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The typical Donald Trump supporter... (1 Viewer)

I know several people who hated him in the beginning but now say he's starting to grow on them. To me, this is classic weak thinking, and is evidence that strong-willed people can convince others simply by saying something loud enough and long enough and the followers of the world will eventually believe it.
I disliked Trump in the beginning and I still do. He's a national embarrassment.
looks like the right wing of the RNC to me,over three million votes then cruz,if anyone has blinders on it is the purest right wing that is out of touch.
i am a trump voter and i take exception with your right wing bs,

run don run
To a point, but it's especially egregious for Trump supporters.

But you would not apply that same mentality to Hillary Clinton, who for the most part stood against just about everything she claims she stands for today. I find that hypocritical thinking as Trump is just as guilty as Hillary of being in the mix of politicians who we really have no idea what they will do if elected.
the typical anti trump RHINO,NATIONAL REVIEW BRAIN DEAD NEVER TRUMP PURIST,the truth is the RONALD REAGAN that they all say they pray to ,would not be conservative enough for the NATIONAL REVIEW wing of the republican party.
these are the people that will disenfranchise millions of AMERICANS voters ,to get what they want,these people are brain dead,this ain't 1972,the voters know what the party's are up to and it is reflected in the vote.
the anti TRUMP faction of the RNC will become marginalized,the taxpayers/voters have had enough of lying politicians .

run don run
But you would not apply that same mentality to Hillary Clinton, who for the most part stood against just about everything she claims she stands for today. I find that hypocritical thinking as Trump is just as guilty as Hillary of being in the mix of politicians who we really have no idea what they will do if elected.
I think predicting what Hillary would do, or try to do, is easier. She's an authoritarian liberal.

My comment has more to do with what I see as the gullibility of Trump supporters, not as much Trump himself. They're frustrated, I get that, so am I, but they're willfully choosing to filter out his utter lack of substance and his unnecessary juvenile rhetoric (hence the blinders pic) and are only focusing on his addressing their frustration.
The 'typical' Trump supporter is angry and afraid.
He is angry that gays are getting married and suing people who refuse to participate in their love, and he's afraid they'll force him to accept it.
He is angry that men dressed like women can go into his daughter's bathroom at will, and he's afraid for their safety.
He is angry that illegal aliens are changing the very fabric and complexion of the American demographic, and he's afraid he'll never be in the Majority again.
He is angry that college campuses have become a breeding ground for dissidents and special snowflakes that claim he and everyone like him is the 'enemy', and he's afraid for the future of the nation.
His is angry that mobs of blacks burn down their own neighborhoods and demand more and more concessions, and he's afraid that Black Lives Matter members will appear in his town any day now.
He is angry that Muslims use his own open society to target him, and he is afraid that they will make him observe Sharia law.

The typical Trump supporter thinks he has no where else to turn...that the GOP has abandoned him. So he hopes to kill the GOP by blindly latching on to a slick, boorish, con man in a $10000.00 suit. A con man who claims to be as angry as they are..but who is unafraid to 'tell it like it is'. A con man who will validate their fears and stoke their anger until he is sitting in the White House and can safely discard them.

And after last night, the typical Trump supporter is a man without a choice. His anger and fear has led him to this place. Has led US to this place. Once again trying desperately to endorse 'the lesser of two evils", but not really knowing which is which.
the typical anti trump RHINO,NATIONAL REVIEW BRAIN DEAD NEVER TRUMP PURIST,the truth is the RONALD REAGAN that they all say they pray to ,would not be conservative enough for the NATIONAL REVIEW wing of the republican party.
these are the people that will disenfranchise millions of AMERICANS voters ,to get what they want,these people are brain dead,this ain't 1972,the voters know what the party's are up to and it is reflected in the vote.
the anti TRUMP faction of the RNC will become marginalized,the taxpayers/voters have had enough of lying politicians .

run don run

So a lying billionaire is the answer? Hardly. Over 60% of Politifact rulings are either false or pants on fire.
I know several people who hated him in the beginning but now say he's starting to grow on them. To me, this is classic weak thinking, and is evidence that strong-willed people can convince others simply by saying something loud enough and long enough and the followers of the world will eventually believe it.

The marketing industry spends billions of dollars a year using that very concept. Say something enough and a significant percentage of the population will begin to believe it. They wouldn't spend that kind of money on it if it didn't work.
But you would not apply that same mentality to Hillary Clinton, who for the most part stood against just about everything she claims she stands for today. I find that hypocritical thinking as Trump is just as guilty as Hillary of being in the mix of politicians who we really have no idea what they will do if elected.

While I am not a Hillary supporter I would bet a good chunk of money that nothing she does in office will surprise me. Yes, she lies. And she will lie. But it is obvious when she lies because we understand her motivations. I know exactly what I am going to get with Hillary. I may not LIKE what I am going to get, but I can see it coming.

Trump is a total wild card. The guy will switch positions within the time span of a single interview. He doesn't really have an operating procedure. He just "goes with the flow". My guess is some of the things he would do would be far better than what Hillary would do and some of the thing would be far worse. But I have no idea what those things will be.

Between the two, Hillary is a safer bet. Yes, I am going to lose but I know exactly how much I will lose. With Trump I could win or lose. But there is no telling how much it would be.

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