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They Live, We Sleep. The alarm's going off. BEEP BEEP (1 Viewer)


May 10, 2016
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Where i Stand, trust.
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All props to ODD TV on this one. I kinda wanted to make this a poll, "Illuminati, ligit or bull****?" but I don't know how to do all that fancy stuff. So, first, enjoy the music, and then I'll put some meat on the bone.

This is what you get when ya snooze. Such a clean line, and true, no?

He's some intresting verses, for those that enjoy a serving of the Lord's bread:

Man's Conspiracies & God's Victory

So, I would like to discus, debate even, but certainly not argue or fight (you know who you are, and you can take your stick and go poke your eye out with it), this topic. The world elite conspiracy against God.

Is there such a thing? If so, why? And what's the end game?

Well, let's break this down into bites, lest we choke. First, is there a group of elite that seek to control and maintain a world order that benifits them, and denies those benifits to others? Well, let's see:

Bilderberg Meetings | The official website

Ofcourse, there's nothing wrong with rich republicans running naked through the woods (That's President Clinton's words, not mine), if that was all they were doing. Harmless recreation, for sure, right? Well...

Hardly harmless. But hardly damning. Just kinda... strange. If your neighbor was making sacrafices to moloch, would it be met with the same tolerance christainty recieves? I jest, ofcourse it would more welcome. You'll see that in comments to come. ^.^

So, we see that such a group exists, and that that group exists to worship Moloch. Who is this Moloch cat?


Now you know who they are. What they believe. Let's look at the why. The end game plan.

The idea is simple. Complete destruction, and reforging of existance into man's image. The desire to unite all as one, under one rule. And for the record, you're not that ruler. No one will be, not of men (or women), as we forge iron into our very brains to "evolve" into "one world". It's not just anime scifi:

Brainiac Says We'''ll All Be Part of the '''Brain-Net''' Someday - NBC News

It's literally impanted in your forehead. And it won't be shocking that your personal usb link cable will be your hand. I mean, they're getting you ready for that swipe right now:

BBC - Future - Why I want a microchip implant

So, is this all just taking vague poems written in the bronze age to a level of nonsense, or is there something to the concept of a ruling elite that wish to challenge the very throne of God? Give me your two cents.
the Illuminati is just a neo nazi conspiracy theory
the Illuminati is just a neo nazi conspiracy theory

Nice evidence. But you're confusing the neo nazi "zionists are taking over the world theory" with this one. No where is there slander to any ethic or religious group in my evidence presented. But it's easy to dismiss as racist so you don't have to actually look at the evidence. I notice that those to the left (liberals, socialists, and communists) of this board fall back on that mindset alot. No evidence, just nay say.
My favorite has always been that the Nazis secretly won WWII by transforming from a militaristic empire into a financial/economic one.
My favorite has always been that the Nazis secretly won WWII by transforming from a militaristic empire into a financial/economic one.

I think Capt. America 2 put it best in the form of the fictional Hydra. But Paperclip was very real. And so the idea that the top brass of the nazis let the bottom fall out while they infected the rest of the intelligence and science orginzations of the world powers. Look at the change in national policy not just of America's intelligence services, but Britian and Russia's as well. They went from being defensive, protective, to down right aggressive and meddling.
My favorite has always been that the Nazis secretly won WWII by transforming from a militaristic empire into a financial/economic one.

my favorite is the one where they have a secret base on the moon..... the hollow earth one is good too
I think Capt. America 2 put it best in the form of the fictional Hydra. But Paperclip was very real. And so the idea that the top brass of the nazis let the bottom fall out while they infected the rest of the intelligence and science orginzations of the world powers. Look at the change in national policy not just of America's intelligence services, but Britian and Russia's as well. They went from being defensive, protective, to down right aggressive and meddling.

I think the Nazis and the Maoists/Stalinists were potentially working together the entire time. Simple enough: Nazis infiltrate American politics via Operation Paperclip, cooperate to sow discord and fear via the Cold War. I mean, am I the only one who thinks it is a wee-bit suspicious that the USSR and the USA claimed to be such mortal enemies, yet never engaged one another in open conflict, even in the most limited sense of the phrase...

...the Capitalist Class had everything to gain from the demonization of the Working Class that the Cold War brought into mainstream.
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All props to ODD TV on this one. I kinda wanted to make this a poll, "Illuminati, ligit or bull****?" but I don't know how to do all that fancy stuff. So, first, enjoy the music, and then I'll put some meat on the bone.

This is what you get when ya snooze. Such a clean line, and true, no?

He's some intresting verses, for those that enjoy a serving of the Lord's bread:

Man's Conspiracies & God's Victory

So, I would like to discus, debate even, but certainly not argue or fight (you know who you are, and you can take your stick and go poke your eye out with it), this topic. The world elite conspiracy against God.

Is there such a thing? If so, why? And what's the end game?

Well, let's break this down into bites, lest we choke. First, is there a group of elite that seek to control and maintain a world order that benifits them, and denies those benifits to others? Well, let's see:

Bilderberg Meetings | The official website

Ofcourse, there's nothing wrong with rich republicans running naked through the woods (That's President Clinton's words, not mine), if that was all they were doing. Harmless recreation, for sure, right? Well...

Hardly harmless. But hardly damning. Just kinda... strange. If your neighbor was making sacrafices to moloch, would it be met with the same tolerance christainty recieves? I jest, ofcourse it would more welcome. You'll see that in comments to come. ^.^

So, we see that such a group exists, and that that group exists to worship Moloch. Who is this Moloch cat?


Now you know who they are. What they believe. Let's look at the why. The end game plan.

The idea is simple. Complete destruction, and reforging of existance into man's image. The desire to unite all as one, under one rule. And for the record, you're not that ruler. No one will be, not of men (or women), as we forge iron into our very brains to "evolve" into "one world". It's not just anime scifi:

Brainiac Says We'''ll All Be Part of the '''Brain-Net''' Someday - NBC News

It's literally impanted in your forehead. And it won't be shocking that your personal usb link cable will be your hand. I mean, they're getting you ready for that swipe right now:

BBC - Future - Why I want a microchip implant

So, is this all just taking vague poems written in the bronze age to a level of nonsense, or is there something to the concept of a ruling elite that wish to challenge the very throne of God? Give me your two cents.

I think the Nazis and the Maoists/Stalinists were potentially working together the entire time. Simple enough: Nazis infiltrate American politics via Operation Paperclip, cooperate to sow discord and fear via the Cold War. I mean, am I the only one who thinks it is a wee-bit suspicious that the USSR and the USA claimed to be such mortal enemies, yet never engaged one another in open conflict, even in the most limited sense of the phrase...

while putting everyone in their pockets and making that MIC (military industerial complex) all that money on weapons that were never to be used. Right on, my friend. Very insightful point.

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