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The Vaxxes Have Triggered a Global Aids Epidemic (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 10, 2021
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Political Leaning

Always guaranteed, as repeated killer shots simply deplete the immunity system .
And AIDS is a totally non functioning immunity system .

With initial Spike Protein production ( the only mRNA instruction) causing killer cytokine storms , life will be ghastly for those affected .
30 trillion Spike Proteins in a single Moderna shot .
And all excellent for grabbing ACE2 receptors and starting blood clotting .

Always guaranteed, as repeated killer shots simply deplete the immunity system .
And AIDS is a totally non functioning immunity system .

With initial Spike Protein production ( the only mRNA instruction) causing killer cytokine storms , life will be ghastly for those affected .
30 trillion Spike Proteins in a single Moderna shot .
And all excellent for grabbing ACE2 receptors and starting blood clotting .

Really? The anit-vaxers were right?

Always guaranteed, as repeated killer shots simply deplete the immunity system .
And AIDS is a totally non functioning immunity system .

With initial Spike Protein production ( the only mRNA instruction) causing killer cytokine storms , life will be ghastly for those affected .
30 trillion Spike Proteins in a single Moderna shot .
And all excellent for grabbing ACE2 receptors and starting blood clotting .

I Googled but found no information at all: https://www.google.com/search?q=hav...AgAHHAYgByhaSAQQ0MC4xmAEAoAEB&sclient=gws-wiz

Good to learn what Bitchute is, though.

Always guaranteed, as repeated killer shots simply deplete the immunity system .
And AIDS is a totally non functioning immunity system .

With initial Spike Protein production ( the only mRNA instruction) causing killer cytokine storms , life will be ghastly for those affected .
30 trillion Spike Proteins in a single Moderna shot .
And all excellent for grabbing ACE2 receptors and starting blood clotting .



Shit chute doesn't cut it.

Always guaranteed, as repeated killer shots simply deplete the immunity system .
And AIDS is a totally non functioning immunity system .

With initial Spike Protein production ( the only mRNA instruction) causing killer cytokine storms , life will be ghastly for those affected .
30 trillion Spike Proteins in a single Moderna shot .
And all excellent for grabbing ACE2 receptors and starting blood clotting .

Wow. You really have it in for Trump today.

In his defense, he probably thought throwing socialist money at pharma would be a good thing.

Always guaranteed, as repeated killer shots simply deplete the immunity system .
And AIDS is a totally non functioning immunity system .

With initial Spike Protein production ( the only mRNA instruction) causing killer cytokine storms , life will be ghastly for those affected .
30 trillion Spike Proteins in a single Moderna shot .
And all excellent for grabbing ACE2 receptors and starting blood clotting .

Oops, well, still, it is better to get the shot, at least until hospitalizations level out.

If you can take the coronavirus, you can take the shot.
Wow. You really have it in for Trump today.

In his defense, he probably thought throwing socialist money at pharma would be a good thing.
We always have it in, for Trump.
Always guaranteed, as repeated killer shots simply deplete the immunity system .
And AIDS is a totally non functioning immunity system .

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Always guaranteed, as repeated killer shots simply deplete the immunity system .
And AIDS is a totally non functioning immunity system .

With initial Spike Protein production ( the only mRNA instruction) causing killer cytokine storms , life will be ghastly for those affected .
30 trillion Spike Proteins in a single Moderna shot .
And all excellent for grabbing ACE2 receptors and starting blood clotting .

Conspiracy forum is that way
Oh this random lady on youtube says so? I'm convinced. I don't need evidence.
Oh this random lady on youtube says so? I'm convinced. I don't need evidence.
Lol reminds me when some folks in texas said the snow was fake. I debunked that with things you could find at home depot.
Heaven help us from those allergic to science and verified data and attracted to fantastical conspiracies.

Always guaranteed, as repeated killer shots simply deplete the immunity system .
And AIDS is a totally non functioning immunity system .

With initial Spike Protein production ( the only mRNA instruction) causing killer cytokine storms , life will be ghastly for those affected .
30 trillion Spike Proteins in a single Moderna shot .
And all excellent for grabbing ACE2 receptors and starting blood clotting .

Stop spreading your bullshit and conspiracy lies here.

Enough is enough.
/sarcasm on
Well, we all know that nothing false can be posted on the internet. The OP linked video must be true.
/sarcasm off

That is just shy of 3 minutes of my life I cannot get back viewing the OP's linked vid. :ROFLMAO:

At least it is in the correct forum.

Why should we believe that female in the vid?

Always guaranteed, as repeated killer shots simply deplete the immunity system .
And AIDS is a totally non functioning immunity system .

With initial Spike Protein production ( the only mRNA instruction) causing killer cytokine storms , life will be ghastly for those affected .
30 trillion Spike Proteins in a single Moderna shot .
And all excellent for grabbing ACE2 receptors and starting blood clotting .

It's because CIA agent Elon Musk masturbates in the vaccine jabs.

Always guaranteed, as repeated killer shots simply deplete the immunity system .
And AIDS is a totally non functioning immunity system .

With initial Spike Protein production ( the only mRNA instruction) causing killer cytokine storms , life will be ghastly for those affected .
30 trillion Spike Proteins in a single Moderna shot .
And all excellent for grabbing ACE2 receptors and starting blood clotting .

This thread stands out even among all your other insane bullshit.

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