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The Oregon Wildlife Refuge Occupiers Left Behind A $4M Mess (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 23, 2005
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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service expects to spend $4 million to repair damage that was caused by armed militia members who occupied a federal wildlife refuge in remote Oregon earlier this year, The Associated Press reported Thursday.Pictures from the wildlife refuge taken by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and published on the Flickr account for the agency's Pacific region show the extent of the damage to the site caused by the occupiers, as well as the big mess they left behind after spending 41 days at the refuge. The FBI had said that the occupiers had left a "trench of human feces" on or near the refuge, too.

Read more here: The Oregon Wildlife Refuge Occupiers Left Behind A $4M Mess (PHOTOS)

Look at the pictures, they just trashed your public property.

By the way, Oregon's outdoor industry brings in 12 billion a year into the state while cattle ranching is less than 1 billion (you can hear about that here: BBC World Service - The Documentary, America?s Angry Cowboys )
Human **** roaches.
Read more here: The Oregon Wildlife Refuge Occupiers Left Behind A $4M Mess (PHOTOS)

Look at the pictures, they just trashed your public property.

By the way, Oregon's outdoor industry brings in 12 billion a year into the state while cattle ranching is less than 1 billion (you can hear about that here: BBC World Service - The Documentary, America?s Angry Cowboys )[/FONT][/COLOR]

I hope they prosecute these idiots to the fullest extent possible but $4 million? Pfffttt... the whole damn building couldn't be worth more than a few hundred thousand.
Obviously there was some damage and general uncleanliness but to say it's $4 mil worth, or anywhere near it, just goes to show the inefficiency of the government.
Read more here: The Oregon Wildlife Refuge Occupiers Left Behind A $4M Mess (PHOTOS)

Look at the pictures, they just trashed your public property.

By the way, Oregon's outdoor industry brings in 12 billion a year into the state while cattle ranching is less than 1 billion (you can hear about that here: BBC World Service - The Documentary, America?s Angry Cowboys )[/FONT][/COLOR]

Then the government can put a lien on their ranches, and if not paid, sell the ranches. That from a Fiscal Conservative.
Obviously there was some damage and general uncleanliness but to say it's $4 mil worth, or anywhere near it, just goes to show the inefficiency of the government.
This is the building...


These idiots are scum but this story is sensationalist garbage.
I hope they prosecute these idiots to the fullest extent possible but $4 million? Pfffttt... the whole damn building couldn't be worth more than a few hundred thousand.

Its not just the building, there is a ton of land involved too that they ripped through.
Umm...that doesn't look like $4 million in damage, imo. I've had tenants leave rental units in worse condition than that and it sure as hell didn't cost $4 mill to clean it up. But if thats what they're paying cleaning crews these days...then maybe I'm in the wrong business.
The pictures to me look like they did some real damage and that doesn't even get into the fences they tore up.

I'm just sayin...

That building in the pic is a couple hundred grand tops and you would have to tear up many, MANY miles of fencing to get to $4 million. At first glance it sounds like a figure that is ridiculously inflated for sensationalist purposes.
4 million in....wait for it....taxpayer dollars. the obama administration sures pinches pennies here, but they don't bat an eye at giving illegal immigrants 500,000,000 in welfare every month.
No can do. They will be busy building the wall.
I was thinking maybe they could slip in a few illegals to fix the landscaping first.

Hell, they could put them to work fixing the holes in the drywall, too. We'll have that $4 million figure cut to about 10 grand!!
I was thinking maybe they could slip in a few illegals to fix the landscaping first.

Hell, they could put them to work fixing the holes in the drywall, too. We'll have that $4 million figure cut to about 10 grand!!

Solid plan.
Read more here: The Oregon Wildlife Refuge Occupiers Left Behind A $4M Mess (PHOTOS)

Look at the pictures, they just trashed your public property.

By the way, Oregon's outdoor industry brings in 12 billion a year into the state while cattle ranching is less than 1 billion (you can hear about that here: BBC World Service - The Documentary, America?s Angry Cowboys )[/FONT][/COLOR]

Sue the lot that was arrested for criminal damage and take it out of what they own. Also arrest every single low life who was there as an occupier and have them pay for the same offense, trespass and causing criminal damage. Have them pay it from their prison wages, I do not care but bleed them for as much as is humanly and humanely possible (don't want to make them homeless but they do have to make big monetary penalty payments for what they did).
The pictures to me look like they did some real damage and that doesn't even get into the fences they tore up.

Barbed wire fence is cheap. I think if they talked to actual ranchers in the area they can replace it for thousands
There were also a bunch of cameras destroyed, which is likely where a large portion of the charges are coming from. But these occupiers aren't gonna pay it. Remember most of them were welfare queens and had no jobs.
Read more here: The Oregon Wildlife Refuge Occupiers Left Behind A $4M Mess (PHOTOS)

Look at the pictures, they just trashed your public property.

By the way, Oregon's outdoor industry brings in 12 billion a year into the state while cattle ranching is less than 1 billion (you can hear about that here: BBC World Service - The Documentary, America?s Angry Cowboys )[/FONT][/COLOR]

I have to agree with other posters, that is not four million in damage, at least not that's shown in those photos. I'm seeing some cleaning, I guess maybe some new dry wall in one of those photos. The trench of feces can be buried, seriously someone as outdoorsy as you hAs to have used a vault toilet from time to time, the forest service has decades of experience with buried waste.

I'm taking a wild stab that the Dept of Int is reaching their hands out for as much as possible and hoping to get some slush money. That's not four million in damage, maybe there is four million , but those photos do not depict 4M
You can hire a crew of landscapers with all of the equipment for a year for $4 million.

Well I will agree that I am not seeing 4 million in the pictures. They trashed the place just the same though.
Well I will agree that I am not seeing 4 million in the pictures. They trashed the place just the same though.
If they can squeeze 4 million out of them, I don't really have a problem with it.:lol:
If they can squeeze 4 million out of them, I don't really have a problem with it.:lol:

They will just put a lean on their property I am sure. Evidently that trench latrine they dug was through an archaeology site. I would imagine that figure includes salary for the employees during the occupation, lost productivity and so on. Its the government though, so of course its going to be a high estimate.
The pictures to me look like they did some real damage and that doesn't even get into the fences they tore up.

I know, right? I mean, how much does fencing go for installing these days? It's like $100K a foot or something, right?
Leaving a place trashed is only cool when you're protesting for the right reasons, like Occupy Wall Street.


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