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Time on server (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
All, the time on the server was set incorrectly. I put a ticket in and it has been corrected.

It should now be working ok.

If the time on the bottom does not display the time correctly to you...

Go into your "User CP" under options to change your default time.

For instance in Texas it would be set as:

-6 : DST off (auto detection does not appear to work on this server)

In the spring will have to turn it on.
It apears there was a timewarp again.

Host has corrected the issue.
If you were affected in a post or during posting, please accept my appologies.
Time on the server is very important to the search engines.

Also, at time of post - if the server was off - your post could hit before what your replying to. :eek:

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