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The Pledge (1 Viewer)

Moderate Right

DP Veteran
Oct 21, 2015
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Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Let's say that you were a Republican candidate this year, took the pledge not to run as an Independent if you did not get the nomination, and have since dropped out of the race. Let's also say that you intend on honoring your pledge. If someone like Romney (just as an example), who did not take the pledge, decided to run now as an Independent, does the pledge preclude you from accepting a VP nomination from Romney (or whoever) to run on the Independent ticket?
I don't think any pledges are binding so I think you could, pretty much do what you want. The voters may not support you, though, if they perceive you've broken your pledge or the spirit of it.
Let's say that you were a Republican candidate this year, took the pledge not to run as an Independent if you did not get the nomination, and have since dropped out of the race. Let's also say that you intend on honoring your pledge. If someone like Romney (just as an example), who did not take the pledge, decided to run now as an Independent, does the pledge preclude you from accepting a VP nomination from Romney (or whoever) to run on the Independent ticket?

A pledge is a promise. The promise is, as XFactor says, non binding.
It's also a promise made by a politician during an election campaign. We all know that those promises are never broken, right?
I pledged 3-4 years ago to never vote republican again.

Unlike politicians, I keep my pledges.

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