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The Many Faces of Tehran (1 Viewer)

GarzaUK said:

This article gives me hope for the future of Iran. A war with Iran however may turn these young people who yearn for freedom against the West. The West needs to stir up a revolution in this country not make war with it.

We tried that before, and now we'll never hear the end of it.:roll:
GarzaUK said:

This article gives me hope for the future of Iran. A war with Iran however may turn these young people who yearn for freedom against the West. The West needs to stir up a revolution in this country not make war with it.

I found this a month or so ago, too. The permanent collection at the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art. If people would take the time to educate themselves about the people and history of Iran, including the Revolution (Deegan!) they wouldn't coast along solely on the words of its rulers and perhaps, instead, see the Iranian people as potentially one of our most valuable allies in the region. I do.
mixedmedia said:

I found this a month or so ago, too. The permanent collection at the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art. If people would take the time to educate themselves about the people and history of Iran, including the Revolution (Deegan!) they wouldn't coast along solely on the words of its rulers and perhaps, instead, see the Iranian people as potentially one of our most valuable allies in the region. I do.

I am an expert on Iran, self proclaimed, but I have done extended research on the subject, the people, the theocracy, and the government. I realize the people, the large majority, are peaceful, religious, educated, and quite willing to fight for democracy. The problem is that we are running out of time, and if they go nuclear, no one will rise up, and no one will rise up and help them, don't be so romantic and naive.:roll:
Deegan said:
I am an expert on Iran, self proclaimed, but I have done extended research on the subject, the people, the theocracy, and the government. I realize the people, the large majority, are peaceful, religious, educated, and quite willing to fight for democracy. The problem is that we are running out of time, and if they go nuclear, no one will rise up, and no one will rise up and help them, don't be so romantic and naive.:roll:
Don't be so fatalistic and cynical, Deegan. Unless, of course sitting on your hands and doing nothing is the new "thing" in conservative circles these days. If you're an expert then you know any of our efforts in the ME are doomed to failure without a free and democratic Iran.
mixedmedia said:
Don't be so fatalistic and cynical, Deegan. Unless, of course sitting on your hands and doing nothing is the new "thing" in conservative circles these days. If you're an expert then you know any of our efforts in the ME are doomed to failure without a free and democratic Iran.

No, that would be Iran Miss, they are the ones who are "fatalistic and cynical"

Japan is a great model for us to learn from, they can be bombed in to submission, and subsequently form a democracy.
Deegan said:
No, that would be Iran Miss, they are the ones who are "fatalistic and cynical"
Well congratulations, by encapsulating all of Iran into two words you have legitimized their government's encapsulation of us. Quid pro quo with the mullahs - fine work, Deegan!

Japan is a great model for us to learn from, they can be bombed in to submission, and subsequently form a democracy.
I have no idea what your point is by saying that. Well, I have an idea, but won't deign to address it. Keep your pretty daydreams to yourself.
mixedmedia said:
Well congratulations, by encapsulating all of Iran into two words you have legitimized their government's encapsulation of us. Quid pro quo with the mullahs - fine work, Deegan!

I have no idea what your point is by saying that. Well, I have an idea, but won't deign to address it. Keep your pretty daydreams to yourself.

You are the same person that claims our president is destroying our country, yet claim in the same breath, "oh, now you're encapsulating an entire country" you can't have it both ways miss. This country is hell bent on nuclear war, they have made no bones about it, and I won't be swayed by romantic and naive links about how culturally up to date they are in their museums for cris sakes!

Japan is a great example, it's no wonder you refuse to see the obvious comparisons, they don't fit your passive agenda.:roll:

I won't keep these feelings to myself, just as I would never ask you to stop typing your liberal daydreams, all are appropriate here.;)
Deegan said:
You are the same person that claims our president is destroying our country, yet claim in the same breath, "oh, now you're encapsulating an entire country" you can't have it both ways miss. This country is hell bent on nuclear war, they have made no bones about it, and I won't be swayed by romantic and naive links about how culturally up to date they are in their museums for cris sakes!

Japan is a great example, it's no wonder you refuse to see the obvious comparisons, they don't fit your passive agenda.:roll:

I won't keep these feelings to myself, just as I would never ask you to stop typing your liberal daydreams, all are appropriate here.;)
I have not claimed that our president is destroying our country. And I am not purporting anything other than that Iran is a complex and unique nation in the ME that can't even come close to being summed up with the words of its mullahs and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's rhetoric.
If anything, thinking you can bomb Iran into submission without causing grave discord in the region and a corresponding rise in hatred towards America is morbidly naive and romantic.
mixedmedia said:
I have not claimed that our president is destroying our country. And I am not purporting anything other than that Iran is a complex and unique nation in the ME that can't even come close to being summed up with the words of its mullahs and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's rhetoric.
If anything, thinking you can bomb Iran into submission without causing grave discord in the region and a corresponding rise in hatred towards America is morbidly naive and romantic.

Hence my Japan model miss, I know you refuse to look at it, but it worked.....now finish your latest romance novel, and leave me be.;)
Deegan said:
Hence my Japan model miss, I know you refuse to look at it, but it worked.....now finish your latest romance novel, and leave me be.;)
They are not comparable, you cyborg. ;)
mixedmedia said:
They are not comparable, you cyborg. ;)

I do feel miss, it's been programmed in to my system, hence my concern that my precious wires and chips may some day be fried by a nuclear suitcase!:shock:
Deegan said:
I do feel miss, it's been programmed in to my system, hence my concern that my precious wires and chips may some day be fried by a nuclear suitcase!:shock:
Well, I don't want to fry your circuit board, my vaguely human friend, but you don't need a nuclear-capable Iran for that. :shock:
mixedmedia said:
Well, I don't want to fry your circuit board, my vaguely human friend, but you don't need a nuclear-capable Iran for that. :shock:

I can't think of a more dangerous nation, can you earthling?;)
Deegan said:
I can't think of a more dangerous nation, can you earthling?;)
So you see the nation of Iran as the most dangerous so we should bomb it into submission? Then what about the nation that seems most dangerous after that?

And to answer your question, I don't see Iran as a dangerous nation. I see a world with more than its fair share of dangerous people - for a variety of reasons - and we must be very careful to act in accordance. With wisdom and foresight. Bombing another nation that has made no aggressive move against us would be reprehensible at this point. And foolish. And self-defeating. I defy you to find me the words of any respected ME or military analyst who would suggest attacking Iran at this point.
mixedmedia said:
So you see the nation of Iran as the most dangerous so we should bomb it into submission? Then what about the nation that seems most dangerous after that?

And to answer your question, I don't see Iran as a dangerous nation. I see a world with more than its fair share of dangerous people - for a variety of reasons - and we must be very careful to act in accordance. With wisdom and foresight. Bombing another nation that has made no aggressive move against us would be reprehensible at this point. And foolish. And self-defeating. I defy you to find me the words of any respected ME or military analyst who would suggest attacking Iran at this point.

I am not suggesting bombing Iran, but I am suggesting bombing their nuclear facilities, and anyone working there. Thus this would be bombing The government, not the people, but should you choose to work there, you will pay a price. Should their best and brightest be engaged in this nuclear proliferation? If so, should they not expect to be handled with great care and consideration, having heard the dangerous words and threats of their leaders? Be sensible, that is all I ask, this is far from it!:shock:
You two are so weird. :lol:
If you leave the people of Iran alone they will be divided. If you attack them they will unite. Common enemy syndrome. It happened to Northern Ireland when the Nazis bombed it.
Deegan said:
I am not suggesting bombing Iran, but I am suggesting bombing their nuclear facilities, and anyone working there. Thus this would be bombing The government, not the people, but should you choose to work there, you will pay a price. Should their best and brightest be engaged in this nuclear proliferation? If so, should they not expect to be handled with great care and consideration, having heard the dangerous words and threats of their leaders? Be sensible, that is all I ask, this is far from it!:shock:
Well, to be fair, you were insinuating that we treat them like we did Japan - i.e., targeting the civilian population on a massive scale. Now you want to tell me to be sensible? Come on now.
Kelzie said:
You two are so weird. :lol:
I don't deny it. :lol:
Actually, I'm very comfortable with it in my old age.
Deegan said:
Well.......they broke the seal on their nuclear toys again, against U.N orders!!!


Regardless of what they did Deegan, bombing them into submission is not the answer. Let democracy take its own turn. Eventually the west and true freedom will work their way in and Iran will be free. We just need to be strong and resilient when it comes to freeing the Middle East from Islamofascism, but we need to do it in the way we freed Europe from communism, not through war. That means no gunfire from our own side and localized uprisings hopefully more in the line of the Velvet Revolution than bloody warfare. I just think you neo-cons are too bloodthirsty and are willing to put idealism ahead of reason and pragmatism. Let me tell you, realism beat idealism in the end every time.
Axismaster said:
Regardless of what they did Deegan, bombing them into submission is not the answer. Let democracy take its own turn. Eventually the west and true freedom will work their way in and Iran will be free. We just need to be strong and resilient when it comes to freeing the Middle East from Islamofascism, but we need to do it in the way we freed Europe from communism, not through war. That means no gunfire from our own side and localized uprisings hopefully more in the line of the Velvet Revolution than bloody warfare. I just think you neo-cons are too bloodthirsty and are willing to put idealism ahead of reason and pragmatism. Let me tell you, realism beat idealism in the end every time.

I wouldn't worry, the US doens't have the current power to take on Iran at the minute - not for a few years at least.
I would love the west to help the internal revoultion in the country. Bombing will do nothing. Iran can easily hide their falcilities underground - they probably have underground bases built already.

America may have the biggest hammer, but the problem isn't always a nail.
I assume Israel will be taking care of this problem, as an ally, I support what ever action they take, even if it's nuclear. They have made their position well known, now they must pay the price for their presidents threats, and rhetoric.

Long live Israel!
Deegan said:
I assume Israel will be taking care of this problem, as an ally, I support what ever action they take, even if it's nuclear. They have made their position well known, now they must pay the price for their presidents threats, and rhetoric.

Long live Israel!

Israel policies are clearly inseperable from those of Nazi Germany.

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