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This isn't Kansas anymore. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 21, 2016
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Charleston, SC
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Libertarian - Left
CEO moved company from Kansas due to trickle-down poces (VIDEO)

Jeff Blackwood CEO of Pathfinder Health Innovations said:
Kansas has become a test center of “trickle down” economics, espoused by economist Arthur Laffer during the Reagan years. Nowhere has there been as thorough an implementation of Laffer’s policy recommendations… and nowhere has there been as dramatic a failure of government.

Another successful and growing company is saying goodbye yellow brick road to Kansas and taking it's business elsewhere thanks to the horrible economic policies of Sam Brownback and his right wing nut job puppet masters the Koch Brothers. Time to face reality for conservatives. If the states are supposed to be mini laboratories to experiment with different types of government then Kansas is a perfect experiment in what happens when the government gets out of the way and let's the free market do it's magic. In reality it turns otherwise decent states in to mini 2nd world nations.
CEO moved company from Kansas due to trickle-down poces (VIDEO)

Another successful and growing company is saying goodbye yellow brick road to Kansas and taking it's business elsewhere thanks to the horrible economic policies of Sam Brownback and his right wing nut job puppet masters the Koch Brothers. Time to face reality for conservatives. If the states are supposed to be mini laboratories to experiment with different types of government then Kansas is a perfect experiment in what happens when the government gets out of the way and let's the free market do it's magic. In reality it turns otherwise decent states in to mini 2nd world nations.

As Krauthammer famosuly said. Most politcal arguments can be boiled down to: Liberal think conservatives are evil and conservatives think liberal are stupis.

Case on point . This nitwit CEO.

He even admits what an idiot he is:
"....The state of Missouri is also helping us with some tax incentives, but these are minor consideration"
Got that? he hates supply side but he's moving because of supply side .

Then he furthers his partisan idiocy...

"More importantly, there’s a motivation of conscience that factors into it, too. It’s not so much that I’m moving the company to Missouri as I’m moving it away from Kansas.

Please note – this is a personal blog post, reflecting my views on the performance of the Kansas government, and specifically Governor Brownback. It should not be interpreted as the views of the company, our investors or employees other than me.

In recent years, Kansas has become a battleground for conservative ideals. Traditionally, Kansas was a moderate state, with the governorship switching every other election between Democratic and Republican governors. But the election of hyper-conservative Sam Brownback as governor heralded a new age of far right wing ideology."

Investors tend not to like CEO's playing politics. This will not end well.
CEO moved company from Kansas due to trickle-down poces (VIDEO)

Another successful and growing company is saying goodbye yellow brick road to Kansas and taking it's business elsewhere thanks to the horrible economic policies of Sam Brownback and his right wing nut job puppet masters the Koch Brothers. Time to face reality for conservatives. If the states are supposed to be mini laboratories to experiment with different types of government then Kansas is a perfect experiment in what happens when the government gets out of the way and let's the free market do it's magic. In reality it turns otherwise decent states in to mini 2nd world nations.

Trickle down economics are a long term. As in the good economy we had during the Clinton admin. was the result of the policies during the Reagan admin. But most liberals can only seem to think short term, so this kind of thing is utterly foreign to them....
As Krauthammer famosuly said. Most politcal arguments can be boiled down to: Liberal think conservatives are evil and conservatives think liberal are stupis.
Just goes to show how dumb conservatives have to be to think that people who are significantly better educated than themselves are the dumb ones.

He even admits what an idiot he is:
"....The state of Missouri is also helping us with some tax incentives, but these are minor consideration"
Got that? he hates supply side but he's moving because of supply side .
False. He's actually getting better tax incentives in Kansas. He's getting some tax incentives in Missouri, but they're largely irrelevant.

Investors tend not to like CEO's playing politics. This will not end well.

Tell that to the Koch brothers.
Trickle down economics are a long term. As in the good economy we had during the Clinton admin. was the result of the policies during the Reagan admin. But most liberals can only seem to think short term, so this kind of thing is utterly foreign to them....

LOL!!!! So does that mean the economic recovery under Reagan can't be attributed to him either? Bush's tax cuts were in place for 6 full years and then we got one of the worst recessions in history. After Obama eliminated them the economy has done nothing but grow. HAHAHAHA!!!!!

You're a joke. Kansas will be sitting there looking like Cambodia in 20 years and you'll be like "just you wait for it...... it's a coming."
Trickle down economics are a long term. As in the good economy we had during the Clinton admin. was the result of the policies during the Reagan admin. But most liberals can only seem to think short term, so this kind of thing is utterly foreign to them....

LOL! Wow!

No, Reagan was an economic disaster. Please know what you're talking about before actually talking. Trickle down has simply never worked. Ever.

CEO moved company from Kansas due to trickle-down poces (VIDEO)

Another successful and growing company is saying goodbye yellow brick road to Kansas and taking it's business elsewhere thanks to the horrible economic policies of Sam Brownback and his right wing nut job puppet masters the Koch Brothers. Time to face reality for conservatives. If the states are supposed to be mini laboratories to experiment with different types of government then Kansas is a perfect experiment in what happens when the government gets out of the way and let's the free market do it's magic. In reality it turns otherwise decent states in to mini 2nd world nations.

Maybe there is something in it and maybe not. The article was written with an obvious bias and therefore not very trustworthy.
He're some good party advice. Whenever you are having a conversation, and somebody make a foolish absolutist statement that " So and so economic theory doesn't work" , you should immediately walk away. You are dealing with a close-minded political ideologue who has no interest in discussing economics.
CEO moved company from Kansas due to trickle-down poces (VIDEO)

Another successful and growing company is saying goodbye yellow brick road to Kansas and taking it's business elsewhere thanks to the horrible economic policies of Sam Brownback and his right wing nut job puppet masters the Koch Brothers. Time to face reality for conservatives. If the states are supposed to be mini laboratories to experiment with different types of government then Kansas is a perfect experiment in what happens when the government gets out of the way and let's the free market do it's magic. In reality it turns otherwise decent states in to mini 2nd world nations.

Then please explain why so many businesses are leaving California? No "right wing " in charge in that State.:lamo
Then please explain why so many businesses are leaving California? No "right wing " in charge in that State.:lamo

They're not. They're being sent away intentionally and being replaced with better ones. California is currently growing at well above the national average and is projected to do so for quite some time. They have about 1,000 new business open every week, and an economy that rivals Russia.
He're some good party advice. Whenever you are having a conversation, and somebody make a foolish absolutist statement that " So and so economic theory doesn't work" , you should immediately walk away. You are dealing with a close-minded political ideologue who has no interest in discussing economics.

So then I can only assume you believe there must be some merits to liberal economic policy correct?
So then I can only assume you believe there must be some merits to liberal economic policy correct?

Of course.The progressive income tax for one .
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What it would require would be a non biased report or an answer from the other side.

The last link is from the Wichita Eagle. They are listing direct quotes from the CEO. This isn't an opinion piece. It is a fact that a CEO is taking his business out of Kansas, and he's saying it's due to Kansas horribly turn towards trickle down garbage economics. There's no other side to facts.
The last link is from the Wichita Eagle. They are listing direct quotes from the CEO. This isn't an opinion piece. It is a fact that a CEO is taking his business out of Kansas, and he's saying it's due to Kansas horribly turn towards trickle down garbage economics. There's no other side to facts.

And that is the reason I believe there might be bias guiding the opinion. The language is telling.
Of course.The progressive income tax for one .

Well good for you. There's just one problem I don't understand. This CEO is saying that the reason he's leaving Kansas is because Kansas has become a bastion of right wing extremist economic policy. So if you truly are more of a moderate why would you bash a guy who's complaining about how Kansas is no longer moderate? He's saying that Kansas has become extreme to the right and that is his motivation for leaving.
And that is the reason I believe there might be bias guiding the opinion. The language is telling.

There's no opinion here. He is in fact a CEO of a small business. He is in fact leaving Kansas. And it is in fact because he doesn't like Brownback's economic policy. These are all facts.
Admit it. You only posted this because you wanted to use that title.

Well good for you. There's just one problem I don't understand. This CEO is saying that the reason he's leaving Kansas is because Kansas has become a bastion of right wing extremist economic policy. So if you truly are more of a moderate why would you bash a guy who's complaining about how Kansas is no longer moderate? He's saying that Kansas has become extreme to the right and that is his motivation for leaving.

You just answered your own question. He's a liberal Democrat who is putting politics first.
He sounds like a phony too. He gripes about right wing policy yet admits one of the reason he's moving is because the other state is offering more of a right wing policy.LOL

(Btw, people who think lower taxes are a form of extremism aren't exactly neutral arbiters. ;) ) LOL
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(Btw, people who think lower taxes are a form of extremism aren't exactly neutral arbiters. ;) ) LOL

They are if they feel that the taxation is extremely favoring one group over another.

Just because he's not jumping at the chance to better his situation at the expense of others doesn't mean he isn't neutral. Quite the opposite, in fact.
the left has a head in the sand mentality. their poster children nations/cities/states fail one after another, yet it's always the right's fault. wake up people, the economy does not run on feelings.

Just because he's not jumping at the chance to better his situation at the expense of others doesn't mean he isn't neutral. Quite the opposite, in fact.

I was referring to the poster who claimed Kansas' economic polices ( by that I presume lower taxes?) were extreme.
CEO moved company from Kansas due to trickle-down poces (VIDEO)

Another successful and growing company is saying goodbye yellow brick road to Kansas and taking it's business elsewhere thanks to the horrible economic policies of Sam Brownback and his right wing nut job puppet masters the Koch Brothers. Time to face reality for conservatives. If the states are supposed to be mini laboratories to experiment with different types of government then Kansas is a perfect experiment in what happens when the government gets out of the way and let's the free market do it's magic. In reality it turns otherwise decent states in to mini 2nd world nations.

LOL !!!

California lost 9,000 business HQs and expansions, mostly to Texas, seven-year study says - Dallas Business Journal
Case on point . This nitwit CEO.
Erm. "Case IN point"

He even admits what an idiot he is:
"....The state of Missouri is also helping us with some tax incentives, but these are minor consideration"
Got that? he hates supply side but he's moving because of supply side .
He openly stated that he could have changed his company's tax structure to take advantage of Kansas' tax breaks, but he didn't want to do that. He isn't moving because of a $40k tax incentive -- which probably doesn't even cover the cost of the move. He's moving because Kansas is falling apart.

Investors tend not to like CEO's playing politics. This will not end well.
It will be fine for Pathfinder, but sadly it won't be fine for Kansas. Brownback's policies are driving the state government straight into a ditch, and everyone can see it except him, Laffer and their conservative buddies.

As much as I enjoy being proven right, it is downright pathetic that Brownback & co cannot grasp how much damage they are doing to their own state.

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