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The tax windfall that wasn't (1 Viewer)


Gadfly Extraordinaire
DP Veteran
Mar 3, 2018
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San Diego
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Who would have thought a tax policy written by the top 1% favoring the top 1% was a massive scam on the taxpayer.

The tax windfall that wasn't: A troubling new IRS report suggests many Americans may be giving money right back to the government - NY Daily News

Americans like their tax refunds. Refunds are good for tax administration, too. Plenty of evidence shows that tax compliance is higher when taxpayers see refunds on their tax returns.

But millions of Americans looking forward to their tax refunds are about to be disappointed, even upset. They will not see their expected refunds when they file their returns in 2019. Even worse, many will be required to pay extra taxes. Why the change? The Republicans’ push to sell their tax law to the American public is the culprit.
Who would have thought a tax policy written by the top 1% favoring the top 1% was a massive scam on the taxpayer.

The tax windfall that wasn't: A troubling new IRS report suggests many Americans may be giving money right back to the government - NY Daily News

Well, I'm pretty sure this is wrong. Donald Trump is expected to get a huge tax refund, and I'll bet any amount he gets it all.

Trump will personally save up to $15m/year under tax bill, analysis finds

And according to that same article, his family gets millions back as well:

Jared Kushner will save up to $12m, while five other members of Trump’s inner circle will also see benefits worth millions of dollars

Trump played his base for fools. Looks like he picked the right people to play.
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Where is the middle class tax cut 45 promised by Nov.1st?
Who would have thought a tax policy written by the top 1% favoring the top 1% was a massive scam on the taxpayer.

The tax windfall that wasn't: A troubling new IRS report suggests many Americans may be giving money right back to the government - NY Daily News

Shocked at another misleading Op by this poster. If you read the entire article it is clear that the reason is not the law itself,but the way the IRS handled the withholding documents.

So this has less to do with how much people will pay in taxes rather how much was withheld.

Wonder if this is honest debate or a posting meant to deceive the non-thinking.
Well, I'm pretty sure this is wrong. Donald Trump is expected to get a huge tax refund, and I'll bet any amount he gets it all.

Trump will personally save up to $15m/year under tax bill, analysis finds

And according to that same article, his family gets millions back as well:

Jared Kushner will save up to $12m, while five other members of Trump’s inner circle will also see benefits worth millions of dollars

Trump played his base for fools. Looks like he picked the right people to play.
Gee, what a friggin' shock: the President and his family benefit just like other families that actually PAY income tax.
The new rules don't apply til next year.
Well, I'm pretty sure this is wrong. Donald Trump is expected to get a huge tax refund, and I'll bet any amount he gets it all.

Trump will personally save up to $15m/year under tax bill, analysis finds

And according to that same article, his family gets millions back as well:

Jared Kushner will save up to $12m, while five other members of Trump’s inner circle will also see benefits worth millions of dollars

Trump played his base for fools. Looks like he picked the right people to play.
The biggest personal deal Trump ever made, by far, was the day he signed his tax bill.
If you live in a high state and locally taxed area you might have reason to be worried. Your taxes are not subsidized anymore. Hopefully you will break even.

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If you live in a high state and locally taxed area you might have reason to be worried. Your taxes are not subsidized anymore. Hopefully you will break even.

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
Correct. The claim has never been that every single person in the US would benefit from the cuts . As you mention some people in high tax states are among those that might not. But, with the boost in EITC there's a possibility that even those with no federal income tax liability may benefit.
Maybe we should actually just wait and see? Oh, and the law wasn't "written for the top 1%". Oh, and please don't spew that tired lie about top 1% getting 83% of the benefit

Well if you read the link you provided it's not a lie. It's a misleading or actually an exaggeration so in other words instead of an epic scam it's just a rather big scam. I'll file this into the not that important of a difference department.
Who would have thought a tax policy written by the top 1% favoring the top 1% was a massive scam on the taxpayer.

The tax windfall that wasn't: A troubling new IRS report suggests many Americans may be giving money right back to the government - NY Daily News

I pocketed $7400 and some change more this year. Will be a little more than that next year, compared to before the tax cut.

I don't know what IDIOTS that Fake News reporter is talking to...maybe they should lobby their states for LOWER STATE TAXES....instead of expecting the rest of us to SUBSIDIZE THEM..,
Well if you read the link you provided it's not a lie. It's a misleading or actually an exaggeration so in other words instead of an epic scam it's just a rather big scam. I'll file this into the not that important of a difference department.
Nope, no scam, as I said there was not claim that the law was going to give EVERYONE a break. A huge number got a break, in proportion the amount of tax they pay. If you pay $100,000 in taxes and I pay 10,000 your saving, in dollar amount is going to be larger than mine, BUT you're still going to be paying more of the actual tax than me.

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