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The Social Cost of Carbon May Be Not Much (1 Viewer)

Jack Hays

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Jan 28, 2013
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Williamsburg, Virginia
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Climate News
The ‘social cost of carbon’ may have just gone negative

Ross McKittrick writes on his personal web page: (h/t to David L. Hagen)
I have just released a working paper with Kevin Dayaratna and David Kreutzer of the Heritage Foundation in Washington DC which recomputes standard Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) estimates using updated empirical estimates of the equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS).

We applied the 2015 Lewis and Curry ECS distribution to the widely-used DICE and FUND Integrated Assessment Models. Previously the developers of these models (and others) have relied on model-simulated distribution of ECS values, especially from a 2007 paper by Roe and Baker. The Roe-Baker distribution underpins the US government’s current SCC values used for regulatory purposes. We critique this aspect of SCC computation, explaining why the Roe-Baker distribution is unsuitable. A major reason is that simulated ECS distributions have been superseded by a suite of empirically-estimated distributions. Using a recent, well-constrained empirical ECS distribution we find the estimated SCC drops substantially in both the DICE and FUND models, and in the latter there is a large probability it is no longer even positive.
The paper:
EMPIRICALLY-CONSTRAINED CLIMATE SENSITIVITY AND THE SOCIAL COST OF CARBON Kevin Dayaratna Heritage Foundation Washington DC Ross McKitrick Department of Economics, University of Guelph Frontier Centre for Public Policy David Kreutzer Heritage Foundation Washington DC . . .
[h=2]Assessment of Approaches to Updating the Social Cost of Carbon[/h] Posted on June 7, 2016 | 43 comments
by Judith Curry
Some new analyses are shedding some light on deficiencies in the approach to estimate the social cost of carbon.
Continue reading →

Greetings, Jack. :2wave:

Great link! *They seem to be getting better as disagreements get more heated!* :thumbs: The comments on this link seemed to be more toward the "it appears that the process that benefits those in charge is being adopted because it benefits them, even though they know it's skewed." Hmmm...

For the record, I'm going to add Judith Curry to the list of gals I'd very much enjoy having a few drinks with! At present there are now five of them, so I only have room for three more to consider it an authentic Arthurian Round Table, where everyone is of equal rank! Fair is fair! :lamo
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Greetings, Jack. :2wave:

Great link! *They seem to be getting better as disagreements get more heated!* :thumbs: The comments on this link seemed to be more toward the "it appears that the process that benefits those in charge is being adopted because it benefits them, even though they know it's skewed." Hmmm...

For the record, I'm going to add Judith Curry to the list of gals I'd very much enjoy having a few drinks with! At present there are now five of them, so I only have room for three more to consider it an authentic Arthurian Round Table, where everyone is of equal rank! Fair is fair! :lamo

Good evening, Polgara.:2wave:

I'm sorry I wouldn't qualify.:(
Good evening, Polgara.:2wave:

I'm sorry I wouldn't qualify.:(

:agree: However, what was standard in the days of Knights in armor has changed. The current social meme argues you can be any sex you choose to be at any given time, so who's going to chance being accused of not being PC? No one on my list! :mrgreen:
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Hahahah Heritage.
You can usually tell if a denialist paper is bunk because they will always release it to the public before it gets peer reviewed. Wouldn't mislead too many people if they released it after it was rejected by a peer review.
You can usually tell if a denialist paper is bunk because they will always release it to the public before it gets peer reviewed. Wouldn't mislead too many people if they released it after it was rejected by a peer review.

Heritage doesn't do "peer review" the way you and I normally think about it.
You can usually tell if a denialist paper is bunk because they will always release it to the public before it gets peer reviewed. Wouldn't mislead too many people if they released it after it was rejected by a peer review.

Heritage doesn't do "peer review" the way you and I normally think about it.

McKittrick (with McIntyre) already has the hockey stick carcass mounted on his trophy wall, so don't sell him short.
I wonder how many times it has been pointed out to you that Mann corrected the errors that Mcintyre and Mckittrick found in Mann98. And that numerous other temp reconstructions have been done that verify Mann's "hockey stick". Dozens I'll bet. And it never gets through that denialist mental block... does it?
I wonder how many times it has been pointed out to you that Mann corrected the errors that Mcintyre and Mckittrick found in Mann98. And that numerous other temp reconstructions have been done that verify Mann's "hockey stick". Dozens I'll bet. And it never gets through that denialist mental block... does it?

I can't believe anyone still believes Mann's scripture given how long ago it was debunked.
I think you meant to type 'confirmed and expanded upon by so many independent groups'.

No I meant Mann's work isn't science it is scripture. But I've been through why that is with you for years yet here you are still parrotting the same old drivel.

Get over it. The worldview you want imposed upon the rest of us isn't going to happen using this nonsense because the public no longer believes it. You are going to have to start dealing with that reality
No I meant Mann's work isn't science it is scripture. But I've been through why that is with you for years yet here you are still parrotting the same old drivel.

Get over it. The worldview you want imposed upon the rest of us isn't going to happen using this nonsense because the public no longer believes it. You are going to have to start dealing with that reality

Science is true whether or not you or 'the people' believe it or not.
Science is true whether or not you or 'the people' believe it or not.

And if Manns work were genuine science you might have a point.

Parrot the sacred verses as much as you like but your day is done here and only you refuse to acknowledge it :roll:
McKittrick (with McIntyre) already has the hockey stick carcass mounted on his trophy wall, so don't sell him short.

What exactly do you guys think was proven about that, again?

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