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The Power of Thoughts and Prayers (1 Viewer)


Feb 6, 2016
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Political Leaning
Rather than passing reasonable laws to regulate sales of firearms, the anti-gun control folks believe their thoughts and prayers are all that are needed to stop the slaughter across America.

At the following link, is a game proving the miserable level of effectiveness their thoughts and prayers have on gun violence and deaths.

Thoughts & Prayers: The Game



If you agree with me that's fine. If you do not, I don't really care.

Rather than passing reasonable laws to regulate sales of firearms, the anti-gun control folks believe their thoughts and prayers are all that are needed to stop the slaughter across America.

At the following link, is a game proving the miserable level of effectiveness their thoughts and prayers have on gun violence and deaths.

Thoughts & Prayers: The Game



If you agree with me that's fine. If you do not, I don't really care.


I don't get it, am I supposed to pray at a certain time?

Actually the power of positive thought and prayers is a real thing and quite effective. The problem is, positive thinking cannot be used to control others, it is a self controlling concept. There is a thing called free will don't forget.
Rather than passing reasonable laws to regulate sales of firearms, the anti-gun control folks believe their thoughts and prayers are all that are needed to stop the slaughter across America.

At the following link, is a game proving the miserable level of effectiveness their thoughts and prayers have on gun violence and deaths.

Thoughts & Prayers: The Game



If you agree with me that's fine. If you do not, I don't really care.


I really like the message here, nothing fails like prayer. Not only do the anti-gun control people think thoughts and prayers are effective, however, our own government has advised us to pray for the victims, as if that helps resolve senseless murders. People don't kill people, right-wing, religious radicals kill people should be the real saying. Praying in response to that is like drinking a gallon of water to commemorate flood victims.

We are at a turning point in history where our survival, as a species, will depend as much upon the transmission of positive memes rather than just the shifting of the weather and the availability of food. There are many people on this planet who, culturally, are still climbing out of the stone age, in their attitudes and customs. As such, the highly evolved must exist simultaneously with the under-evolved. The question is, how do we change peoples minds without munitions? How do you hurry along the evolution of the middle east when they are as willing to die for their misogyny as you are for women's rights? Traditions are too often the wrong thing repeated. If you have to rely on magic to make the result acceptable, you're actually doing harm. Real people with real blood in their real veins deserve better than incantations to protect them from crazy religious asshats.

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