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The Trump Biopic Is Here. The Rape Scene Isn’t What Would Make Him Angriest. (1 Viewer)

j brown's body

"A Soros-backed animal"
DP Veteran
Jun 18, 2018
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"The Apprentice which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival yesterday, promises to explain how Trump came to be Trump, through an account of his mentorship by the ruthless New York power broker Roy Cohn. But the movie, which was directed by Iranian-Danish filmmaker Ali Abbasi and written by political reporter Gabriel Sherman, tells us nothing we don’t already know, both in terms of its plot and, more fatally, its evaluation of both men’s souls.

...It would be hard, in some ways, to think of a less flattering portrait. Sebastian Stan plays him as a hairsprayed vacuum of a man, a blank-eyed megalomaniac whose only gift is his monstrous self-regard. Although it charts his rise from a son of an outer-borough landlord to the spray-tanned face of Manhattan’s 1980s excess, it never grants him the glamour he so desperately sought. The film’s images have the washed-out colors of a VHS tape retrieved from the back of a Goodwill, as if the lens was sprayed with a fresh coat of bronzer before every take. It shows Trump stiffing contractors, scarfing down amphetamines, and raping his wife, Ivana (Borat 2’s Maria Bakalova), when she dares to suggest he could stand to familiarize himself with female anatomy. But while Variety labeled the movie “brutal,” that’s also a word that the film’s Trump and its Cohn, played by Jeremy Strong, frequently apply to themselves, a term that’s been brandished by his critics and embraced by his admirers.

...In an interview after The Apprentice’s premiere, Abbasi offered to screen the film for Trump personally, adding “I don’t necessarily think that this is a movie he would dislike.” But rather than taking him up on that offer, Trump’s spokesperson called it a film that “doesn’t even deserve a place in the straight-to-DVD section of a bargain bin at a soon-to-be-closed discount movie store.” Trump has known for decades that there’s nothing more powerful than the ability to hold people’s attention, and the sickest burn is suggesting that the movie isn’t even worth a hate-watch. The mere existence of The Apprentice flatters his vanity and burnishes his legend. Its most devastating sequence doesn’t involve backstabbing or lawbreaking or even sexual assault. It’s when the film intercuts Cohn’s funeral with Trump undergoing liposuction and a scalp reduction to reduce his bald spot. He’s not a titan of industry or a power player or a future world leader, just a middle-aged man with a bulging gut and thinning hair. Trump can’t sue for that sequence, but it’s the one that would make him truly furious."


Interesting point.
LOL Hollywood goes woke again. They never learn. I bet the movie will bomb.
it isnt about making money
it is about trying to get the last % of the undecided's to NOT VOTE for Trump

Look at the timing....
I would be amazed if the producers werent being paid under the table by the big money donors of the democrats

They are worried that Biden/Harris will not carry the day....and pulling out all the stops
it isnt about making money
it is about trying to get the last % of the undecided's to NOT VOTE for Trump

Look at the timing....
I would be amazed if the producers werent being paid under the table by the big money donors of the democrats

They are worried that Biden/Harris will not carry the day....and pulling out all the stops
LOL Hollywood goes woke again. They never learn. I bet the movie will bomb.
Sounds like you’re going woke with this PC crap trying to give Donald a “safe space” or whatever you wokists call it these days. It doesn’t matter. Your MAGA wokaholics can lawfare all you want in an attempt to cancel this film because it hurts your feelings, but all that will accomplish is to make you into a broke woke.
Interesting. What is woke about?

Sounds like you’re going woke with this PC crap trying to give Donald a “safe space” or whatever you wokists call it these days. It doesn’t matter. Your MAGA wokaholics can lawfare all you want in an attempt to cancel this film because it hurts your feelings, but all that will accomplish is to make you into a broke woke.
Aww, you love Trump. We get it! :ROFLMAO:
"He’s not a titan of industry or a power player or a future world leader, just a middle-aged man with a bulging gut and thinning hair. Trump can’t sue for that sequence, but it’s the one that would make him truly furious.""

Has anyone read Squeeze Me, by carl Hiassen? A python is lose at Mara Lago. The only Trump aides who appear in the book is the guy who operates his tanning bed and the body double who has to go into it before Trump to make sure its just right.

The orange man should be flattered and grateful that the actor portraying him looks a hell of a lot better than he does !!!!

Trump campaign sends cease and desist letter to block release of biopic The Apprentice​

Donald Trump’s attorneys have reportedly sent a cease and desist letter to the producers of The Apprentice, seeking to prevent the unauthorized biopic from gaining a release in the United States.

The film, directed by Iranian filmmaker Ali Abbasi, stars Sebastian Stan as a young Donald Trump and Succession’s Jeremy Strong as his mentor, the lawyer and political fixer Roy Cohn. Stan is best known for playing the Winter Soldier in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The Apprentice premiered at the Cannes Film Festival on 20 May, and its producers are currently seeking a distribution deal. However, Variety reports that Trump’s legal team have warned them in the new cease and desist letter not to pursue such a deal. In a statement to The Independent, Trump campaign chief spokesperson Steven Cheung said: “We filed a lawsuit to address the blatantly false assertions from these pretend filmmakers.

“This garbage is pure fiction which sensationalizes lies that have been long debunked. As with the illegal Biden Trials, this is election interference by Hollywood elites, who know that President Trump will retake the White House and beat their candidate of choice because nothing they have done has worked.

Read more: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-...e-apprentice-movie-cease-desist-b2551252.html
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it isnt about making money
it is about trying to get the last % of the undecided's to NOT VOTE for Trump

Look at the timing....
I would be amazed if the producers werent being paid under the table by the big money donors of the democrats

They are worried that Biden/Harris will not carry the day....and pulling out all the stops
Citizens United!!! :rolleyes: :oops:
I don’t think this movie will have the intended effect: steering votes away from Trump.

Trump voters don’t care that Trump raped someone in a department store. They put their politics above decency.

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