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Think about who you are defending (1 Viewer)


New member
May 4, 2005
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Here's a little something for you liberal commies to think about:
Who really do you defend?


Unborn innocent life, even if the mother is a lazy bitch, there are thousands of people who wait years for adopting a kid.

Innocent civilians of foreign lands: Before you say anything about how american soldiers just run around and slaughter civilians remember: Back during WWII, you isolationist liberals didn't want to have anything to do with helping the jews, while Hitler was on his psychotic genocide, 6 million jews died because you liberals didn't want to help others. I'd like to look at the situation in Iraq the same way as the Halocaust: Saddam used gas ( and before you bitch about no WMD's remember the big ****ing mass grave with 15,000 dead kurds. Also remeber that there probably not stupid enough to leave their WMD's around when they can bring it to their good old Saudi Friends?) to kill thousands of people because of thier race. The only difference between the Halocaust and Saddam's regime is that Bush interrupted Saddams slaughter before the innocent death toll rose to even greater numbers. And remember, your man Kerry voted for the war too.


Rapists, Pedophiles, and Serial Killers : Yes their have been innocent people who have been convicted but think about how many people have to be convinced: One judge has to be convinced there is enough evidence to go to trial, a grand jury, an ADA, and 12 civilians (of any political position.) What is even more appauling is that you don't believe we should kill these sick bastards even after several convictions, and you don't believe we should test chemicals on animals, but you do believe that we should kill an innocent fetus that YOU ALL ONCE WERE.

There are only two reasons in my opinion that an abortion would be acceptable:

If a woman was rapped: although i would prefer that you just have the kid and if you can't handle it then give him/her up for the thousands of people who want to have a baby who can't, but if you feel you absolutely just can't have this baby, fine, but at least have the descency to have the abortion during the first few weeks of pregnancy (before it has a heartbeat)

If your kid's going to have three legs and down-syndrome and will go through eliptic seizures in pain for the rest of his life then once again, at least have the descency to have the abortion when it doesn't have a heartbeat.
Hi Repub05 :2wave:

You seem a little angry...
Yeah a bit too radical. You know you're comments are angry when NYU says so.

Show me proof that Saddam committed Genocide recently? He actually stopped his killlings.. believe it or not.

Yeah good job for Bush, I believe he invaded the wrong place.. why NOT Darfur?
It's 15,000 to 400,000 WHO NEEDS HELP MORE?
Arch Enemy said:
Yeah a bit too radical. You know you're comments are angry when NYU says so.

Show me proof that Saddam committed Genocide recently? He actually stopped his killlings.. believe it or not.

Yeah good job for Bush, I believe he invaded the wrong place.. why NOT Darfur?
It's 15,000 to 400,000 WHO NEEDS HELP MORE?

A bit of too radical? I believe your views are a bit too radical. So are you suggesting that we invade Darfur? Suddam lost his second chance once he killed the second person. 15000 is enough to invade and so is 400,000.
I believe that Republicans fight for the ones who didn't choose to die or get rapped. the unborn baby, people being under a dictator and were killed and rapped by their dictator, murderer's victoms. repub05 I'm with you on this one.
satinloveslibs said:
I believe that Republicans fight for the ones who didn't choose to die or get rapped. the unborn baby, people being under a dictator and were killed and rapped by their dictator, murderer's victoms. repub05 I'm with you on this one.
I believe that Republicans fight to go back to the day when the woman stayed home and did nothing but cook, clean, and wear hideous dresses and punch out 50 kids. :roll:

Prove it's a baby. I love when anti choicers say that..."baby". :roll: When you prove to me that the fetus is indeed a child, I'll dance naked with the mailman. Otherwise that is a strict matter of opinion.

Archenemy is correct in his assertion that suuuure we'll go after Saddam when he only killed about 15,000 people - which I will not deny, is disgusting, and sick, and twisted, but we didn't do a damned thing when Darfur was going on and look how many have been mercilessly slaughtered...400,000 human beings.

Archenemy, it's a pleasure to meet you. :2wave:

-A Dawg
Arch Enemy said:
Yeah a bit too radical. You know you're comments are angry when NYU says so.

Show me proof that Saddam committed Genocide recently? He actually stopped his killlings.. believe it or not.

Yeah good job for Bush, I believe he invaded the wrong place.. why NOT Darfur?
It's 15,000 to 400,000 WHO NEEDS HELP MORE?

Just to note, because I've seen several people act as if this number is real, Saddam didn't kill 15,000, it was 600,000.

You know who needed help even more than the 400,000 in Darfur?

The 800,000 in Rwanda who Clinton let die.
satinloveslibs said:
I believe that Republicans fight for the ones who didn't choose to die or get rapped. the unborn baby, people being under a dictator and were killed and rapped by their dictator, murderer's victoms. repub05 I'm with you on this one.

Not every Republican hates abortion, not every democrat likes it.

A human being is a human being when it starts to think and act for itself.

If your saying what is true I feel cheated, we should have a conception day, I missed out on alot of presents.

I personally wouldn't like my gf to have an abortion- even unplanned, except rape and medical reasons. But I would not, could not deny her the FREEDOM OF CHOICE for it.
Yes i understand it was more, but i didn't look over my typing and i meant that the largest mass grave had 15,000 dead, when the total was actually alot bigger. Thank you for pointing that out
Repub05 said:
There are only two reasons in my opinion that an abortion would be acceptable:

If a woman was rapped: although i would prefer that you just have the kid and if you can't handle it then give him/her up for the thousands of people who want to have a baby who can't, but if you feel you absolutely just can't have this baby, fine, but at least have the descency to have the abortion during the first few weeks of pregnancy (before it has a heartbeat)

If your kid's going to have three legs and down-syndrome and will go through eliptic seizures in pain for the rest of his life then once again, at least have the descency to have the abortion when it doesn't have a heartbeat.

FYI--The baby has brainwaves and a heart beat before the woman even realizes she is pregnant.
GarzaUK said:
Not every Republican hates abortion, not every democrat likes it.

A human being is a human being when it starts to think and act for itself.

If your saying what is true I feel cheated, we should have a conception day, I missed out on alot of presents.

I personally wouldn't like my gf to have an abortion- even unplanned, except rape and medical reasons. But I would not, could not deny her the FREEDOM OF CHOICE for it.

I don't think anyone likes abortion. I think the pro-chioce supporters don't think of it as another abortion, but a woman's choice, but I believe it is not up to the woman to decide if the feotus/child lives or dies when she put it there. Abortion to me seems like an escape to not have responsibility. I think the woman has a choice if she got raped or if her life is in danger. If the woman gets raped and has an abortion that still disturbs me, but I can live with it. I don't the constitution says anything about freedom of choice. The people didn't give your gf that choice, but judges did. When people use it for birth control or to get away from responsibility then that is so wrong. Garza doesn't that trouble you a little bit that you could have a son or daughter right now or soon. Does it trouble you a little bit?
I do so love people like you. You do so much more for my cause than years of my ranting could ever do. I salute you!

Repub05 said:

Unborn innocent life, even if the mother is a lazy bitch, there are thousands of people who wait years for adopting a kid.

And there are hundreds of thousands of children waiting for adoptive parents. And I'm not a broodmare for your silly morality.

Repub05 said:
Innocent civilians of foreign lands: Before you say anything about how american soldiers just run around and slaughter civilians remember

Nah, I'll laugh at you now: :rofl

Repub05 said:
Back during WWII, you isolationist liberals didn't want to have anything to do with helping the jews while Hitler was on his psychotic genocide, 6 million jews died because you liberals didn't want to help others.

I don't know about you, but I was born in 1984, a great number of years after WWII was ended. So I'm sorry, no, *I* didn't have anything to do with the Holocaust.

Repub05 said:
I'd like to look at the situation in Iraq the same way as the Halocaust

If you insist on bringing up the Holocaust, you would do well to learn to spell it.

Repub05 said:
Saddam used gas ( and before you bitch about no WMD's remember the big ****ing mass grave with 15,000 dead kurds. Also remeber that they're probably not stupid enough to leave their WMD's around when they can bring it to their good old Saudi Friends?)

The Saudi's are our friends, also, darling. Or rather, they're Bush's friends.

Repub05 said:
to kill thousands of people because of thier race. The only difference between the Halocaust and Saddam's regime is that Bush interrupted Saddams slaughter before the innocent death toll rose to even greater numbers.

Oh, please. If that was why we went there, why did Bush have to wait around for us to be attacked by another country before he could go? If it was such an altruistic mission, why would he need the WMD excuse (and no, a mass grave is not equal to a weapon of mass destruction).

Repub05 said:
And remember, your man Kerry voted for the war too.

Think before you speak. Kerry is not my man. However, you should look into getting your information somewhere other than Rush Limbaugh.

Repub05 said:

Rapists, Pedophiles, and Serial Killers : Yes there have been innocent people who have been convicted but think about how many people have to be convinced: One judge has to be convinced there is enough evidence to go to trial, a grand jury, an ADA, and 12 civilians (of any political position.) What is even more appalling is that you don't believe we should kill these sick bastards even after several convictions, and you don't believe we should test chemicals on animals, but you do believe that we should kill an innocent fetus that YOU ALL ONCE WERE.

OH GOD! We believe in the constitution. HOW DARE WE! The death penalty is both cruel and unusual, thus violating the 5th amendment.

Repub05 said:
here are only two reasons in my opinion that an abortion would be acceptable:

If a woman was raped: although i would prefer that you just have the kid and if you can't handle it then give him/her up for the thousands of people who want to have a baby who can't, but if you feel you absolutely just can't have this baby, fine, but at least have the descency to have the abortion during the first few weeks of pregnancy (before it has a heartbeat)

Does the "babies" conception make it any less of a human?

Thanks for proving it's not about babies, it's about punishment!

Repub05 said:
If your kid's going to have three legs and down-syndrome and will go through eliptic seizures in pain for the rest of his life then once again, at least have the descency to have the abortion when it doesn't have a heartbeat.

Are these "babies" any less human?

Also: What's so significant about the heartbeat?
satinloveslibs said:
I believe that Republicans fight for the ones who didn't choose to die or get rapped. the unborn baby, people being under a dictator and were killed and rapped by their dictator, murderer's victoms. repub05 I'm with you on this one.

What in the bloody hell is "rapped"?
satinloveslibs said:
I think the pro-chioce supporters don't think of it as another abortion
I think of it as another abortion. But no, I don't think abortion is a super fun party, the same way I don't believe heart surgery is a party in the operating room.

satinloveslibs said:
but a woman's choice, but I believe it is not up to the woman to decide if the feotus/child lives or dies when she put it there. Abortion to me seems like an escape to not have responsibility.
You're essentially saying that women should be punished for consenting to sex.

satinloveslibs said:
When people use it for birth control or to get away from responsibility then that is so wrong.
Abortion controls birth. Thus, it IS birth control. I think what you meant it you don't like it when it's used in place of contraception.

satinloveslibs said:
Garza doesn't that trouble you a little bit that you could have a son or daughter right now or soon. Does it trouble you a little bit?
MANY pro-choicers have children, and knowing just how difficult it is, they realize they could never force another person to undertake that kind of risk against their will.
Scott Peterson was convicted for two counts of murder(wife and unborn child). Should he have only been convicted for one?
Gandhi>Bush said:
Scott Peterson was convicted for two counts of murder(wife and unborn child). Should he have only been convicted for one?
That was a baby in it's 9th month of pregnancy, not a 6 week old fetus. The 9 month old can survive outside the womb, the fetus cannot....BIG DIFFERENCE.....Another big difference? A legal abortion is just that LEGAL. Murdering a pregnant mother in her 9th month of pregnancy is MURDER...
So one way it's murder the other way it's abortion. That makes sense.

And it's only a baby if it can survive outside the womb? That's the definition of life? That's the definition of murder?
Gandhi>Bush said:
So one way it's murder the other way it's abortion. That makes sense.

And it's only a baby if it can survive outside the womb? That's the definition of life? That's the definition of murder?
Works for me....you're free to disagree, I respect your opinion, I just disagree with it, and so do the laws of the USA...

A legal abortion is not murder in this country. It is murder in your eyes, and that is your opinion, but it is not the opinion of the majority of Americans nor the Government of the USA...
So the 47 million people that would have been here since Roe v. Wade means?

They never even experienced their first breath outside of the womb and your response is, "works for me."

That's fairly twisted.

Maybe if we keep this long enough we can kill more people than Stalin!

By the way, is it your idea that the ideals of the "majority of americans" should be followed by the minority?

47 million people gone because gals can't take a pill and guys can't put a piece of latex over the dicks?

That's fairly twisted as well.

By the way, I do not believe that the majority of americans are okay with abortion. I think it's damn close down the middle.
47 million people gone because gals can't take a pill and guys can't put a piece of latex over the dicks?
Just to build on that comment for a bit -- When Roe vs wade was decided, the "pill" wasn't readily available to all women. Men seldom used condoms, and probably only do so now to prevent std, not pregnancy. Now that birth control is the norm, abortion should be the exception, not the rule.
Gandhi>Bush said:
So the 47 million people that would have been here since Roe v. Wade means?
It "means" that they weren't people. They weren't here. They never existed. Look, you have your opinion and I have mine. Neither of us are going to convince each other differently.
Gandhi>Bush said:
They never even experienced their first breath outside of the womb and your response is, "works for me."

That's fairly twisted.
Your opinion, which you're entitled to. You choose to feel that way. I choose to feel another way. I think it's "twisted" to tell a woman that they can't make their own LEGAL decision about themselves. I think it's "twisted" to believe that someone who has sex and gets pregnant is a bad person.
Gandhi>Bush said:
Maybe if we keep this long enough we can kill more people than Stalin!
Great analogy. When people make comments like yours it really discounts their creditability.

Gandhi>Bush said:
By the way, is it your idea that the ideals of the "majority of americans" should be followed by the minority?
Monday, November 29, 2004

Most Americans want abortion rights upheld, poll finds

Associated Press

WASHINGTON -- A majority of Americans say President Bush's choice for an opening on the Supreme Court should be willing to uphold the landmark court decision protecting abortion rights, an Associated Press poll found.

The survey found that 59 percent want the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision upheld. About three in 10, 31 percent, said they want a nominee who would overturn the decision, according to the poll conducted by Ipsos-Public Affairs.

The preference for Supreme Court nominees who would uphold Roe v. Wade could be found among men and women, most age groups, most income groups and people living in urban, suburban and rural areas. Fewer than half of Republicans, evangelicals and those over 65 said they favored a nominee who would uphold the abortion ruling.

While there are no openings on the court, only one of the nine justices, Clarence Thomas, is under 65 and Chief Justice William Rehnquist, 80, has thyroid cancer.

The AP-Ipsos poll found that six in 10 think justices should face a mandatory retirement age.
Gandhi>Bush said:
By the way, I do not believe that the majority of americans are okay with abortion. I think it's damn close down the middle.
The above poll from last November seems to dispute your belief?
26 X World Champs said:
That was a baby in it's 9th month of pregnancy, not a 6 week old fetus. The 9 month old can survive outside the womb, the fetus cannot....BIG DIFFERENCE.....Another big difference? A legal abortion is just that LEGAL. Murdering a pregnant mother in her 9th month of pregnancy is MURDER...

So are you suggesting that once a fetus becomes viable, abortions should be outlawed from that point on?

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