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Those strictly non-binary persons - against whom should they compete in sports? (1 Viewer)

Those strictly non-binary persons - against whom should they compete in sports?

  • against other non-binary persons

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • against whoever they like

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I do not care

    Votes: 2 40.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2019
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Political Leaning
Those strictly non-binary persons - against whom should they compete in sports?
Has nobody ever thought of this question?
Has nobody ever thought of this question?
There have been a few threads on it.
I'd let the sport teams decide. Not sure about the percentage when a team votes to decide the fate of a player.
I mean, they're the ones that have to play/work with the person.
Add sections for competition

Modified and super modified

Super modified would be where performance enhancements are allowed. Drugs, genetic modifications, prosthetics ( ie artificial legs and arms)
It's a complex issue but my honest opinion is that there should be category for transgendered persons. I am supportive of identity and gender choice but recognize that a trans woman will still have lung capacity, muscle mass advantage and other physical traits that are a biological advantage over non trans women. That's not fair in seriously competitive sports.
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It's a complex issue but my honest opinion is that there should be category for transgendered persons. I am supportive of identity and gender choice but recognize that a trans woman will still have lung capacity, muscle mass advantage and other physical traits that are a biological advantage over non trans women. That's not fair in seriously competitive sports.
Since the real issue is physical ability I feel like the fairest solution would be to actually separate people based on physical ability rather than a person's sex/gender (although obviously there's a very strong correlation there), like how there are weight classes in boxing but bring the same concept to other sports too. Not sure how feasible that would be however.

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