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Three Bags of Candy Every Day!! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 3, 2007
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An athlete on Boomer& Gio on CBS Sports talk on 04/01/22 was recorded saying his eating regimen is one cup of coffee at late morning. Three bags of candy at late afternoon then later supper. He added that most of the supper meals are fried chicken. That's it. The hosts both said the athlete in question is in excellent shape. I never got the athlete's name.
Thanks for my first chuckle of the day.

I really needed that.

We have all read about some people who have lived past 100 and told us their diet, which would have sent most nutritionists screaming into the street.
An athlete on Boomer& Gio on CBS Sports talk on 04/01/22 was recorded saying his eating regimen is one cup of coffee at late morning. Three bags of candy at late afternoon then later supper. He added that most of the supper meals are fried chicken. That's it. The hosts both said the athlete in question is in excellent shape. I never got the athlete's name.
Here in a few years he will vapor lock on the field and everyone will be shocked because he "was so healthy".
An athlete on Boomer& Gio on CBS Sports talk on 04/01/22 was recorded saying his eating regimen is one cup of coffee at late morning. Three bags of candy at late afternoon then later supper. He added that most of the supper meals are fried chicken. That's it. The hosts both said the athlete in question is in excellent shape. I never got the athlete's name.
Oscar Wilde might have said:
"I have a very simple diet. I only eat the best."

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