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The simple Solution to Unemployment!!! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 21, 2009
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Political Leaning
Simply shut down every Robot, and replace them with as many Humans as it takes to do their Jobs.
... Hello, replacing People with Robots was a bad idea.
Stockholders may not make record profits, but screw them. tha greedy bastards/:mrgreen:
I'll do you one better: just print enough paper money for everyone to have a million dollars a piece. We would then all be millionaires and wouldn't have to worry about unemployment at all!!!1!
Simply shut down every Robot, and replace them with as many Humans as it takes to do their Jobs.
... Hello, replacing People with Robots was a bad idea.
Stockholders may not make record profits, but screw them. tha greedy bastards/:mrgreen:

I can't begin to explain how wasteful that would be.
Would this mean that we would revert 30 years worth of technology and make everything extremely expensive?
Would this mean that we would revert 30 years worth of technology and make everything extremely expensive?
This is why my millionaire idea is far superior. If we were all millionaires, we could afford anything regardless of price.
It's like what Kim Jong Il does, he has people running around with scissors cutting the grass, to maintain full employment.
If we were all millionaires we could all pay Mexicans to cut our lawns with scissors. That's what I'd do, anyway.
Would this mean that we would revert 30 years worth of technology and make everything extremely expensive?

no it would not.. it would be slave labour after all!
no it would not.. it would be slave labour after all!
Hey, slave labor built the Pyramids of Giza and the Great Wall of China. Sounds good to me!
Slaves didn't build the pyramids?
No, the builders were usually paid craftsman and laborers. Many of them received their own small tombs around the pyramid complex, something a slave would not have been afforded.

Most of the work on the pyramids was done during lulls in agriculture when there wasnt much else to do. Laborers were paid with bread and beer.
No, the builders were usually paid craftsman and laborers. Many of them received their own small tombs around the pyramid complex, something a slave would not have been afforded.

Most of the work on the pyramids was done during lulls in agriculture when there wasnt much else to do. Laborers were paid with bread and beer.
Hmm, I did not know that. I stand corrected.
Hmm, I did not know that. I stand corrected.
Its an old myth mainly from Hollywood and it's hard for a lot of people to fathom why people would WILLINGLY build something like the pyramids when they didnt really get anything out of it.
no it would not.. it would be slave labour after all!

How do you get paying people to do robots' jobs to equate to slave labor?

To the OP...can't agree with your plan. It would increase the cost of EVERYTHING basically making unemployment secondary to the jacked up cost of living.
Simply shut down every Robot, and replace them with as many Humans as it takes to do their Jobs.
... Hello, replacing People with Robots was a bad idea.
Stockholders may not make record profits, but screw them. tha greedy bastards/:mrgreen:

In virginia a recent attorney general opinion that courts could replace highly paid court reporters (mostly women) with recordings is legal and would save a lot of money (for the politicians to steal). That ****ing sucks.
Simply shut down every Robot, and replace them with as many Humans as it takes to do their Jobs.
... Hello, replacing People with Robots was a bad idea.
Stockholders may not make record profits, but screw them. tha greedy bastards/:mrgreen:

To be blunt, even IF this was a good idea it absolutely isn't going to happen for a wide variety of reasons, not the least of which is that you cannot "unring the bell." The only realistic way to get America's manufacturing back on it's feet, is by using the very same tactics now being used by the nations who are kicking our ass, quota limits and tariffs to even the playing field. "Free trade" is the corporate lie that is killing this Nation and our economy.
Since we had a housing bubble, I say the government hires people to tear down extra houses.
I'll do you one better: just print enough paper money for everyone to have a million dollars a piece. We would then all be millionaires and wouldn't have to worry about unemployment at all!!!1!
Why not billionaires or quadrillionaires so we can pass our incredible wealth down to future generations?
In virginia a recent attorney general opinion that courts could replace highly paid court reporters (mostly women) with recordings is legal and would save a lot of money (for the politicians to steal). That ****ing sucks.
It might also save money for the taxpayers. Possibly
Well, actually, the people who built the Pyramids weren't slaves ;D

They were free men in levies.
i say get rid of the 16 million illegals and give the 16 million unemployed their jobs.
That wouldn't work, though, because the people who hire illegals don't want to pay Americans enough money to do it. It would defeat the purpose. Are you going to work for 30 cents per hour?

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