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The traditional multi-gender public bathroom (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 1, 2015
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
It's been around for generations:

As the guy that often drove for a pickup load of partiers, it was a common occurrence for females to yell: pee break! None of them cared how many of the guys watched. The attitude was "If you need a thrill that bad, have at it". Some even would offer "If you want a peek, just ask. You can see anything you want."

Here's the "old-fashioned" style multi-gender bathroom:

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It's been around for generations:

As the guy that often drove for a pickup load of partiers, it was a common occurrence for females to yell: pee break! None of them cared how many of the guys watched. The attitude was "If you need a thrill that bad, have at it". Some even would offer "If you want a peek, just ask. You can see anything you want."

Here's the "old-fashioned" style multi-gender bathroom:


Here is the traditional spot for childrens bodies who have been abducted raped and murdered to be found

When you're in the woods you have the choice to find somewhere private to go.
Here is the traditional spot for childrens bodies who have been abducted raped and murdered to be found

That fearful mentality is why so many places here in the US are marked off and restricted. It's one of the reasons I enjoy crossing the border into Canada. Once you cross the border, there are so many places you can go in a 4x4 with no complaints.
When you're in the woods you have the choice to find somewhere private to go.

Good point. Drunk chicks don't care and figure there needs to be some incentive to be a designated driver. However, you should only look but not touch if you want to stay out of trouble.
That fearful mentality is why so many places here in the US are marked off and restricted. It's one of the reasons I enjoy crossing the border into Canada. Once you cross the border, there are so many places you can go in a 4x4 with no complaints.

How ironic - just a few years ago 3 siblings in town (between the ages of 4 and 14) were almost KILLED when their 4x4's turned over in the street. They had to be helivaced to the hospital.

Their parents bought them those 4x4's and though they weren't old enough to drive, the cops didn't have 'legal clout' to tell them to stop because of a lack of clearly written laws on the books about who can and cannot ride 4x4's in the street.

Often, they'd overturn in people's yard and get in minor wrecks (such as the event in my ditch) . . .and ultimately that near-fatal crash put a halt to all of their antics.

People keep forgetting that a lot of people out there are NOT responsible ADULTS.
It's been around for generations:

As the guy that often drove for a pickup load of partiers, it was a common occurrence for females to yell: pee break! None of them cared how many of the guys watched. The attitude was "If you need a thrill that bad, have at it". Some even would offer "If you want a peek, just ask. You can see anything you want."

Here's the "old-fashioned" style multi-gender bathroom:


You just described most of my high school camping trips to Stubblefield Lake with my friends.
How ironic - just a few years ago 3 siblings in town (between the ages of 4 and 14) were almost KILLED when their 4x4's turned over in the street. They had to be helivaced to the hospital.

Their parents bought them those 4x4's and though they weren't old enough to drive, the cops didn't have 'legal clout' to tell them to stop because of a lack of clearly written laws on the books about who can and cannot ride 4x4's in the street.

Often, they'd overturn in people's yard and get in minor wrecks (such as the event in my ditch) . . .and ultimately that near-fatal crash put a halt to all of their antics.

People keep forgetting that a lot of people out there are NOT responsible ADULTS.

By a 4x4, I mean a Jeep, Toyota 4Runner, FJ Cruiser, Landcruiser, etc. These are licensed as cars or trucks depending on which state/province you're in.
How ironic - just a few years ago 3 siblings in town (between the ages of 4 and 14) were almost KILLED when their 4x4's turned over in the street. They had to be helivaced to the hospital.

Their parents bought them those 4x4's and though they weren't old enough to drive, the cops didn't have 'legal clout' to tell them to stop because of a lack of clearly written laws on the books about who can and cannot ride 4x4's in the street.

Often, they'd overturn in people's yard and get in minor wrecks (such as the event in my ditch) . . .and ultimately that near-fatal crash put a halt to all of their antics.

People keep forgetting that a lot of people out there are NOT responsible ADULTS.
I think you're confusing four wheeler with 4x4. ;)
If one group has to respect how the other feels about the bathroom of their choice...why doesn't the other have to respect that the other side may have cultural, religious, or even emotional safety reservations?

You know...like their children, they were rape victims, or they may have had a bad experience regarding bathrooms in front of the opposite sex?


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How ironic - just a few years ago 3 siblings in town (between the ages of 4 and 14) were almost KILLED when their 4x4's turned over in the street. They had to be helivaced to the hospital.

Their parents bought them those 4x4's and though they weren't old enough to drive, the cops didn't have 'legal clout' to tell them to stop because of a lack of clearly written laws on the books about who can and cannot ride 4x4's in the street.

Often, they'd overturn in people's yard and get in minor wrecks (such as the event in my ditch) . . .and ultimately that near-fatal crash put a halt to all of their antics.

People keep forgetting that a lot of people out there are NOT responsible ADULTS.

That last bit is SO true. And people do not consider that when they argue.

Now. Just because one person is unreasonably stupid/irresponsible, does not mean everyone should be treated as such. Tough call sometimes.

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