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The United States Government 9-11 Official Conspiracy Theory [USG9-11OCT] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 17, 2017
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Here we can discuss the absolutely most outlandish conspiracy theory ever invented. And we must note who it was invented by, the lyingest group of people to ever inhabit the White House, ... well, maybe if you forget about Nixon, ... and Johnson, and Reagan and Bush and ... .

Have at 'er. I'll be back with some USG9-11OCT doozies.
Here we can discuss the absolutely most outlandish conspiracy theory ever invented. And we must note who it was invented by, the lyingest group of people to ever inhabit the White House, ... well, maybe if you forget about Nixon, ... and Johnson, and Reagan and Bush and ... .

Have at 'er. I'll be back with some USG9-11OCT doozies.

The original, one of the looniest USG9-11OC theories was that OBL was responsible for the 911 attacks. This loonyness started soon after the towers were hit by drone planes.

September 11, 2001. Timeline

At eleven o’clock, on the morning of September 11, the Bush administration had already announced that Al Qaeda was responsible for the attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC) and the Pentagon. This assertion was made prior to the conduct of an indepth police investigation.

That same evening at 9.30 pm, a “War Cabinet” was formed integrated by a select number of top intelligence and military advisors. And at 11.00 pm, at the end of that historic meeting at the White House, the “War on Terrorism” was officially launched.

The decision was announced to wage war against the Taliban and Al Qaeda in retribution for the 9/11 attacks. The following morning on September 12th, the news headlines indelibly pointed to “state sponsorship” of the 9/11 attacks by Afghanistan

In chorus, the US media was calling for a military intervention against Afghanistan.

The Truth behind 9/11: Who Is Osama Bin Laden? | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

And most of the sheeple, as they always have for all the US illegal invasions, fell in line.

The problem is that there was never any evidence that OBL and Al Qaeda were responsible. Science says it is impossible, totally impossible.

The FBI never figured OBL was responsible for 911.

The Official Account [aka USG9-11OCT]

Osama bin Laden was responsible [1] for the 9/11 attacks.

The Best Evidence
The FBI did not list 9/11 [2] as one of the terrorist acts for which Osama bin Laden was wanted.

When asked why, Rex Tomb, when he was the head of investigative publicity for the FBI, stated [3] that the FBI had no hard evidence [4] connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.

Also, although Secretary of State Colin Powell, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and the 9/11 Commission promised [5] to provide evidence of Bin Laden’s responsibility for the 9/11 attacks, they also failed. [6]

Point G-1 | Consensus 911
Americans are always spouting off about how important individual liberty is, how their own personal property can't be taken/seized from them by their government. But of course, this is false. Americans wholly support their governments taking/seizing personal property from people.
Americans are always spouting off about how important individual liberty is, how their own personal property can't be taken/seized from them by their government. But of course, this is false. Americans wholly support their governments taking/seizing personal property from people.

The thing is, americans do not have any property of their own. not your car, not your house, nothing!
Americans are always spouting off about how important individual liberty is, how their own personal property can't be taken/seized from them by their government. But of course, this is false. Americans wholly support their governments taking/seizing personal property from people.

It is very much more of a cultural reality rather than a physical one. We have to pay taxes on our own land or else we'll have land taken from us...that essentially means we do not actually own our own land in America.... but we are just renting it until we can't pay it anymore.... though there are some states where some people have successfully held out on their land w/o paying taxes, and they get away with it through loop holes and determination.
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The thing is, Americans do not have any property of their own. not your car, not your house, nothing!
I think we have our own car, if we fully payed for it. but not the property or house for sure...because you have to pay taxes on the property/house. You don't have to do anything for a car.... unless you want to drive it xD
The thing is, americans do not have any property of their own. not your car, not your house, nothing!

That's not true, my car was paid off 11 years ago.
Here's a video with some nice relaxing music to help you try to think of just how crazily impossible the US official conspiracy theory is.


It's Finally Time to Wake Up to 9/11


Yes, that is definitely how the US government, the US media, pretty much everyone viewed discussing 9-11, Rex.

That is highly highly telling in and of itself.

Please start a thread to discuss your believe on what happened on 9/11. Let us look at your explanation in detail.
We are doing that in an number of threads, mike. At least me and a few others are. The rest drop in every once in a while to mouth some US government official conspiracy theory that they have garnered from the lying western media and their US government official conspiracy theorist propaganda fabrication units.
We are doing that in an number of threads, mike. At least me and a few others are. The rest drop in every once in a while to mouth some US government official conspiracy theory that they have garnered from the lying western media and their US government official conspiracy theorist propaganda fabrication units.

So in other words to expose your bull**** for the bull**** it is, which you don't like because it destroys your fragile worldview. Noted.
So in other words to expose your bull**** for the bull**** it is, which you don't like because it destroys your fragile worldview. Noted.

My fragile world view - how crazy is that?

Note, Tigerace, how there is no evidence on anything. Might you be a US government official conspiracy theory theorist?
My fragile world view - how crazy is that?

Note, Tigerace, how there is no evidence on anything. Might you be a US government official conspiracy theory theorist?

Oh yeah. You conspiracy nuts have a quite fragile world view. We see it everytime you post.

Might you be a conspiracy nut who will never except reality, no matter how many times its thrown in your face?
Oh yeah. You conspiracy nuts have a quite fragile world view. We see it everytime you post.

Might you be a conspiracy nut who will never except reality, no matter how many times its thrown in your face?

Again, zero evidence from another US government official conspiracy theory theorist.
Again, zero evidence from another US government official conspiracy theory theorist.

Oh, if I actually thought you were simply an "open minded person" instead of a conspiracy nut I would have no problem with breaking it down Barney style for you. But from what I've seen, you are fixated, so I'm not going to waste my time.
We are doing that in an number of threads, mike. At least me and a few others are. The rest drop in every once in a while to mouth some US government official conspiracy theory that they have garnered from the lying western media and their US government official conspiracy theorist propaganda fabrication units.

Then it will be no problem for you to start a thread.

Bet you can't explain what destroyed the WTC 1,2,7 without stating the govt. is wrong. I have always said each explanation should stand on its own merit and evidence.

So explain how the CD with thermite was done on WTC 1,2,7?
Oh, if I actually thought you were simply an "open minded person" instead of a conspiracy nut I would have no problem with breaking it down Barney style for you. But from what I've seen, you are fixated, so I'm not going to waste my time.

What a miserably lame excuse, Tigerace.
Then it will be no problem for you to start a thread.

You start a thread if you are so inclined.

Bet you can't explain what destroyed the WTC 1,2,7 without stating the govt. is wrong.

Why would I even consider such a nonsensical idea. The entire US government official conspiracy theory relies on all these lies.

I have always said each explanation should stand on its own merit and evidence.

No, you haven't. That's just a new dog and pony show.
You start a thread if you are so inclined.

Why would I even consider such a nonsensical idea. The entire US government official conspiracy theory relies on all these lies.

No, you haven't. That's just a new dog and pony show.

cam. I have stated on numerous threads that any explanation should stand on its own merits. Sorry you are unable to search to find that out.
That is not my problem. It is yours.

The Official report on 9/11 is far more creditable than the work of DRG, Prager, Gage, Jones, etc.

So we now can classify you as a known liar.
cam. I have stated on numerous threads that any explanation should stand on its own merits. Sorry you are unable to search to find that out.
That is not my problem. It is yours.
Lame lame lame, mike!

The Official report on 9/11 is far more creditable than the work of DRG, Prager, Gage, Jones, etc.

As always, stunningly impressive evidence.

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