake.

Had you and Agent J read the article you would have seen this:

"Last year when the Kleins came under fire for not baking a wedding cake for the lesbian couple, they cited their religious objections to homosexuality for the reason why they declined to do so."

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