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This is what justice for Alton Sterling or Philando Castile would look like. (1 Viewer)


Jul 11, 2016
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The video shows what happened to Amon Geoth. Geoth was a Nazi SS officer who ran a concentration camp. He is famously portrayed by Ralph Fiennes in the movie "Schindler's List."

Just like Geoth, the white police officers who shot Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and too many more names to count, were also racist authorities who abused their power to cause harm to innocent people of a different race or religion than they were. In a fair and just world, they would get the same end that Amon Geoth did.

Unfortunately, this is not a fair and just world, at least not yet. Fortunately, revolutionaries like me, and thousands of other activists and leaders are striving to bring justice to people of color ,and end police impunity in the country.
Michael Brown caused his own death.
Yes, he did.

The video shows what happened to Amon Geoth. Geoth was a Nazi SS officer who ran a concentration camp. He is famously portrayed by Ralph Fiennes in the movie "Schindler's List."

Just like Geoth, the white police officers who shot Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and too many more names to count, were also racist authorities who abused their power to cause harm to innocent people of a different race or religion than they were. In a fair and just world, they would get the same end that Amon Geoth did.

Unfortunately, this is not a fair and just world, at least not yet. Fortunately, revolutionaries like me, and thousands of other activists and leaders are striving to bring justice to people of color ,and end police impunity in the country.

I wonder if the revolutionaries are feeling fortunate. Would any like to speak up?
While I believe we have a problem with our police using excessive force, it is a result of faulty training. It is bad but it isn't in any way comparable to the intentional murders committed by the Nazis.

The video shows what happened to Amon Geoth. Geoth was a Nazi SS officer who ran a concentration camp. He is famously portrayed by Ralph Fiennes in the movie "Schindler's List."

Just like Geoth, the white police officers who shot Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and too many more names to count, were also racist authorities who abused their power to cause harm to innocent people of a different race or religion than they were. In a fair and just world, they would get the same end that Amon Geoth did.

Unfortunately, this is not a fair and just world, at least not yet. Fortunately, revolutionaries like me, and thousands of other activists and leaders are striving to bring justice to people of color ,and end police impunity in the country.

As far as I am aware, we still don't have all the facts related to Sterling's case or Castile's. The video of Sterling doesn't provide a clear view of his hands, and he did have a gun on him and may well have been reaching for it. The Castile shooting does not look good for the officer, but again, we still don't have all the facts. Can we wait until we know what happened before rushing to conclusions? As for Brown, that was proven to be justified.
The problem is with people like the OP who blindly assume all white police officers are evil and if they shoot a black person, they are guilty immediately -- no medical examiner, ballistics or forensics needed. If you believe someone is guilty simply because of the color of their skin, you might be racist.
Yes it was. You do realize many of the witnesses who said he had his hands "up" (whether that was at his waist or wherever - the word "up" doesn't automatically mean "in the air surrendering") also said he dropped his hands and charged at Officer Wilson, right?

I love it how you try to debunk a well written, thoroughly researched article with one or sentences of pure racist claptrap.
I love it how you try to debunk a well written, thoroughly researched article with one or sentences of pure racist claptrap.

Gan, dear.... I have read the entire Grand Jury transcript. Are you telling me that Daily Kos is a better source?
Gan, dear.... I have read the entire Grand Jury transcript. Are you telling me that Daily Kos is a better source?

Gan will think so. The GJ transcript doesn't fit his view of the world.:mrgreen:
Gan, dear.... I have read the entire Grand Jury transcript. Are you telling me that Daily Kos is a better source?

If the source says white people are evil, it's all he requires of it.

The video shows what happened to Amon Geoth. Geoth was a Nazi SS officer who ran a concentration camp. He is famously portrayed by Ralph Fiennes in the movie "Schindler's List."

Just like Geoth, the white police officers who shot Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and too many more names to count, were also racist authorities who abused their power to cause harm to innocent people of a different race or religion than they were. In a fair and just world, they would get the same end that Amon Geoth did.

Unfortunately, this is not a fair and just world, at least not yet. Fortunately, revolutionaries like me, and thousands of other activists and leaders are striving to bring justice to people of color ,and end police impunity in the country.

Even Goeth was afforded a trial (actually a tribunal) where he was given the opportunity to rebut his accusers. Do you offer no such accommodation for the police in these incidents?

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