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The NEW 'Do-Nothing' Congress (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
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Political Leaning

This congress is on Track to be in Session for Fewer days than the Original 'Do Nothing' congress! And...all you Libs hold on to your hats - I blabe the GOP for allowing it to happen! It is almost like they are BEGGIN' to be booted out. They may not be alone in this, as the Dems aren't complaining, but you can bet the Dems will point to their leadership and control of Congress when/if this becomes a hot story! Serves you suckers right!

I am actually torn, though. I am kinda happy that these over-paid troublemakers will have kless time to actually be in office to $crew things up, but I am torked that they are goofing off! It must be nice to get paid THAT much and do as little as they do! Also, they must need extra time to work on campaign funding, which has become almost the #1 priority for ALL politicians!

You guys are supposed to work for us - WORK FOR US!
Well, the GOP or the Dems can't seem to get anything done when they *are* there. It is equally both of their fault - they enjoy blambing each other and can't get anythig done.

BTW, many don't live off the salary that we provide them. Many are millionares before they even get there.
vauge said:
Well, the GOP or the Dems can't seem to get anything done when they *are* there. It is equally both of their fault - they enjoy blambing each other and can't get anythig done.

BTW, many don't live off the salary that we provide them. Many are millionares before they even get there.

Didn't mean to say their salary makes them rich, just must be nice to get paid what they do for so little work!
easyt65 said:

This congress is on Track to be in Session for Fewer days than the Original 'Do Nothing' congress! And...all you Libs hold on to your hats - I blabe the GOP for allowing it to happen! It is almost like they are BEGGIN' to be booted out. They may not be alone in this, as the Dems aren't complaining, but you can bet the Dems will point to their leadership and control of Congress when/if this becomes a hot story! Serves you suckers right!

I am actually torn, though. I am kinda happy that these over-paid troublemakers will have kless time to actually be in office to $crew things up, but I am torked that they are goofing off! It must be nice to get paid THAT much and do as little as they do! Also, they must need extra time to work on campaign funding, which has become almost the #1 priority for ALL politicians!

You guys are supposed to work for us - WORK FOR US!

Now they are taking a 10 day St. Patricks day leave.
They purchased politicians by coorperate amaerica. Tehy don't work for us, they work for the CEO's of Exxon, Haliburton, Pfizer, Merck, GE, and so on. All of them, be they blue or red.
When any of them speak out against it, they're immediately outcast as wackos.
I wish they would 'do nothing' rather than passing laws no one really wants.
If they did nothing the country would get along just fine.:mrgreen: :spin:
americanwoman said:

People in Congress actually did something meaningful before!?! :confused:
Before Regan entered office, seemed to indeed be the case the the gov was doing something. Since the fall of the soviet union however seems like they don't do anything except for getting wider waist lines. Don't take my word for thier waist lines just look at the photos.

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