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The people chose intelligent people to represent them (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 20, 2018
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Washington, D.C.
Political Leaning
While Trump was in London with the Queen, he asked, "How does your government run so well?"

The Queen replied, "Well it seems the people chose intelligent people to represent them."

"Oh, is Theresa May really intelligent?"

At that point, the Queen summons Theresa May, and when PM May arrived, the Queen asked, "Your mother and father have a child who is not your brother or your sister. Who is it?"

"It would be me," May replied.

Trump thinks this is smart, so after returning to the White House, he quizzes Pence, "Your mother and father have a child who is not your brother or your sister. Who is it?"

"Can I get back to you on that?"

Pence asks around, and no one on his staff answers until the tea lady, upon hearing the question says to Pence, "Excuse me sir the answer to your question is me."

Pence looks at her and asks, "Who are you, please?"

"Sally, the tea lady sir."

"Thank you"

Pence rushes out, contacts Trump and says, "Sir, the answer to your question is 'Sally,' my tea lady."

Trump looks at Pence: "You're an idiot; the answer is 'Theresa May.'"
Just to clue in Mycroft, Common Sense 1, Trix and apdst in advance, it’s a joke.

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