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The "phoney" Palestinian myth & misery it created (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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When arab country's TEACHES their children to HATE jews & most westerners in the classrooms, ..& they do, & the palestinian population is INFECTED with this hate since childhood nothing serious will ever come out of any respect for peace plans.

Now, ..not all palestinians are as violent as some BUT...its always the same shyte: unprovoked assault & murder, kidnapping of westerners, & as usual the muslim cry, & cause!

They, the palestinians as well as other muslim groups WANT the focus of attention on them, & what is remarkable is the fact that many of these western journalists go there to do a story that is generally "SYMPATHETIC" to the Palestinian cause, ..or the muslim "cause", ..but it doesn't matter those muslims will even grab them for leverage through kidnappings, ..or even mark them for death.

It is the very nature of dealing with muslim belief systems because "THEY", ..nobody but "THEY" made it that way, & furthermore the WHOLE of their daily life from childhood is this very same indocrination.

Now.....you know exactly what in the hell israli's have been going through since 1948, & yet many say Israel is too heavy handed in their response??

The Israli's have asked the palestinians time after time to please STOP teaching young palestinians this hatred in the classrooms, & at the knees of the muslim imams, & teachers;...but they continue to teach it, & ingrain it with their islamic religion.

THat is one reason as to believe there will NEVER be peace, or any honest agreement between the palestinians, & the israeli's because the TRUTH is this:

Any agreements the palestinains actually do want with Israel is nothing but horseshyte, & a smokescreen ..& ALWAYS is about Israel GIVING them land rather than a willingness to live "peaceably" among israli's.

Misplaced Jordanians, generic arabs, & syrians are exactly what a Palestinian is in reality; & the so called "palestinian" name is nothing but a "myth" that was successfully sold by the egyptian born Yasser Arafat !

Exactly the price to be paid by Israel by making agreements just for the sake of "peace" when a country is warred upon continually, & historical re-visionist PUKE is sold as truth so the world can make "victims" out of "palestinians".

Israel EXISTED thousands of years ago, & we know this. They had a country, a government, & minted coins, & had a history & its ancient building & remnants still survive, at least the ones that the ancient Romans did not destroy in their last seige in by general Titus.

What generic nomadic arabs that lived among the nation of Israel live for the most part "peaceably", ..& were NEVER known as "palestinians". After Rome's conquest of Israel, & Israel's taken out of their homeland the ones not killed by the romans, ..the jewish people left alive were repopulated elsewhere as was the custom of conquering country's.

Thus was the end of the golden age of Israel, ..only to be re-occupied by arab nomads, & ownership going back & forth to various occupying countrys!

Only the poor of the very poor jews were left "unmolested" in Israel after the roman conquest & they lived among nomadic arabs, & the land of Israel became desolate over the centuries where some areas were encroached upon by desert, & some even by worthless swampland.

Many jews forgot their heritage, & their identity, ..the ones who were dispersed around the world, ..many did remember their heritage from family traditions that were kept alive over the course of two millennia.

Centuries passed by but always the jews who knew their identity had a yearning to go back to their ancient land to dwell, ..& they started doing this in the late 1800's, & into the 1900's.

Before the advent of Islam in the 7th century ...the reigning jewish monarchy's of Israel got along just fine with MANY arab kings, & leaders, & in fact were friendly trading partners with such as king Hiram who's kingdom extended into Lebanon.

Israel, & Arab country's RESPECTED each others borders & kingdoms, & were basically friendly with one another...BUT that was LONG BEFORE the advent of ISLAM!

Israel's land borders were MUCH bigger than what it is today as well, ..& other country's were part of Israel's land such as "Jordan" which was also nothing BUT a pure invented country with invented borders courtesy of the british who would do any g-damn thing to find favor with arab landowners who had OIL on their property, & make "KINGS & PRINCES" out of nothing more than goat herders, like king Hussien's family among many others who were an INVENTED monarchy by the British who were the power brokers at the time ..& that IS THE TRUTH!

IN 1948 Israel did NOT kick out, or usurp any arab from their land, or property!

IN fact Israel wanted all the local ''inhabitants" who were arabs..to live among them in peace, & many PREFERED to do just that until the "muslim" brotherhood told them to leave because THEY were going to launch a war, & assault upon Israel the very day AFTER Israel claimed Statehood, & was LEGALLY granted statehood by the RECKOGNIZED UNITED NATIONS.

From that point on it has been nothing but lie after lie about the false notion that Israel disposssed land from the arabs to create the state of Israel.

In truth, ..the "REAL" so called Palestinians were the original jewish inhabitants of the land, & area called Palestine; ..& even the ancient Romans knew this, & ALL references to Palestine suggested the "government & people of Israel" in whom the Romans imposed their Roman rule over LONG BEFORE ISLAM WAS EVEN FOUNDED.

Israel was invaded, conquered, & destroyed by the Romans in year 70 ..& Their JEWISH temple, The jewish monarchy of kings, princes..& the wealthy were taken out & dispersed from the land, & millions of jews KILLED by the Romans, & the rest sold into slavery.

Palestine NEVER was a reference meaning anything to do with Arabs, or an arab people, & THIS TRUTH IS NOT BEING TOLD AS IT SHOULD BE!!!!

IT is KNOWN & is factual!

The problem among the jews & so called "arab" palestinians, & other arabs continues because of the LIES, revision, & false teachings concerning the historical record, & mostly because of the Islamic religion.

Also wortyh mentioning:

Everytime Israli archaeologists want to engage in certain digs, ..the arab inhabitants riot, & raise all kinds of hell!

Know why? It is because archaelogy CONFIRMS the existence of Israel's LINK to the land;....& this is something that the Arabs despise, & that IS the truth!

Islam's 7th century founder Mohammed hated Jews, & mistreated them...what few were still alive, & living in Israel, ..& his historical record of his life can be found IF YOU LOOK!

He united the Arabs in this unified & common hate of Israel which still continues to this day.

Islam, ..a religion of peace..?? Yes, ..among arabs, ..but NOT for jews. In fact, ..killing jews was not forbidden but considered a "duty" in many of Mohammed's teachings.

NO..YOU will NOT hear of this on CNN because it is NOT politically correct. Here we have a true jewish "minority" with a jewish population of roughly ONLY around 4-million jews OUTNUMBERED by hundreds of millions of arabs who DESPISE Israel, ..& the popular media portrays Israel as being the "oppressors"...,which is incredible !

Israel...a nation that has been destroyed by the assryians, the babylonians, the medes & persians,& rebuilt again only to be destroyed by the romans, & hated, & Hitler's attempted genocide to kill every last jew on earth, ..& Israel continues to be the worlds G-damn BOOGEYMAN because of arab hatred, historical re-vision, oil, political correctness, & the religion of ISLAM!

The arabs (so called palestinians) that dwell among Israel do not want honest peace, & Israel knows this. The arabs only want to wear down the Israli people by murdering them, bombing them, killing indiscriminatley young, & old alike to wear them down.

THey COULD have HAD statehood years ago, for Israel did NOT oppose it, ..but Arafat REJECTED it because THAT in actuality was NEVER the goal.

If statehood was accepted by Arafat there would be no reason to continue the war, & the murder against against Israel, & THAT is why Arafat rejected statehood, ..& no other honest reason.

Sure...Arafat gladly would have taken statehood, ..as long as Israel was ALSO destroyed along with their statehood!

The so called "palestinian" issue is bullshyte, in fact...other arab country's DO NOT want them in their country's. BUT they are using them, & financing the palestinians to wage nonstop war against Israel because THEY cannot defeat Israel in a war.
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What exactly is a "generic Arab"? How are they distinguished from other Arabs?
Simon W. Moon said:
What exactly is a "generic Arab"? How are they distinguished from other Arabs?

They are the ones that don't have a name brand label on them.
another mental post!
Willoughby said:
another mental post!

Yeah, ..as long the liberally inclined CHOOSE to neglect the truth!;)
They, the palestinians as well as other muslim groups WANT the focus of attention on them, & what is remarkable is the fact that many of these western journalists go there to do a story that is generally "SYMPATHETIC" to the Palestinian cause, ..or the muslim "cause", ..but it doesn't matter those muslims will even grab them for leverage through kidnappings, ..or even mark them for death.

Do you know of any Western journalists that were kidnapped or "marked for death" by the Palestinians? If so, can you show that it was an action generally supported by Palestinians?

Now.....you know exactly what in the hell israli's have been going through since 1948, & yet many say Israel is too heavy handed in their response??

Yes, many do say that. And they're right except in one small detail--most Israeli actions are not a response to anything.

Any agreements the palestinains actually do want with Israel is nothing but horseshyte, & a smokescreen ..& ALWAYS is about Israel GIVING them land rather than a willingness to live "peaceably" among israli's.

You mean, giving them back land that they, the Israelis, took by force illegally and unconscionably.

Misplaced Jordanians, generic arabs, & syrians are exactly what a Palestinian is in reality; & the so called "palestinian" name is nothing but a "myth" that was successfully sold by the egyptian born Yasser Arafat !

So what? Call them Eggplant-Farmerians for all I care. They're still people and ought to have access to just treatment. They haven't gotten that at all.

Israel EXISTED thousands of years ago, & we know this. They had a country, a government, & minted coins, & had a history & its ancient building & remnants still survive, at least the ones that the ancient Romans did not destroy in their last seige in by general Titus.

So did Gedrosia, Tyre, Bactria, Macedon, and a variety of other countries. Why does this form any kind of relevant argument?

What generic nomadic arabs that lived among the nation of Israel live for the most part "peaceably", ..& were NEVER known as "palestinians". After Rome's conquest of Israel, & Israel's taken out of their homeland the ones not killed by the romans, ..the jewish people left alive were repopulated elsewhere as was the custom of conquering country's.

Just as the Habiru people who inhabitted the Levant pre-diaspora were not known as Israelis.

Only the poor of the very poor jews were left "unmolested" in Israel after the roman conquest & they lived among nomadic arabs, & the land of Israel became desolate over the centuries where some areas were encroached upon by desert, & some even by worthless swampland.

Swampland isn't worthless, you swamp-hater!

Before the advent of Islam in the 7th century ...the reigning jewish monarchy's of Israel got along just fine with MANY arab kings, & leaders, & in fact were friendly trading partners with such as king Hiram who's kingdom extended into Lebanon.

And they also sometimes waged war. So, how is this relevant?

Israel's land borders were MUCH bigger than what it is today as well

Really? I think not.

other country's were part of Israel's land such as "Jordan" which was also nothing BUT a pure invented country with invented borders courtesy of the british who would do any g-damn thing to find favor with arab landowners who had OIL on their property, & make "KINGS & PRINCES" out of nothing more than goat herders, like king Hussien's family among many others who were an INVENTED monarchy by the British who were the power brokers at the time ..& that IS THE TRUTH!

Well, sure it's the truth. But you can say that about any country on earth right now. At least, I can't think of a country that wasn't invented by people at some point. Can you?

IN 1948 Israel did NOT kick out, or usurp any arab from their land, or property!

You're right! They did that in 1949....

IN fact Israel wanted all the local ''inhabitants" who were arabs..to live among them in peace, & many PREFERED to do just that until the "muslim" brotherhood told them to leave because THEY were going to launch a war, & assault upon Israel the very day AFTER Israel claimed Statehood, & was LEGALLY granted statehood by the RECKOGNIZED UNITED NATIONS.

It's a lot more complicated than that. The reason the Arabs were angry was because the Zionist Jews who had been returning to Palestine since roughly 1880 had been committing acts of terrorism against the Arab populations there in an effort to get them to leave. Those terrorist actions were quickly returned, of course, but there was hatred among the two from the very begining. It was mutual, and not one-sided as you say.

From that point on it has been nothing but lie after lie about the false notion that Israel disposssed land from the arabs to create the state of Israel.

"Nothing but" lies? I think that's nearly impossible to support, but give it a shot.

Palestine NEVER was a reference meaning anything to do with Arabs, or an arab people, & THIS TRUTH IS NOT BEING TOLD AS IT SHOULD BE!!!!

IT is KNOWN & is factual!

Equally known and factual (as opposed to unknown and unfactual, one supposes) is that the Habiru who settled in the Levant conducted wars against the "Canaanite" tribes that lived there to dispossess them. They succeeded in making a place for themselves. After the Roman conquest, it's equally known and factual that Arabs conquered the land there by force as well. So all claimants have conquered it at one time or another.

But post WWI, people began to get the idea that maybe military conquest was not the best way to establish nations or legitimize territory. So long as that idea holds any weight, then Israel committed a wrong by keeping land won in 1948/49.

The problem among the jews & so called "arab" palestinians, & other arabs continues because of the LIES, revision, & false teachings concerning the historical record, & mostly because of the Islamic religion.

Of which your post is a prime example.

Know why? It is because archaelogy CONFIRMS the existence of Israel's LINK to the land;....& this is something that the Arabs despise, & that IS the truth!

I'm not aware of very many riots over archaeological digs, and am not at all convinced that "every time" someone wants to conduct an archaeological dig the Palestinians riot. Maybe you could post a list of all archaeological digs since 1948 and provide references to the news stories (from reputable sources) that show a 1:1 correlation.

In any case, there's really no evidence of a unified Jewish nation in Palestine prior to 536 B.C.--long after most of the "events" of the Bible are supposed to have taken place.

Islam's 7th century founder Mohammed hated Jews, & mistreated them...what few were still alive, & living in Israel, ..& his historical record of his life can be found IF YOU LOOK!

Did he? He forced Jews and Christians to pay a prayer tax, but otherwise treated them with far more respect than the Crusading Christians treated Jews.

Islam, ..a religion of peace..?? Yes, ..among arabs, ..but NOT for jews. In fact, ..killing jews was not forbidden but considered a "duty" in many of Mohammed's teachings.

Maybe you could point out which ones?

NO..YOU will NOT hear of this on CNN because it is NOT politically correct. Here we have a true jewish "minority" with a jewish population of roughly ONLY around 4-million jews OUTNUMBERED by hundreds of millions of arabs who DESPISE Israel, ..& the popular media portrays Israel as being the "oppressors"...,which is incredible !

History is filled with instances of a minority oppressing a majority. So why is that incredible?

Israel...a nation that has been destroyed by the assryians, the babylonians, the medes & persians,& rebuilt again only to be destroyed by the romans, & hated, & Hitler's attempted genocide to kill every last jew on earth, ..& Israel continues to be the worlds G-damn BOOGEYMAN because of arab hatred, historical re-vision, oil, political correctness, & the religion of ISLAM!

I've always wondered who the world's boogeyman was. Now I know...

THey COULD have HAD statehood years ago, for Israel did NOT oppose it, ..but Arafat REJECTED it because THAT in actuality was NEVER the goal.

It seems more likely that it was rejected for the reasons stated, which were:

1) It provided a fraction of the land that the Palestinians were entitled to under the 1948 accords (which Israel continues to be in violation of).

2) It provided unprecedented access into the Palestinian political process for Israel. Imagine if England had offered America statehood but only if they could remove the Presidents we elect if the British find them objectionable. Hardly a legit deal.

3) It provided almost no change in the distribution of water resources which are critical to life in that area. The Israelis maintain, in some areas, 90% of the water rights for only 10% of the areas population.

4) It prevented the Palestinians from doing several things that states should be allowed to do--raise an army, levy taxes, etc.

If statehood was accepted by Arafat there would be no reason to continue the war, & the murder against against Israel, & THAT is why Arafat rejected statehood, ..& no other honest reason.

Hardly true. Nations go to war all the time.

Sure...Arafat gladly would have taken statehood, ..as long as Israel was ALSO destroyed along with their statehood!

Again, not true. Arafat wanted what the 1948 accords granted his people.
Yeah, ..as long the liberally inclined CHOOSE to neglect the truth!

Wow! As long as the liberally minded choose to neglect truth, your post will be mental? That's so cool!
Blue Collar Joe said:
They are the ones that don't have a name brand label on them.
Are there also cheap knock-off Arabs who're made in Chinese sweat shops?
Simon W. Moon said:
Are there also cheap knock-off Arabs who're made in Chinese sweat shops?

Its not China you putz........:roll:

Its South Korean that makes the knock-off Arabs.

China makes the knock-off Italians and oven mits too. ;)
cherokee said:
Its not China you putz........:roll:

Its South Korean that makes the knock-off Arabs.

China makes the knock-off Italians and oven mits too. ;)

Simon W. Moon said:


Hey dont feel bad, I just found out today also....:doh
cherokee said:
Its not China you putz........:roll:

Its South Korean that makes the knock-off Arabs.

China makes the knock-off Italians and oven mits too. ;)
I was on Antique Road Show the other day...

I thought I had an authentic Arab, but it was just a cheap imitation...

Stupid me...I forgot to look for the union label....:doh
cnredd said:
I was on Antique Road Show the other day...

I thought I had an authentic Arab, but it was just a cheap imitation...

Stupid me...I forgot to look for the union label....:doh

:2rofll: :2rofll:

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