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The ramen thread (1 Viewer)

ramen types

  • cheap instant stuff

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • korean ramyun

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • fresh made ramen

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • I pay top dollar for it

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • I hate ramen

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • I am in college and will eat anything that gives me more beer money

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


proud ammosexual
DP Veteran
Nov 13, 2011
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Yes that guilty pleasure most eat but no one out of college wants to admit to. This thread is just going to cover ramen, but not just instant ramen either but ramen in general.

For my cheap storable food I always keep maruchen instant ramen, usually chili flavor, it tastes good but that whole after effect is terrible, like the seasoning is made from synthetic ingredients. My current go to is shin ramyun, a korean version of ramen with a steeper price to it, the red package is very spicy far more than any instant ramen yet it does not mess me up like cheap instant stuff. Where I am at it is 10-20 cents a pack for top or maruchen ramen and 80-100 cents for a pack of shin ramyun.

I got plenty of money for other food, but for some reason I always end up one way or another back to the cheap guilty pleasure of instant ramen, I will eat restaurant ramen as well but I can not justify some extreme price for it, as some restaurants want more than a high end steak dinner for a bowl, not my style never gonna go there.
I will eat the cheap ramen sometimes. This past summer while I was in NYC I had a very good bowl of ramen. It was only about 12 bucks or so which wasn't that bad of a price I thought. Real ramen is so much better than the cheap stuff, but the ones around me are not very good. One thing I never do with the cheap ramen is drink the broth. It is simply way too salty.
Shin Ramyun is Korean? I didn't know that. I pick it up at a Thai & Lao store.

Also, I like Mama brand ... right now I have "shrimp creamy tom yum flavor".

I think some of what I get is called "udon", not "ramen". Basically I like to try the different things I can get at that particular store. I don't go for the super cheap boring beef or pork or chicken kind anymore.
buckwheat soba

Shin Ramyun is Korean? I didn't know that. I pick it up at a Thai & Lao store.

Also, I like Mama brand ... right now I have "shrimp creamy tom yum flavor".

I think some of what I get is called "udon", not "ramen". Basically I like to try the different things I can get at that particular store. I don't go for the super cheap boring beef or pork or chicken kind anymore.

Yes shin ramyun is korean, ramyun is a korean adaptation of ramen with shin being the most recognized brand but not the only one. Fyi udon is definately not ramen, udon is more like traditional noodles that can get soggy, while ramen and ramyun are meant to stay less soggy than normal noodles.
There was no option for me but fresh made was closer in terms of ingredients. I like to do the following:

- Bit of frozen bone broth (you can make something like consomme from it - SORT OF - and freeze it in ice cubes), normal ramen seasoning, pack of ramen noodles, extra soba noodles (more protein)
- Spices
- little vinegar, little soy, butter, olive oil. Sometimes other stuff (lemon juice)
- Bunch of thai chilis

If I have leftover beef runoff from a roast, I'll add that to beef flavor packet (which I know is nothing like proper broth).

Then, one of:

1. Drop in a few already-beaten eggs while slowly whisking, then serve.

2. pour over bowl filled with pre-sliced onions, beef, mushroom, and if you have tt bean sprouts, w/ a bunch of basil and cilantro

3. Ditto but with ham.

4. Sort of ditto but with calamari/shrimp (not raw when broth poured over. Cooked a bit. Must finish in the broth or before).

Basically makes a far better version of basic ramen packets, even if not proper ramen
Where is the choice for all_of_them? :thumbs:
Nothing beats freshly made ramen but....

Pho > Ramen
I can't eat the cheap stuff anymore, ate too much in college. But I do love going to Ramen restaurants. Actual ramen is delicious.

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