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The same terrorists who attacked USA election, attack independence and integrity of Belarusian state (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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The same terrorists who attacked USA election, attack independence and integrity of Belarusian state " State TV in Belarus replaced by "Russia" Today staff ". why USA did not put "Russia" Today on terrorist list ? yeh i know, Trump believes to KGB/Ozero more than CIA/FBI/NATO ....

"The employees being on a strike at State TV in Belarus have been replaced by Russia Today staff – one of the journalists being on a strike told Belarusian web-portal “tut.by.”

Reportedly, the journalists, who expressed solidarity to the ongoing protests in Belarus in objection to the results of presidential elections, are not allowed into state TV building, while representatives of Russian media outlet are working in the newsroom and studios."

Employees on strike at State TV in Belarus replaced by Russia Today staff - 1TV
The same terrorists who attacked USA election, attack independence and integrity of Belarusian state " State TV in Belarus replaced by "Russia" Today staff ". why USA did not put "Russia" Today on terrorist list ? yeh i know, Trump believes to KGB/Ozero more than CIA/FBI/NATO ....

"The employees being on a strike at State TV in Belarus have been replaced by Russia Today staff – one of the journalists being on a strike told Belarusian web-portal “tut.by.”

Reportedly, the journalists, who expressed solidarity to the ongoing protests in Belarus in objection to the results of presidential elections, are not allowed into state TV building, while representatives of Russian media outlet are working in the newsroom and studios."

Employees on strike at State TV in Belarus replaced by Russia Today staff - 1TV

Hopefully Belarus is able to maintain its independence in the face of liberal subversion.
Russia is "liberal"? That's Trump's boys, not ours.

I was referring to Foggy Bottom (and its "non-governmental" appendages). I hope Belarus is able to protect itself from their nefarious designs.
image from USA


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