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Three incontrovertible truths. (1 Viewer)


America First Populist
DP Veteran
May 5, 2019
Reaction score
San Diego
Political Leaning
1. The situation in Ukraine is despicable and Putin is an evil Dictator.

2. There ain't no cure for stupid. Therefore, Biden remains incompetent.

3. The two statements above are unrelated. They're just facts.
1. The situation in Ukraine is despicable and Putin is an evil Dictator.

2. There ain't no cure for stupid. Therefore, Biden remains incompetent.

3. The two statements above are unrelated. They're just facts.
The first is obvious and has been for years to anybody with eyes. The second you will have to support in some way or its just blather. Who gives a shit about the 3rd.
1. The situation in Ukraine is despicable and Putin is an evil Dictator.

2. There ain't no cure for stupid. Therefore, Biden remains incompetent.

3. The two statements above are unrelated. They're just facts.
I haven't been on DP as long as a lot of people but I must say this is probably the most useless thread post I have ever encountered in my relatively short tenure here.

Good grief.

I think that's all anyone should say in his threads from now on. They'd be more interesting if he turned on speech to text and ripped a few into the microphone.
1. The situation in Ukraine is despicable and Putin is an evil Dictator.

2. There ain't no cure for stupid. Therefore, Biden remains incompetent.

3. The two statements above are unrelated. They're just facts.
I saw the thread title and name of the poster and thought, well, this nonsense will be good for a chuckle. It was.
1. The situation in Ukraine is despicable and Putin is an evil Dictator.

2. There ain't no cure for stupid. Therefore, Biden remains incompetent.

3. The two statements above are unrelated. They're just facts.
Well 2 is more opinion than fact, and 3 just speaks back to 1 and 2. So it seems that you only have 1 fact there. You lied in your thread title.
1. The situation in Ukraine is despicable and Putin is an evil Dictator.

2. There ain't no cure for stupid. Therefore, Biden remains incompetent.

3. The two statements above are unrelated. They're just facts.
Dumbass post.
1. The situation in Ukraine is despicable and Putin is an evil Dictator.

2. There ain't no cure for stupid. Therefore, Biden remains incompetent.

3. The two statements above are unrelated. They're just facts.

You need attention badly, don't you? Did the Senior Citizen center cancel your trip to Arby's again?
1. The situation in Ukraine is despicable and Putin is an evil Dictator.

2. There ain't no cure for stupid. Therefore, Biden remains incompetent.

3. The two statements above are unrelated. They're just facts.
I'll go with...
1-gp is bitter
2-gp has too much time on his hands
3-gp hasn't had an original thread in months

let's go gp!
It seems to me the propaganda talking points all of the commies here subscribe to is trying to equate Joe's competence with the Ukraine mess.
The two are mutually exclusive.
Basically, all Joe has done is print more funny money for NATO and make a teleprompter speech. That's his only play with any issue. More funny money.
It seems to me the propaganda talking points all of the commies here subscribe to is trying to equate Joe's competence with the Ukraine mess.
The two are mutually exclusive.
Basically, all Joe has done is print more funny money for NATO and make a teleprompter speech. That's his only play with any issue. More funny money.
Funny money? Are you referring to the World Reserve Currency?

let's go gp!
1. The situation in Ukraine is despicable and Putin is an evil Dictator.

2. There ain't no cure for stupid. Therefore, Biden remains incompetent.

3. The two statements above are unrelated. They're just facts.

We can always count on you to start a thread about nothing. Thanks! 🤡
I haven't been on DP as long as a lot of people but I must say this is probably the most useless thread post I have ever encountered in my relatively short tenure here.

Good grief.
Pappy’s good for two or three useless threads per day. To his credit though, some are pretty humorous.
No. I think you Commies need to look at Joe's poll numbers.
Too much time on your hands to contemplate what you cannot change has made you vulnerable to BDS. Find something healthy to focus on until 2024 when your hope for a putin wannabe in the White House might come true.
1. The situation in Ukraine is despicable and Putin is an evil Dictator.

2. There ain't no cure for stupid. Therefore, Biden remains incompetent.

3. The two statements above are unrelated. They're just facts.
Somebody's cranky!
I haven't been on DP as long as a lot of people but I must say this is probably the most useless thread post I have ever encountered in my relatively short tenure here.

Good grief.

Indeed. I thought trolling wasn't allowed on here, but that's all this dude does. It's obvious he knows nothing.
Well 2 is more opinion than fact, and 3 just speaks back to 1 and 2. So it seems that you only have 1 fact there. You lied in your thread title.
It is not even "incontrovertible" that Putin is a dictator; a dictator by definition has total power over a country whereas even legally Putin's rule is subject to popular elections and, more pragmatically, subject to the consent of the billionaires, military and intelligence services. Hence the hopes that economic sanctions may actually be effective against him, in a way they never were against say Saddam Hussein or the North Korean regime.

Basically even the absolute closest our dear @Grandpappy can come to facts are a little iffy, bless him.
See how they reflexively defend Joe even though he’s an idiot?

It reminds me of sheep following the one in front off the cliff. Hahaha. And you commies are the “smart” guys…

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