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The Mueller delusion (1 Viewer)


Buttermilk Man
DP Veteran
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
Olympia Wa
Political Leaning
BY Matthew Walther
Meanwhile Mueller is doing a good impersonation of a delusional power-crazed middle-school librarian. "Did you ever have a conversation with Rob and Pat in this library? Did you use your library voice? Okay, was it on a Tuesday? No, it was actually a Wednesday, and you, sir, are getting detention. Oh, what's that? You happen to know that Kev and Phil were smoking cigarettes on the loading dock back in the seventh grade? Thank you, thank you so much! No, that's all right, I can ring their employers."

If you don't recognize this as a more or less accurate description of what Mueller has so far publicly accomplished with the considerable resources at his disposal, you are being willfully, blinkeringly partisan.

Which is fine. That is the nature of politics. But let's stop pretending that this has much of anything to do with Russia's 2016 election meddling. President Trump performed worse than either Mitt Romney or John McCain among people who actually use the internet. His single best voting bloc was people who never go online — you know, elderly people, people too poor or too busy to mess around on social media. Who cares if the Russians spent gazillions of rubles trying to spread Trump-boosting fake news? That is not why Hillary Clinton lost. And it is certainly not why liberals are hanging on every tedious detail of Mueller's investigation. They don't see the special counsel's probe as a disinterested legal endeavor. For them Mueller is there to undermine a president they loathe.

Right On.

Mueller was from the jump hired on as THE HATCHET MAN, just as I said he was.
Meanwhile, Russian trolls targeted Mueller with disinformation campaign.

Russia’s disinformation campaign continued after the 2016 election and targeted special counsel Robert Mueller, spreading false narratives that he is corrupt and has ties to Islamic extremism, the Washington Post reported.

Russian operatives set up scores of fake Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts and used them to spread falsehoods about the FBI being corrupt and conspiracy theories that Mueller’s investigation into Russian collusion is a plot by critics of President Trump.
The reports were prepared for the Senate Intelligence Committee and released Monday.
From the article:
We don't know why Flynn lied, but we also have no idea why the FBI was asking him gotcha questions in the first place.

Flynn was the top national security advisor to the president of the united states and was lying to administration officials and the US public about communications with foreign governments, while he was also being investigated separately by the FBI for possibly acting as a foreign agent and not disclosing it.

So we have a top level national security advisor who is already being investigated for lying about working on behalf of a foreign government and now he is found to be lying about foreign communications to administration officials and to the public and we are still listening to people say "but we also have no idea why the FBI was asking him gotcha questions in the first place. "? Realy? How on earth do people not get this? If the FBI didn't question him it would have been dereliction of duty.

Poorly written article that panders to only the most obedient trump supporter.
This thread is open to thoughtful and fair posts.
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BY Matthew Walther


Right On.

Mueller was from the jump hired on as THE HATCHET MAN, just as I said he was.

If you don't recognize this as a more or less accurate description of what Mueller has so far publicly accomplished
with the considerable resources at his disposal, you are being willfully, blinkeringly partisan.

Now that's delusional.

Again, 6 years and $60 million going after Clinton in what was a truly right wing (civil case) financed witch hunt.

going so low as to resort to intimidating and entrapping some 20something white house intern.
You can tell that was written for dummies. "gottcha questions" Yeah that's what the FBI does is plays "gottcha" games with NSA's.

When the mission is Get Trump! it has certainly proven to be true that they do.

George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley weighs in on a federal judge ordering the Mueller team to surrender documents surrounding the questioning of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

Turley called the case against Flynn a "canned hunt" and investigators effectively "put him in a cage and shot him" by bringing him up on charges of lying during an interview brought about under unorthodox means
You can tell that was written for dummies. "gottcha questions" Yeah that's what the FBI does is plays "gottcha" games with NSA's.

Not to mention that the Flynn case got put in front of the judge that any defendant would hand pick if they were trying to argue that the prosecutors/government mishandled the case in any way. He is always eager to point out any and all wrong doing, illegal or unethical or even just silly, by the government and he shot down the whole "gotcha questions" bull**** from the start. To a point where it was simply embarrassing for anyone honestly trying to argue that and the lawyers had to apologize for even mentioning that the questioning even might have been anything other than perfectly proper.
BY Matthew Walther


Right On.

Mueller was from the jump hired on as THE HATCHET MAN, just as I said he was.

Good to know not to read that moron again. This part is just stupid:

President Trump performed worse than either Mitt Romney or John McCain among people who actually use the internet. His single best voting bloc was people who never go online — you know, elderly people, people too poor or too busy to mess around on social media. Who cares if the Russians spent gazillions of rubles trying to spread Trump-boosting fake news? That is not why Hillary Clinton lost.

If he understood the study he cited, he wouldn't make that claim. Trump got roughly forty something percent of both internet users and those who rarely if ever went online. It makes no claims about the influence of social media or other internet sites on the share that does go online. What the study probably does is serve as a proxy for the old and young, with the old who never go online going for Trump in bigger numbers than ever, and the young shunning him. But that doesn't mean the Russian activities online had no impact in an election decided by less than 100k votes in three states, which is what he's claiming.

Of course the other goal of the online propaganda was to drive down the votes for Clinton, and the study doesn't address that result at all, because non-voters don't appear at all in the sample.

So this guy is either a moron, or a dishonest hack, and neither is a good trait.
This will become clearer once the investigation concludes and the evidence is there for review. The moment the whole "deep state" and "witch hunt" nonsense started, it sounded too much like deflection to avoid any probing.

After keeping a boot on Trumps neck during most of his term, because who cares about Justice anyways.....
After keeping a boot on Trumps neck during most of his term, because who cares about Justice anyways.....

I don't quite follow this logic. So are you saying that after people have been indicted on a variety of issues, you think this is still a witch hunt? I'm trying to understand how it is we expect "justice" if investigations aren't allowed to happen.
I don't quite follow this logic. So are you saying that after people have been indicted on a variety of issues, you think this is still a witch hunt? I'm trying to understand how it is we expect "justice" if investigations aren't allowed to happen.

I say that if our President is dirty then We The People need to get told this as soon as possible, no ****ing around, in weeks or at most a month or two not years.

This that we have here is abuse of the nation by an incompetent and immoral elite class.

Using an abusive and corrupt Justice system.

Lead by very corrupt Washington.

EDIT: "We cant do any better than this" is an admission of failure by the people running things and/or is proof that our systems have been poorly designed....they need to fix things so that America never again gets abused like this.

You will notice the lack of interest in that.
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I say that if our President is dirty then We The People need to get told this as soon as possible, no ****ing around, in weeks or at most a month or two not years.

This that we have here is abuse of the nation by an incompetent and immoral elite class.

Using an abusive and corrupt Justice system.

Lead by very corrupt Washington.

EDIT: "We cant do any better than this" is an admission of failure by the people running things and/or is proof that our systems have been poorly designed....they need to fix things so that America never again gets abused like this.

You will notice the lack of interest in that.

So this is about the length of time it's taking? Again, that's an odd criteria given the amount of people involved; and if the investigation finds other malfeasance would you rather it just be ignored? Investigations of this scope are like putting a large puzzle together and you seem to want to quit because you think putting together that many pieces is going to take too long. The quality of the final report will tell us whether this was a massive waste of time or if there was indeed a lot of shady things going on. If you have no faith in the government or the ruling class, I don't see how you can have faith in the current administration either.
So this is about the length of time it's taking? Again, that's an odd criteria given the amount of people involved; and if the investigation finds other malfeasance would you rather it just be ignored? Investigations of this scope are like putting a large puzzle together and you seem to want to quit because you think putting together that many pieces is going to take too long. The quality of the final report will tell us whether this was a massive waste of time or if there was indeed a lot of shady things going on. If you have no faith in the government or the ruling class, I don't see how you can have faith in the current administration either.

They have the full resources of the government, very very few of which they have used.......No, this is being slow walked.....This is malevolence.

I have eyes and I am not an idiot.
I am not an idiot.

They have the full resources of the government, very very few of which they have used.......No, this is being slow walked.....This is malevolence.

I have eyes and I am not an idiot.

That's quite the stretch; I guess we'll agree to disagree. I just can't imagine something as complex as the issues involved, with as many people involved, was going to be wrapped up right away. From a legal perspective two years isn't very long at all, and we've already seen quite a few indictments. My gut feeling is Trump's lack of attention to details is going to come back and bite him; he's used to not dealing with this level of accountability.
That's quite the stretch; I guess we'll agree to disagree. I just can't imagine something as complex as the issues involved, with as many people involved, was going to be wrapped up right away. From a legal perspective two years isn't very long at all, and we've already seen quite a few indictments. My gut feeling is Trump's lack of attention to details is going to come back and bite him; he's used to not dealing with this level of accountability.

This is not accountability, this is vengeance for bucking the system, the charge for defying those who have decided that they are in charge.... our abusers.
They have the full resources of the government, very very few of which they have used.......No, this is being slow walked.....This is malevolence.
I have eyes and I am not an idiot.

Are you able to say what you are using as your standard of comparison?

Are you comparing the length of time the current investigation is taking to recent historical investigations?

Or was it something more subtle, like a gut-feeling or something?

Didn't Benghazi take like 4 years?

Mueller Is Moving Quickly Compared To Past Special Counsel Investigations

How Mueller’s First Year Compares To Watergate, Iran-Contra And Whitewater

Are you able to say what you are using as your standard of comparison?

Are you comparing the length of time the current investigation is taking to recent historical investigations?

Or was it something more subtle, like a gut-feeling or something?

Didn't Benghazi take like 4 years?

I am using as my standard what justice demands.

When we did not have a prelim determination during the first few months of 2016 we were failed by our leaders.
I am using as my standard what justice demands.
When we did not have a prelim determination during the first few months of 2016 we were failed by our leaders.

Seems like you have renamed "because I said so" as "what justice demands" rather than offering insight into how you reached the conclusion that the duration of Mueller's investigation is proof of malevolence.

Seems like you have renamed "because I said so" as "what justice demands" rather than offering insight into how you reached the conclusion that the duration of Mueller's investigation is proof of malevolence.


Justice delayed is justice denied and this has been slow walked.

Open and shut case.

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