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The Uncanny Christianity of the Nazis (1 Viewer)


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Oct 3, 2005
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New Jersey
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This is a post generally discussing the idea that Hitler and the Nazis were Christian in addition to the Nazis at least Christians being sympathetic to the Nazi cause. For the purpouses of this thread, I will only focus on christians and nazis, not on businessment etc.

Moroever, when Hitler came to power as "head nazi" in the 1930's, do you know what he did? What was one of the first policies he enacted during the 30's? Was it to crush the evil church? Kill and persecute the Christians? NOPE! Instead, he made Christian school prayer mandatory for the 1930's German schoolchildren who grew up to be his dreaded SS

As we can see above, it's highly occult and non-christian of the Nazis to FORCE CHRISTIAN prayer on schoolchildren. These children were educated in "christian moral family values" such as the condemnation of sexual "perversions" rather than the promotion of healthy marriages and parenting methods

In a way, he's a lot like modern Christian Fundamentalists who rabidly assault women's reproductive rights as well as the rights and freedoms of those "evil homosexual sodomiziers."

More importantly, people freqently misunderstand where Hitler furnished his ideas. Where did Hitler come up with the idea that the Jews were the bane of existence? Did he wake up one day and go, "man, I hate those ****ing jews!" If that sounds absurd to you, that's because it is. In reality----Hitler got his anti-semitic ideology from none other than--that's right--Protestentism. Lutheranism, to be exact. Hitler closely followed the anti-Semitic teachings of none other than Martin Luther, founder of Protestantism, but this isn't surprising since [...]Martin Luther wrote a book titled "On Jews and their Lies".

Now, I should address the post you made dealing with Hitler's "oppression" of the Catholic and german churches. In reality, there was no such thing. In fact, Hitler had ZERO problem with the Roman Catholic Church. His problem was with the GERMAN branch of the Church. You mentioned that Hitler signed a Concordate in 1933 with the Roman Catholics---do you know what the purpouse of this document was? Was it anti-christian? No. It was an attempt to consolidate power within Germany. There were many groups in germany over which he had no authority, and Hitler didn't like being powerless. He had no problem with Christianity---he was Christian! He just wanted the German Branch to fall in line and surrender politically to his "folkish" regime. Minor disagreements do not = mass oppression. Furthermore, even if Hitler did feud with German Christian churches, this does not prove he was not a Christian, because Christians have fought (quite violently), other Christians for several hundred years. In fact, Christians sacked Constantiniople even thought they were Christian! According to that logic, they must not be Christian...which is absurd to say.

The notion that you might think Hitler was a pagan is equally crazy, for various reasons not excluding the above discription of Hitler, BY Hitler. Foremost, a pagan state would not pray to Jesus in its schoolrooms or enter into a concordat with the Catholic church. Furthermore, the introduction of "paganism" into the Nazi "religion" is irrelevant, because Christianity is also filled to the brim with Paganism. Many of the very "Christian" traditions you hold dear to your heart have their firm roots planted in--that's right--paganism. Regardless, much of the Paganism was introduced simply morphed the type of Christianity into a Christo-pagan blend. It was merely a different denomination. Paganism was used in an attempt to rope him the German masses who were easy pray to nostalgia of Germany's past. This, however, did not make the masses non-christians nor did it make Hitler a non-christian. The Nazis were very much Christian.

You could say that Hitler and the Nazis couldn't possibly be Christian, since they killed millinos of people using eugenics, slavery, and concentration camps. Well, that's not a valid argument, since the Catholic Church killed many, many individuals as well. Further, the United States, made up of many, many christians, had Eugenics programmes and concentration camps--just like germany!

Now, you also mentioned that German Bishops were against Hitler. This is also nonsensical. In fact, in 1939, The Bishop of Hannover (among others) signed the following statement: "The foundation of this institute is based on the conviction that Jewish influence in all areas of German life, including therefore that of the Church and religon, must be brought to light and eliminated"

Many German Bishops and Christians didn't give two shits about Eugenics or Property violations of the Jews. In fact, they applauded it! This is hardly a condemnation of Hitler. Furthermore, historical whitewash. The worldwide Christian community at the time was strongly anti-semitic, and collectively gave little help to the Jews. Further, good "christian nations" in fact prevented jews from getting to safety for NO REASON! Allies knew about the horrors of the concentration camp by the start of 1942, from spy networks and the eyewitness accounts of escapees, but no one cared. Anti-semitism was powerful and omnipresent: Canada turned away 3,000 Jewish child refugees at the border (all are believed to have eventually died at Auschwitz). America turned away 30,000 Jewish child refugees on its own, as did many of the European nations who were in a position to save countless Jews. THis nonsense about Christian outrage didn't come to bear untill after the war was already over. There had been a decade of mistreatment KNOWN to christians---who did nothing but shut up their homes. How "christian" of them.

Why help those dirty Jews? Martin Luther even hated them!

Essentially, THe Christian church did almost zilch to aid the Jews, they applauded Hitler's treatment of them untill the noose started to tighten around their OWN necks. Ask yourself this question as well:

If Hitler's anti-Semitism offended all Christian principles at the time, then why did Germany's largely Christian population give power to an outspoken anti-Semite?

The answer is simple, if you are honest. The Christians were just as bad, and everything Hitler dished out, they believed hook, line, and sinker. Hitler was not an affront to Christianity--he was their messiah.

I also find it ironic in that, while all this was going on, the Catholic Church, instead of decrying Hitler, applauded him some more! In fact, The RC church never even excommunicated Hitler, nor did they add his "Mein Kampf" to their long list of banned books! In fact, Pope Pius XII himself ordered church officials in Berlin to send "warmest congratulations" to Hitler on his birthday every year, as shown in the picture at right of Archbiship Cesare Orsenigo and Hitler on April 20, 1939.

Christians have banned Brave New World on book lists, yet Mein Kampf was perfectly fine. How Christian. To book, the POPE HIMSELF made it policy to congratulate HITLER...HITLER! Get it congratulate HITLER.

That's hardly all. There is far, far more, but, before I make another post, do you know what the MOTTO of the SS divisions was? Was it "Hitler is great?" No. Was it "Thor rules?" No. It Gott Mit Uns. Note the capitalized G, which refers to Judeo-christian deities.
Technocratic, I don't have very long to stay on here. I'll post more quotes from Fest's book in the next few days and I can also quote stuff from the "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" if you like. It really would be wise of you to take Fest a highly credible source because he's been one of Germany's foremost writers of the Nazi period. He grew up in the Third Reich and one of his books was also the basis for the film, "Downfall". If anybody is an authority on the Third Reich, it's definitely Fest.

I am not saying he's wrong at all. He could be right, but there is a lot of evidence to suggest the opposite. I have never heard of the man, but I will check him out.

"If we survey the whole scene, we must grant that in the cultural realm as well, "co-ordination" proceeded without a protest, without a sign of effective opposition. Only the Protestant Church was able to resist the open seizure of power in its ranks, although at the price of fission. The Catholic Bishops had hitherto attacked Nazism in a series of strongly militant statements and had officially condemned it. But their will to resist was undermined by the negotations for a concordat, already begun during the Weimar years and eargerly resumed by Hitler."

Here, Fest states that both the Protestant and Catholic Churches tried to resist domination by the Nazis. Right there we see that Hitler could not have been a Catholic. Religious people, the military, and businessmen actually were not the chief supporters of the Nazis. This becomes obvious when Fest goes on to say:

Ok. Now here I think you do make a point. There were groups of catholics and protestants who did resist him within Germany. That is correct, but the thing to remember is why and when. Groups within the Nazi party resisted other groups and factions within the Nazi party. That doesn't mean they were anti-nazi. Simply because groups resisted domination does not mean:

A. The groups weren't christian supporters of Nazism earlier
B. The nazis themselves weren't largely christians.

You also speak of the Catholic Bishops. I will speak of these people in my post I will attatch to the bottom of this post.

Ok, Now, the thing I am going to focus on most is the notion that the Nazis are supposedly not Christian. Juging the evidence, this is hard to believe.

1. First of all, let us look at the childhood and continuing years of Adolph Hitler. What many people seem to overlook is that, since birth, Hitler was brought up and raised an steadfast catholic. According to Hitler himself, communicated via conversation to General Gerhart Engel, Hitler commented, that "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so".. As we can clearly see, straight from the horse's mouth, Hitler labels himself a Catholic. It's absurd to claim that someone is NOT of the faith he says he is. We would have no reason to doubt that the Crusaders who sacked Constantinope were any less Christian. It is also common historical knowledge that, all through his youth, Hitler was a catholic Alter Boy.

It's also further absurd to claim that Hitler wasn't Christian, because his autobiographical text, Mein Kampf, is riddled with allusions and references to the greatness of God as well as the Lord, Jesus. For example, in Mein Kampf, Hitler states, "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."

As we can clearly see from the above, Hitler was no atheist and he was no "occultist." Not only did he believe in the Almighty Creator, he believed in the Lord our Savior. Now...you might say that this isn't "our god," and it isn't "our savior," but there is no basis for that claim, due to the extensive christian heritage and upbringing of Hitler, especially considering his long background involvement in the Catholic Church (Alter boy, self-proclaimed Catholic forever etc). As such, and will be further demonstrated, it is not unreasonable to assume that he was, indeed, a Christian.
Wow......you are a real bigot Tech-Ut!

What if I did a piece called, "the uncanny SEMITISM of the Bolshevik Revolution?"

Leon Trotsky (Lev Davidovich Bronstein)-- JEW!

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin-- JEW!

Karl Marx-- JEW!

Yankov Sverdlov (Solomon)-- JEW


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what are you trying to prove here? the KKK were Christians(Protestants) too...does that make them any less evil? Do i condone what they did? Heck no!
There are many people who distort and twist the word of God, and use it as an excuse for violence against a group of people, and that is completly and utterly not Christian...no matter how much they try to rationlize it.
'the greatest cause of atheism today is Christians who acknoledge Jesus with their lips, and walk out the door, and deny it by their lifetyle.
That is what an unbelieving world...simply finds unbelievable.'
I am far from bigoted. I am dispelling the Nazis = non-christians myth. I used to be a very tolerant person, and then I learned that doesn't work. To get stuff done you have to be as viscious as those arond you. I am not saying All Christians are nazis. I am saying many Nazis were CHristian, incluidng Hitler. The bulk of facts support this claim.

The sad part is, even if the Nazi leadres themselves weren't CHristian, they did what they did in the name of jesus and God, and the citizens who WERE christian--the overwhelming number of citizens---loved it.
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Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
The sad part is, even if the Nazi leadres themselves weren't CHristian, they did what they did in the name of jesus and God, and the citizens who WERE christian--the overwhelming number of citizens---loved it.
Thats not something new or something not expected to happen, but if we are in a close walk with God, then we would be able to see right through it.

3Don't be fooled by what they say.For that day will not come until there is a great rebellion against God and the man of lawlessness is revealed--the one who brings destruction.[a] 4He will exalt himself and defy every god there is and tear down every object of adoration and worship. He will position himself in the temple of God, claiming that he himself is God. 5Don't you remember that I told you this when I was with you?
2 Thessalonians 2:3-5
a. Greek the son of destruction. (aka son of satan-not literal although)

10He will use every kind of wicked deception to fool those who are on their way to destruction because they refuse to believe the truth that would save them.
2 Thessalonians 2:10

'Hail hitler'? having to pledge undying loyalty to hitler and germany...seeing anything similar?

We have always been warned of false prophets, the only sad thing is, that those Christians were not firm enough in their faith to see through it...that is whats sad.

You can't group every Christian in teh same category...cause in this day in age...unfortunatly, its not the same...not at all.
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You should have included this quote by Hitler which was said in a speech in April 26, 1933.

"Secular schools can never be tolerated because such a school has no religious instruction and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith . . . We need believing people."

And boy did he get them. Legions of believers who never questioned what they were taught. When you have nothing to measure right and wrong and rely solely on belief to determine that, you will logically end up in a very bad place. That's because you don't know WHY something is right or wrong or somewhere inbetween. This has proven itself true over and over with such redundancy. This is what happens without reason and compassion as a guide.
Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
To get stuff done you have to be as viscious as those arond you.

Oh really....what kind of "vicious" things have you done to people?
Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
To get stuff done you have to be as viscious as those arond you.

What kind of "vicious" things do you do to people.

I am curious.
Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
To get stuff done you have to be as viscious as those arond you.

To "get stuff done" you do what to people?
Wow. So interested you posted it three times in different formats... well. I do lots of things.

Not much. Just some website building, corrupting of christian teens, bookstore shelf remodeling, essay writing. I tend to write a lot of vitriolic essays about religion to vent anger. It helps, since I obviously don't go around beating the **** out of mormons who come to my door.

You have to play them at their own conversion game. Get em while their young.
Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
I do lots of things.

Be more specific.....I want to know about the crimes that you have committed.
Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
To get stuff done you have to be as viscious as those arond you.

To get what done?
Ahh ok. I see you aren't actually paying attention to what I say, but requoting old things in various forms. :lol: Haha Haha good one. Ok Time for me to go watch Queer as Folk now and eat some sushi.

I will humor you, though:

To get stuff done means to get results. My goal is to turn every "good christian" (TM) bad. I don't care how, but the desired goal is to decovert as many christians as possible and covert them to my philosophy instead. Well, I don't care if they are satanistists. In the off chance that God does exist, I want to **** of him off even more just for a laugh.
Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
This is a post generally discussing the idea that Hitler and the Nazis were Christian in addition to the Nazis at least Christians being sympathetic to the Nazi cause. For the purpouses of this thread, I will only focus on christians and nazis, not on businessment etc.

You are very confused about the Third Reich.

Moroever, when Hitler came to power as "head nazi" in the 1930's, do you know what he did? What was one of the first policies he enacted during the 30's? Was it to crush the evil church? Kill and persecute the Christians? NOPE! Instead, he made Christian school prayer mandatory for the 1930's German schoolchildren who grew up to be his dreaded SS

Ok right there lies the confusion. First of all, HITLER DID NOT PUT CHRISTIAN PRAYERS IN SCHOOLS! I haven't read that he did but If he did they were probably warped versions coupled with racial teachings. I've read in Shirer's book that he did nationalize all of the secondary ed schools but not that he specifically called upon Christian prayers to be instituted.

To give you another source besides Fest, I'll go by what is in the, "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" by William L. Shirer. Look Shirer up; he spent years as an insider in the Third Reich and then wrote about it. Along with Fest, he is considered one of the foremost scholars on Nazism.

This issue is vastly more complicated than you are aware of. Shirer wrote some much stuff about this in his book. I don't know where to begin but I'll start with what Hitler's warped vision of a Reich Church of Germany would look like:

"What the Hitler government envisioned for Germany was clearly set out in a thirty-point program for the "National Reich Church" drawn up during the war by Rosenberg, an outspoken pagan, who among his other offices held that of 'the Fuehrer's Delegate for the Entire Intellectual and Philosophical Education and Instruction for the National Socialist Party.' A few of its thirty articles convey the essentials:

13. The National Church demands immediate cessation of the publishing and dissemination of the Bible in Germany...

18. The National Church will clear away from its altars all crucifixes, Bibles and pictures of Saints.

19. On the altars there must be nothing but Mein Kampf (to the German nation and therefore to God the most sacred book) and to the left of the altar a sword.

20. On the day of its foundation, the Christian Cross must be removed from all churches, cathedrals, and chapels...and it must be superseded by the only unconquerable symbol, the swastika."

-The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, p. 240.

Shirer also says ON THAT SAME PAGE:

"And even fewer paused to reflect that under the leadership of Rosenberg, Bormann, and Himmler, who were backed by Hitler, the Nazi regime intended eventually to destroy Christianity in Germany, if it could, and substitute the old paganism of the early tribal Germanic gods and the new paganism of the nazi extremists."

--The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, p. 240.

The Hitler Youth program was by far Hitler's foremost tool in converting the youth to National Socialism. In that program, Hitler clearly emphasized Germanic Paganism as is evident in these quotes:

"The final twist to education in the Third Reich came in the establishment of three types of schools for the training of the elite: The Adolf Hitler Schools, under the direction of the Hitler Youth, the National Political Institutes of Education and the Order Castles-the last two under the aegis of the party."

-The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, p. 255.

Shirer goes on to say,

"At the very top of the pyramid were the so-called Order Castles, the Ordensburgen. In these, with their atmosphere of the castles of the Order of Teutonic Knights of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, where trained the elite of the Nazi elite."

-The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, p. 255.

That quote right there shows how much the Nazis were into Teutonic Paganism.

Now, I should address the post you made dealing with Hitler's "oppression" of the Catholic and german churches.

No such thing as Hitler fueding with Christian Churches?? You are BADLY mistaken on your facts.

The concordate of 1933 with the Catholic Church was immediately violated by the Nazis. I have proof:

"Scarcely four months later, on July 20, the Nazi Government concluded a concordat with the Vatican in which it guaranteed the freedom of the Catholic religion and the right of the Church 'to regulate her own affairs.' The agreement, signed on behalf of Germany by Papen and of the Holy See by the then Papal Secretary of State, Monsignor Pacelli, later Pope Pius XII, was hardly put to paper before being broken by the Nazi Government."

-"The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" p.234.

So before you go and accuse someone of not knowing his facts, you'd better know what you're talking about first. Still not convinced that Hitler hated the Catholic Church? Look at this quote:

"Many Catholics in this overwhelmingly Catholic country were indoubtedly swayed by a widely publicized statement of Cardinal Innitzer welcoming Nazism to Austria and urging a Ja vote. A few months later, on October 8, the Cardinal's Palace opposite St. Stephen's Cathedral was sacked by Nazi hooligans. Too late Innitzer had learned what National Socialism was, and had spoken out in a sermon against the Nazi persecution of his Church."
--"The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" p. 350.
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The notion that you might think Hitler was a pagan is equally crazy, for various reasons not excluding the above discription of Hitler, BY Hitler.


Foremost, a pagan state would not pray to Jesus in its schoolrooms or enter into a concordat with the Catholic church. Furthermore, the introduction of "paganism" into the Nazi "religion" is irrelevant, because Christianity is also filled to the brim with Paganism. Many of the very "Christian" traditions you hold dear to your heart have their firm roots planted in--that's right--paganism. Regardless, much of the Paganism was introduced simply morphed the type of Christianity into a Christo-pagan blend. It was merely a different denomination. Paganism was used in an attempt to rope him the German masses who were easy pray to nostalgia of Germany's past. This, however, did not make the masses non-christians nor did it make Hitler a non-christian. The Nazis were very much Christian.

Well, I've just showed you plenty of evidence that would suggest what you just said incorrect.

You could say that Hitler and the Nazis couldn't possibly be Christian, since they killed millinos of people using eugenics, slavery, and concentration camps. Well, that's not a valid argument, since the Catholic Church killed many, many individuals as well. Further, the United States, made up of many, many christians, had Eugenics programmes and concentration camps--just like germany!

No, not like Germany. The camps they put the Japanese in were no where near as deadly as those found in Auschwitz and other Nazi camps.

Now, you also mentioned that German Bishops were against Hitler. This is also nonsensical. In fact, in 1939, The Bishop of Hannover (among others) signed the following statement: "The foundation of this institute is based on the conviction that Jewish influence in all areas of German life, including therefore that of the Church and religon, must be brought to light and eliminated"

Wrong again. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

To quote Shirer:

"As for the German majority of Protestant pastors, they, like almost everyone else in Germany, submitted in the face of Nazi terror. By the end of 1937 the highly respected Bishop Marahrens of Hanover was induced by Dr. Kerrl to make a public declaration that must have seemd especially humiliating to toughter men of God such as Niemoeller..."

--"The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" p.239

So you see that that Catholic Bishop was forced into signing that document.

Many German Bishops and Christians didn't give two shits about Eugenics or Property violations of the Jews. In fact, they applauded it! This is hardly a condemnation of Hitler. Furthermore, historical whitewash. The worldwide Christian community at the time was strongly anti-semitic, and collectively gave little help to the Jews. Further, good "christian nations" in fact prevented jews from getting to safety for NO REASON! Allies knew about the horrors of the concentration camp by the start of 1942, from spy networks and the eyewitness accounts of escapees, but no one cared. Anti-semitism was powerful and omnipresent: Canada turned away 3,000 Jewish child refugees at the border (all are believed to have eventually died at Auschwitz). America turned away 30,000 Jewish child refugees on its own, as did many of the European nations who were in a position to save countless Jews. THis nonsense about Christian outrage didn't come to bear untill after the war was already over. There had been a decade of mistreatment KNOWN to christians---who did nothing but shut up their homes. How "christian" of them.

How various nations treated the Jews after WW2 is an entirely other topic for debate and is irrelevant. You've just committed one of your fallacies as you would like to say.

Why help those dirty Jews? Martin Luther even hated them!

Essentially, THe Christian church did almost zilch to aid the Jews, they applauded Hitler's treatment of them untill the noose started to tighten around their OWN necks. Ask yourself this question as well:

If Hitler's anti-Semitism offended all Christian principles at the time, then why did Germany's largely Christian population give power to an outspoken anti-Semite?

The answer is simple, if you are honest. The Christians were just as bad, and everything Hitler dished out, they believed hook, line, and sinker. Hitler was not an affront to Christianity--he was their messiah.

Martin Luther's hatred for the Jews was based on different premises than Hitler's was. Hitler disliked Jews because he felt they were an inferior species and that they caused Germany to lose WW1. Luther hated the Jews more or less based on the fact that he thought they were responsible for killing Christ. Hitler didn't care that the Jews killed Christ. Hitler hated Christ for being a Jew. This is evident by the fact that when the Nazis invaded France, he ordered them to tear down Christian crosses. It's all in Shirer's book! Hitler hated all Jews, even Jesus, even the Apostles, even the Entire New Testament.

I also find it ironic in that, while all this was going on, the Catholic Church, instead of decrying Hitler, applauded him some more! In fact, The RC church never even excommunicated Hitler, nor did they add his "Mein Kampf" to their long list of banned books! In fact, Pope Pius XII himself ordered church officials in Berlin to send "warmest congratulations" to Hitler on his birthday every year, as shown in the picture at right of Archbiship Cesare Orsenigo and Hitler on April 20, 1939.

Again, the Catholic Church feared the Nazis. They feared banning Mein Kampf might have made things worse for the remaining Catholics in Germany. Dude, remember that quote I gave you from Fest's book that asserts that the Catholic Church officially condemned the Nazis?? And look at that quote again I gave about Rosenberg and Himmler wanting to replace the Bible with Mein Kampf.

I have to go to bed now but if you STILL think the Nazis represented Christianity, then you are just extremely misguided and dellusional. I can quote a lot more stuff from Shirer and Fest if you like. :::shrugs:::. But it seems to me you just really dislike Christians and would like to prefer they were behind the Holocaust.
Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
corrupting of christian teens
corrupt me? Ha...sorry dude, you picked the wrong teen...because I will be unmoved:lol:

and for the record, im a She.
Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
Wow. So interested you posted it three times in different formats... well. I do lots of things.

Not much. Just some website building, corrupting of christian teens, bookstore shelf remodeling, essay writing. I tend to write a lot of vitriolic essays about religion to vent anger. It helps, since I obviously don't go around beating the **** out of mormons who come to my door.

Nobody cares about your stupid anger. Take a trip to D.C. and see how many Christians there are. We own you and there's nothing you can do about it. :cool:
George_Washington said:
Nobody cares about your stupid anger. Take a trip to D.C. and see how many Christians there are. We own you and there's nothing you can do about it. :cool:

I'm just curious if you even know that much about Washington. The man was hardly a pious Christian (and that's good thing). He rarely attended church, wouldn't go down on his knees to pray, and didn't partake in communion. In fact, labelling what he actually was so difficult because he scarcely talked about religion, but it would be safe to say that he was no conservative Christian.

http://www.sullivan-county.com/identity/chris_presidents.htm (More on the presidents in general here.)

I won't speak on behalf of TU personally, but I can say that you do NOT "own" a single one of us non-believers. Our minds are free of unfounded faith and while you may comfort yourself in believing with every ounce of fervor that your faith is true, you cannot know that it is or claim to. I, on the other hand, can safely state that not only is Christianity false, but that I know for a fact that Christianity is false. The number of Christians will do nothing to change this. What is fact is fact and I will go with that instead of looking for solace in how many other people agree with me.
I can see this will be a pointless debate with Washington, as she will merely say all my sources are wrong, and all hers are right, and there ends the debate, lol.

1. Hitler said this [ME]


3. My source disagrees! [Me]


I can post all day long, and youc an post all day long, and we have opposite sources. You say he didn't institute christian prayer, I say he did.
Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
I am far from bigoted. I am dispelling the Nazis = non-christians myth. I used to be a very tolerant person, and then I learned that doesn't work. To get stuff done you have to be as viscious as those arond you. I am not saying All Christians are nazis. I am saying many Nazis were CHristian, incluidng Hitler. The bulk of facts support this claim.

The sad part is, even if the Nazi leadres themselves weren't CHristian, they did what they did in the name of jesus and God, and the citizens who WERE christian--the overwhelming number of citizens---loved it.

Hitler was by no means a xtian.
If you wish to know his true feelings on xtianity you should read "Table Talk", a private record of his utterances,not meant for public consumption.
Hitler viewed xtianity as just another branch of the semitic tree along with bolshevism.He recognised that by crushing xtianity he would only create "martyrs" and so his view was "Let xtianity die a natural death".
Xtianity is dying and is practically dead in northern Europe.
Do not confuse Hitler`s public utterances on the subject which were for propaganda purposes with his true inner feelings.
Hitler was so a christian, unfortunately. And in alot of his speeches he mentions God, I think. I wouldn't know, I don't speak German.

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