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The racist coverage of Ukraine (1 Viewer)


Slow 🅖 Hand
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2011
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FL - Daytona
Political Leaning
This is sort of an institutional problem with the left.

You can't condemn bad acts, because doing so means you're somehow ignoring other, previous bad acts.

Welcome to the purity Olympics, where nothing ever gets done because doing things might give your competitors a reason to publicly question the purity of your motives.
Jeezmus Christ on a cross, everything is not about racism. So tired of idiots playing the imaginary victim card when there are real problems.

Sorry, but there is no doubt that there has been some...extremely racist coverage of the invasion.
“Anyone can tell the difference between them (Ukranian refugees) and the invasion of young military-aged men of Muslim origin who have launched themselves against European borders in an attempt to destabilize and colonies it,” he told parliament last week.

Some questionable US coverage.
This is sort of an institutional problem with the left.

You can't condemn bad acts, because doing so means you're somehow ignoring other, previous bad acts.

Welcome to the purity Olympics, where nothing ever gets done because doing things might give your competitors a reason to publicly question the purity of your motives.
It seems you didn't read the article linked in the OP?

They are ‘civilised’ and ‘look like us’:​

The "look like us" comment sounds much like what a poster said over in the "Why didn't we care as much when Russia invaded Syria?" thread.
Jeezmus Christ on a cross, everything is not about racism. So tired of idiots playing the imaginary victim card when there are real problems.

Of course not everything is about racism, but I'm tired of idiots playing the 'playing card' every time racism is brought up. There will always be real problems, that's no reason not to confront racism when encountered. Many times racism is so ingrained it isn't even recognized. Take this comment from a former deputy prosecutor general of Ukraine example; “It’s very emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blond hair … being killed every day.” I don't think he was trying to express racism or that he was aware of his racist comment. It's the same thing with systemic racism, many people can't see it and because they can't recognize it, it doesn't exists...

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