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The Most Revealing Wink Inus History (1 Viewer)

Yeah, a wink obviously means that there was a mass conspiracy involving the vice president to assassinate the president. And yeah, Rense.com is a credible source, also linking to stories about UFO sightings, psychics, and the illuminati.

You're an idiot.
Kandahar said:
Yeah, a wink obviously means that there was a mass conspiracy involving the vice president to assassinate the president. And yeah, Rense.com is a credible source, also linking to stories about UFO sightings, psychics, and the illuminati.

You're an idiot.


This should be merged with "9/11 was an inside job" thread.
the story did its mission it rattled your cage
it sure is the 9/11 gangs mo
Canuck said:
the story did its mission it rattled your cage
it sure is the 9/11 gangs mo

It only "rattled my cage" in the sense that it irritates and amazes me that there are actually people, like you, who are so gullible that they believe any **** they read on the internet without a single shred of proof.

If you were hoping to get me to change my opinion or even take your claims seriously for more than a nanosecond, then I'm sorry to say that you've failed.
your opinion lol
I dont even care about that
you must think anyones opinion is worth changing
FOr me it has gone past due date for that
Canuck said:
your opinion lol
I dont even care about that
you must think anyones opinion is worth changing
FOr me it has gone past due date for that

Referring to your SIG...
Did Bush really say that?

The more alcohol I imbibe of tonight, the more amusing these threads become.
the sig is a joke
but it is possible that he may have said it
I wouldn't put it past his intel actual capacity

your sig on the other hand makes it clear you are not the misinformed huddled masses with duct tape and plastic
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