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This morning (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 9, 2017
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This morning, one of the most powerful Real Property Organizations in this country held its monthly power breakfast at The InterContinental New York Barclay in Manhattan, The B'nai Brith Real Estate Lodge. Less than 5% of membership is Jewish, so don't allow the name to conjure up conspiracies of Jewish takeovers of the world. :)

More than 200 leaders of world real property developers and management companies were in attendance, a bit on the low side, but usual during the Holiday Season. Approximately, another 800 attendees were present via video conferencing to compensate for those members and invitees who could not physically attend because of health, work obligation or other personal responsibilities and restrictions. Speakers at the conference, a three day affair, include representatives from almost every state in the country, and include 28 non voting invited attendees from other countries.

The lodge, established in 1811 by members of the Freedman, Roth, Etal. Real Property Brokerage, believed to be the oldest operating real estate brokerage in the Hemisphere which is still extant, has a fascinating if relatively unknown history and presence in this nation of ours. Among former members are Jesse Freedman, Ulysses S. Grant, Nicholas Hilton, Dwight Eisenhower, Theodore Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Adlai Stevenson, John Jay Dole, and many more well known Americans. This morning's featured speaker, former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, as he did for his announcement of his run for NYC Mayor, quietly did the same as he announced he will likely run for the Office of the Presidency of the United States of America. Mr. Bloomberg had been dismissed as a rich crank when he made his first political announcement about running for the Mayor's office, today he was taken much more seriously. By his side was his daughter and a few former supporters as well as critical key players from his 3 elected terms as NYC Mayor.

Does this extremely wealthy Jew change the landscape of politics in America? Neither Republican or Democrat, he garners respect from both parties. Mr Bloomberg has purposefully redacted himself from current politics, yet this morning received more than $400 million in pledges for a presidential campaign. He is a fiscal conservative, a well known liberal for human rights. His honesty and largess are unquestioned. There is no hint of personal moral scandal in his history. He is known as a demanding administrator, his wealth earned entirely from his creation of Bloomberg News.

I reserve all opinions of this wild card candidate, but I also do not put anything past him once he makes a move.
Unfortunately he is 76 now. I like the fiscal conservative / liberal human rights points he has.

But damn, in 2020 he would be 78. I think his train has came and gone. Experience is great but we simply are not as sharp in our later years. I know there are always the exception but we really need someone around their 50's.
This morning, one of the most powerful Real Property Organizations in this country held its monthly power breakfast at The InterContinental New York Barclay in Manhattan, The B'nai Brith Real Estate Lodge. Less than 5% of membership is Jewish, so don't allow the name to conjure up conspiracies of Jewish takeovers of the world. :)

More than 200 leaders of world real property developers and management companies were in attendance, a bit on the low side, but usual during the Holiday Season. Approximately, another 800 attendees were present via video conferencing to compensate for those members and invitees who could not physically attend because of health, work obligation or other personal responsibilities and restrictions. Speakers at the conference, a three day affair, include representatives from almost every state in the country, and include 28 non voting invited attendees from other countries.

The lodge, established in 1811 by members of the Freedman, Roth, Etal. Real Property Brokerage, believed to be the oldest operating real estate brokerage in the Hemisphere which is still extant, has a fascinating if relatively unknown history and presence in this nation of ours. Among former members are Jesse Freedman, Ulysses S. Grant, Nicholas Hilton, Dwight Eisenhower, Theodore Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Adlai Stevenson, John Jay Dole, and many more well known Americans. This morning's featured speaker, former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, as he did for his announcement of his run for NYC Mayor, quietly did the same as he announced he will likely run for the Office of the Presidency of the United States of America. Mr. Bloomberg had been dismissed as a rich crank when he made his first political announcement about running for the Mayor's office, today he was taken much more seriously. By his side was his daughter and a few former supporters as well as critical key players from his 3 elected terms as NYC Mayor.

Does this extremely wealthy Jew change the landscape of politics in America? Neither Republican or Democrat, he garners respect from both parties. Mr Bloomberg has purposefully redacted himself from current politics, yet this morning received more than $400 million in pledges for a presidential campaign. He is a fiscal conservative, a well known liberal for human rights. His honesty and largess are unquestioned. There is no hint of personal moral scandal in his history. He is known as a demanding administrator, his wealth earned entirely from his creation of Bloomberg News.

I reserve all opinions of this wild card candidate, but I also do not put anything past him once he makes a move.

It will actually be easier for me to vote against Bloomberg than it was to vote against Hillary...and I really didn't think that would be possible.
It will actually be easier for me to vote against Bloomberg than it was to vote against Hillary...and I really didn't think that would be possible.

As things went, he was a relatively good mayor for NYC. Money grabbing for the city government, but responsible for much of the improvements that brought this city to Disneyland status, relatively safer and cleaner. Despite all its problems, this City is doing better than ever mostly thanks to the talent he brought into his administration, his establishment of partnerships with private companies. Hilary made empty promises. Bloomberg delivered. He overstayed his welcome, but still he performed, however arrogantly, for the people. Even the police were satisfied with his support. The only mayor in the history of the city other than Jimmy Walker to pull that off. The little flower came close, but not close enough.
As things went, he was a relatively good mayor for NYC. Money grabbing for the city government, but responsible for much of the improvements that brought this city to Disneyland status, relatively safer and cleaner. Despite all its problems, this City is doing better than ever mostly thanks to the talent he brought into his administration, his establishment of partnerships with private companies. Hilary made empty promises. Bloomberg delivered. He overstayed his welcome, but still he performed, however arrogantly, for the people. Even the police were satisfied with his support. The only mayor in the history of the city other than Jimmy Walker to pull that off. The little flower came close, but not close enough.

Just because something works for NYC doesn't mean it's going to work for the rest of the country. Bloomberg's heavy handed stance on guns and other issues is a total "no sale" for me. I mean, he's the guy that tried a soda ban.
Just because something works for NYC doesn't mean it's going to work for the rest of the country. Bloomberg's heavy handed stance on guns and other issues is a total "no sale" for me. I mean, he's the guy that tried a soda ban.

You just don't like that he wears lifts in his shoes. :)

Yeah, he's a picayune authoritarian, but I'd rather be arguing with a president over how much soda to drink than naked young girls, or would I?

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